Witness Question of the Week

Hello all.
Witnesses, minnows, bots and whales.
After the tossy turvy crapstorm that was the bellyrub incident change needed to happen.
I give you the Oracles Witness Board.

A place where witnesses and non witnesses alike can discuss current witnesses and vet new upcoming witnesses.
But wait.

What's a witness?

This will be the first in a series of posts called Witness Question Of The Week.
I will tag all one hundred witnesses and see if they'll publically answer my question. I will track them on this post. And show YOU where they answered so you can see who you should or should not be voting for.

First WQOTW.

You ready?

Should cumulative voter vest totals (the current way) determine witness rank or simply voter count?

Witness Tracker.

Rank Witnesses They answer?
1 @jesta jesta X
2 @timcliff timcliff X
3 @gtg gtg X
4 @roelandp roelandp X
5 @blocktrades blocktrades X
6 @good-karma good-karma X
7 @someguy123 someguy123 X
8 @smooth.witness smooth.witness X
9 @aggroed aggroed X
10 @anyx anyx X
11 @clayop clayop X
12 @furion furion X
13 @xeldal xeldal X
14 @ausbitbank ausbitbank X
15 @pfunk pfunk X
16 @riverhead riverhead X
17 @thecryptodrive thecryptodrive X
18 @pharesim pharesim X
19 @busy.witness busy.witness X
20 @lukestokes.mhth lukestokes.mhth X
21 @netuoso netuoso X
22 @liondani liondani X
23 @wackou wackou X
24 @jerrybanfield jerrybanfield X
25 @bhuz bhuz X
26 @curie curie X
27 @cervantes cervantes X
28 @followbtcnews followbtcnews X
29 @klye klye X
30 @drakos drakos X
31 @abit abit X
32 @fyrst-witness fyrst-witness X
33 @teamsteem teamsteem X
34 @ihashfury ihashfury X
35 @utopian-io utopian-io X
36 @aizensou aizensou X
37 @charlieshrem charlieshrem X
38 @boatymcboatface boatymcboatface X
39 @jospeh joseph X
40 @themarkymark themarkymark X
41 @witness.svk witness.svk X
42 @chainsquad.com chainsquad.com X
43 @steempty steempty X
44 @steened steemed X
45 @blueorgy blueorgy X
46 @delegate.lafona delegate.lafona X
47 @roadscape roadscape X
48 @theprophet0 theprophet0 X
49 @neoxian neoxian X
50 @complexring complexring X
51 @bitcoiner bitcoiner X
52 @chitty chitty X
53 @krnel krnel X
54 @steemychicken1 steemychicken1 X
55 @arhag arhag X
56 @nextgencrypto nextgencrypto X
57 @arcange arcange X
58 @datasecuritynode datasecuritynode X
59 @steemgigs steemgigs X
60 @agoric.systems agoric.systems X
61 @patrice patrice X
62 @au1nethyb1 au1nethyb1 X
63 @dragosroua dragosroua X
64 @blockchained blockchained X
65 @bacchist bacchist X
66 @reggaemuffin reggaemuffin X
67 @liberosist liberosist X
68 @steem-id steem-id X
69 @cyrano.witness cyrano.witness X
70 @viva.witness viva.witness X
71 @ats-witness ats-witness X
72 @adsactly-witness adsactly-witness X
73 @kushed kushed X
74 @yabapmatt yabapmatt X
75 @rival rival X
76 @inventor16 inventor16 X
77 @felixxx felixxx X
78 @suggeelson suggeelson X
79 @prc prc X
80 @masteryoda masteryoda X
81 @sc-steemit sc-steemit X
82 @bue bue X
83 @fubar-bdhr fubar-bdhr X
84 @tdv.witness tdv.witness X
85 @bitrocker2020 bitrocker2020 X
86 @bayareacoins bayareacoins X
87 @jatinhota jatinhota X
88 @team.alpha team.alpha X
89 @demotruk demotruk X
90 @swelker101 swelker101 X
91 @steemitboard steemitboard X
92 @sircork sircork X
93 @blockbrothers blockbrothers X
94 @yehey yehey X
95 @rcarter.witness rcarter.witness X
96 @silversteem silversteem X
97 @ura-soul ura-soul X
98 @picokernel picokernel X
99 @jamzed jamzed X
100 @stuwhisson stuwhisson X


Witnesses you can answer here. Over discord DMs with me if you allow me to screenshot or actually in the discord for witness board at anytime as long as you tag me so I can read your response.


You can come this Saturday in my weekly discord show. And answer live in front of the dozens and dozens of swolesomes swolies.

UTC 1600 - UTC 1800
UTC 4pm - 6pm
EST 11am - 1pm
CST 10am - 12pm
MST 9am - 11am
PST 8am - 10am

On Saturdays.
Visit the discord
Then enter the #steemstar-audience channel to join the show's text chat room

A place where the audience gets to have the mic.

In a giant game of hot potato.

On Hot Potato Radio!


Vests. Otherwise we'll have witnesses like noganoo & dart with their thousands of accounts.

I just cringed a little.

Current way. The other way would be abused by people signing up for multiple accounts.

But @timcliff isnt that harder than just buying a top slot and bumbling us into trouble or even being nefarious? (I think I'll drink some JB Scotch now while I await your reply) ;)

On it boss! Although I did consider teasing you about spamming me, but I already follow you for follow :D

Can we expect to see you on Steemitizens of Steem tomorrow sometime between 9am-1:30pm EST? I've just posted the deets as the top link in the sircork blog moments ago as a reminder. We had 8 witnesses, a dozen steemitizens spoke and about 40 or 50 people listened last week - and everyone was hoping you would pop in, it was mentioned by audience members asking if you would come by, since they had so much fun with you and I in August. I hope you can carve off a few minutes to say hi to the peoples and we won't make you cuss this time, unless you get really really mad, okay?

It would be fun, but I'm super busy at the moment. A few other people are asking me to do interviews too, and I'm already into January! (I still owe @aggroed a 1-on-1 too) Hopefully once we get into the new year, I'll have some time :)

I love it when a plan comes together. Be well. Have a great holiday season!

Ah man, you did it in steem, I did it in dollars and aimed at buying all 20 top slots in my rough calcs. I came up north of 300 million usd.

But you forgot the option someone that slimy would take. For example, TimCliff, you are #1/#2 always flip flopping with Jesta. So, suppose I offered you an opening bid of 5 million cash or bitcoin, take your choice of fiats or cryptos of your pref for 5m. Would you sell me your server and account and walk away? No, okay then 10m, final offer. Ten MILLION dollars, delivered in anonymous btc or ltc or eth or whatever you want that can be obtained. You in?

Ok, I know you well enough to to know the answer to that hypothetical is no.

But what do you think about the others, especially the dead ones. Top 20 x avg buyout lets say 6M does the trick. 120 Million and I can buy em, and then assume all that daily income. Do you have a guess as to how much daily income that is? It's a lot, and i'm not doing that math at 3:51 am Anyway, if so happened, and you then started selling it, you could effectively destroy our economy, which might be exactly the bad-actor's goal.

Naturally its a bit ludicrous to go THAT far with the scenario, but let's face it, I guarantee a top slot could be bought under the table that way from one of them.

And so it sound like nuts, unless you actually believe in the chain, then the concept of buying a slot that pays like a top 20 witness pays, and hodling isnt insane, if you plan to actually keep taking that income for oh say, a decade or forever.

It's an exercise for the reader as to who you might speculate the sell-out might be.

I was wondering if you read the whitepaper and if you have consider what are the reasons why vest are used for witness ranking and not the number of votes?

Commenting so notifications will follow. But while I'm here, Hi Team, its a fair question, but as I said to Bernie, without picking a side, is it ever wrong to question the white paper? Or it is infallible and therefore unmalleable, like the US constitution? We change it with hardforks, 19, going on 20 times now. Not saying we should or shouldn't now, but i do like the idea of open debates about it and ensuring we hear from the guys like you and me on our stances, which I presume your response represents in this round? :D <3

Point of order: the U.S. Constitution is very, very malleable – there's a pile of Amendments which make deep and significant changes to many aspects of the original text.

You can think of them like patches issued by government maintainers to the software of State.

Which, surprisingly, is very much like a hard fork.

(My personal and cynical take on why vests are use for witness ranking and not number of votes is twofold. Firstly, because account creation is relatively cheap for the amount of profit that you could theoretically expose by witness currency manipulation. Secondly, because going by vests privileges those who already have stake in the platform and the blockchain, to a degree which is almost unassailable by newcomer without bottomless pockets. This is also why the original design does not require re-voting on a regular basis because that would undermine the established order. Maybe good for establishing the belief in a less volatile value for a crypto-commodity, but not much good for pushing for anything but the original, classic definition of conservatism in the old guard.)

Nothing wrong with questioning anything. It's wrong not to be able to question some stuff.

The second the number of votes is used to determined the ranking of witnesses there will be people working to create script to automate the account creation and witness voting by those account. It would probably take less than 24 to create those script and that's why such a thing, even if it wouldn't lead to being automated, hopefully won't happen cause it would have to be roll back. There's a lot of thinking that has gone into the creation of Steem and a lot of these basics stuff are answered in the whitepaper.

Thank you for the thoughtful response @teamsteem, i expected nothing less, good sir!

Vests. (See the Steem whitepaper.)

And this will probably be the only question that I answer because notifications for tagging on Steemit are off, so I won’t know that I’ve been tagged. If you have future questions that you’d like me, specifically, to answer, feel free to reach me on steemit.chat: ats.david

I’m not hard to find and I don’t shy away from anything, so unwillingness to engage isn’t an issue at all.

I will definantly take you up on that.

I wish youd come back by YAH and visit with us on the radio though, the avg user listens there, not to #witness where only WE are.

In my humble opinion, vests represent the interest of the platform (in a subjective way) lets call it management views.

But also number of voters for the witness building communities should be an indicator of support that big share holders might want to use to gauge community support and witness social endeavors to chose who to back with their vests.

Total votes from proven members of communities should at least be an indicator

I mean, this is a businnes afterall and the capital backing the his block-chain needs to control what the bests interest of the platform are, but user adoption, engagement and retention are key for the long term platform growth, so if the people creating communities are not taken into account by the shareholders, they will just stop doing it and move somewhere it is recognized and valued.

The marketing scheme that the shareholders support today is the honest car salesman and that might work short term and give some visibility, but we want valued customers that come back, not one shot money seekers that come and go...

Up to the shareholders to use the social gauges to measure a social network, or to blindly support technical development while leaving the fuel of the platform (human engagement) behind.

I believe in a social network, and concentrate my efforts in that direction, time will tell if i was wrong and should have instead get a costume.

BTW to those referring to the white paper, i love that when someone refers to the white paper the answer usually is "It is outdated", but some times it is written in stone... ;)

Good point. I too have heard that duality about the white paper. Is it gospel or can anything from it be changed.

100%, cumulative voter vest totals is the better way. Total votes would be useless. It would be very very very easy to game the system if going by total votes

Thanks for answering. I could see someone selling delgations for total votes.

Also, you have to take in account how easy it is to create accounts.. look at the bot armies many have created already. Many here could easily create thousands of accounts and have them vote on a witness to increase the vote count, but right now that doesnt help because vests is what counts :)

vests is the best. however things could be changed in the future. For example after 365 days a vote is removed. this way some old votes from inactive users are not counting anymore in the witness selection..
and i think steemit.com must list more then only the top 50 witnesses. Equal chances for everyone to receive a vote for people visiting this page!

Votes that expire are a good way to shed off some of the influence of players that are either no longer involved significantly or are no longer present at all.

Especially considering steemit is only in its infancy. This could help as steemit gets older. And loses users only active in the beginning when it was in its infancy.


An open debate/discussion is what is needed. Thanks @swolesome!

a more timely question would be about how "convert to steem" feature of the wallet is broken(gives you half the steem of sbd instead of 10xish), and what should we do about it.

or, how much do witness price feeds really matter?

or, what are the downsides of a highvalued SBD.

Does supply vs demand dictate that sbd will have high value, since it has a much lower supply than steem?

The convert is not "broken" it is intended for SBD to be pegged at $1.00 so when SBD is over 1.00 please DO NOT DO NOT use convert. ONLY use MARKET or send to an exchange

I expect he will ask those and more, but had to start somewhere?

think this is actually getting dialogue going which would be the whole point of this to begin with....seems that the intention is good and seems to be opening up some type of interaction
muy bien

I intend to throw bigger and bigger hardballs.

I like your last question the most. Its supposed to be pegged to the dollar but it does have a smaller supply. We may never see sbds this high again. Or we coukd never see it dip below $1.50.

We are currently producing between 20,000-23,000 SBD a day, It may help to increase supply. I am not sure right now. There has been a LOT of disucssions about SBD the past few days though.

You can go here to see how many SBD, SP and Vests are created each day https://steemdb.com/api/rewards

Saving that link. Is there a way to affect how many sbd can be reduced or increased?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 59965.71
ETH 3286.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.36