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RE: Personzzz witness report #1

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

I'm heading to the witness page now and adding you to my list. I have many votes left, because I am VERY selective about whats going on here.

I love smackdown kitty, though I do sometimes self vote comments, to move them up a page for visibility, above bots and crap, I am practising more self restraint since HF19 on all my votes. I do let my posts get the default self vote on steemit, and I hope "smackcat" (just wanted to say that outloud) is trained to know that on steemit, default self vote for posts is on, so it would be punitive to minnows to smack that for now. On chainbb, i'm told, self post votes default to off. /shrug, right now I'm making 6 cent votes at 100% so I'm hardly "draining the pool" but I am still practising better management in general to get the muscle memory I need as I grow in voting power.

So I want to propose another cat. I've been up and down the dial on witnesses whose ear I could reach and in chat #steemabuse and talking to the one or two friendly whales I have managed to interest in conversation, but still have no solution to a problem built in by design to block chain systems and steemit.

I and some others I know attracted the attention of an unsavory, copyright violating, user abusing, female attacking dhead and it turns out his day old account became instantly funded for over $18,000 and now he rageflags everything we post. He seems to have created a bot that trails his flags and also flags. It has cost me hundreds of dollars this week alone compared to post HF19 numbers from last week and on posts he managed to miss flagging before employing bots.

I'd like to see a judiciously moderated, heavily leveraged delegated massively powered bot, that can "fix" wrongful rage flagging with a powerful, mathematically derived minimum viable vote power to offset the flagger. Potentially dealing some damage back to their reputation as well but that's just because "I'm mad bro" and a vindictive secondary goal and probably not very savory.

Is this request making sense on a technical and philosophical level?

If you want to see the fully documented use case, contact me on discord @sircork or @sircork

Discord minnow support channel is ALWAYS on and I'm at my PC around 20 hours a day. I own an international company and have a steemit addiction, so sleep is for someday never maybe.

I'd love to introduce myself and kick around some ideas. I'm not just a newbie blogger, I'm a 30 year online tech vet who got his first computer in 1983 and first pro computer tech job in 1985 at age 15 and I've been Dir of Tech on multimillion dollar social network app projects most recently at 48yo until launching my own company again when some opportunities fell in my lap. Now I have three full stack dev teams running on four projects for high end corporate clientele. But mostly... I'm on steemit, desperately trying to contribute to the community and make the eco-system a better place. I'm working on three apps for steem now, which are user facing enhanced feature set tools for much needed things not currently possible in the UI/UX of steemit or steembb.

So, if you are down for some nerdy talk about saving the world, I'll show you the use case from hell. Hit me up.

Thanks for your time.

(Witnesses that I support:
@aggroed, @teamsteem, @gtg, @timcliff, @clayop, @ausbitbank, @dragosroua, @lok1, @reggaemuffin, @personzzz)

You just made the list with this post, which smacks of integrity and backbone. Admirable.


Thank you! I'm honored 😁

I do let my posts get the default self vote on steemit, and I hope "smackcat" (just wanted to say that outloud) is trained to know that on steemit, default self vote for posts is on, so it would be punitive to minnows to smack that for now.

Two things: @smackdown.kitty only targets self voted comments, not main posts, for exactly the reason you mention. And it only targets users with more than 1000 SP, to leave the little ones alone. (I actually forgot to add this above and will be editing it in now).

You are NOT above the threshold so by the current plan your self voted comments would NOT be targeted.

So I want to propose another cat. [...]

I'd like to see a judiciously moderated, heavily leveraged delegated massively powered bot, that can "fix" wrongful rage flagging with a powerful, mathematically derived minimum viable vote power to offset the flagger.

If the troll in question is posting copyright violating material you can report in #steemabuse are you are, and let @cheetah know what's going on ( @anyx runs that). You can also petition people to back you up, and I'll certainly keep and eye on your account now for a while to see what I can see on this.

It has cost me hundreds of dollars this week alone compared to post HF19 numbers from last week and on posts he managed to miss flagging before employing bots.

Don't lose heart, this is the way the game goes.

You just made the list with this post, which smacks of integrity and backbone. Admirable.

Again thank you. Looking forward to continued conversation.

I am a big boy and I hope you didn't interpret any of my comment as "whining!"
That would be embarrassing!

I appreciate the reply and I was aware of those other resources for sure. Hopefully other people who find themselves up against trolls will find those resources as well.

I will never lose heart! Thanks for the encouragement. I've been doing the online thing since the early 1980s, and this guy is HARDLY the worst thing I've ever seen or sadly, will likely see again.

I'd still like to see @fairflagfixbot come to life though! Yes, you can use that splendid name. free of charge! :D :D

Oh and @l0k1 is one of my fav people in chat and @reggaemuffin has always been very nice to me in our 1 or 2 comment encounters. I am also impressed with their work. We all love @timcliff, the most helpful man in the world and the rest each impressed me in various ways with their various contributions. @aggroed does such great things as "the welcome wagon" of steemit with P.A.L. and MSP and is one of my hero champions most of all. Not sure about his geekiness on witnessing as I know little about it, but as a community guy? Just stellar.

:) I do my best to be helpful and support the chat being better... We really need more mods in there but I'm not sure I would be either suitable or that it would be a productive use of my time, I try to avoid spending too much time with idle chitchat and focus on srs biznis with my compadres in the #steem-coop. As @personz and I have discussed recently, I have a particular way of provoking people with my self-assurance about my ability to learn new things, and my tendency to often be one step beyond, in terms of logic (and me saying this! aaaaghrhhnrrhh) Well, this is me. I'm not a PR guy, I'm the one who tells you what you don't want to hear, and listens when you don't just assume I am trying to intellectually intimidate. Really, I want to help, that's the only reason I think so much. Fact is it is hard to know where to put my attention without other people nattering in my ear.

oh, this is @l0k1 in the new, minnow account, that @personz was nice enough to front for me when I had a major episode of excitement that my old, original forum nick was still free!

Your direct nature was the instant magnetic attraction bro... You be you, (and your alt lol) and never change except to grow when the opportunity presents itself and suits you!

I appreciate the praise but that sorta seems a bit over the top. Thanks anyway :)

Humble is as Humble Does :D

This mischief with insta-dolphin/orca/whales using their steem power to flag people - I say, don't worry about it for the short term. The moment they stick their head over the parapet with a post they are gonna get what's coming to them. Also, this is why I think that the upvote/curation reward and obverse, downvote, should have a curation FEE. I don't think it would be that hard to add a debt claim object to the database, especially one that is created by the users' activity. This could get rid of a lot of flag abuse, in my opinion, because they would have to pay some cost for their indulgence.

BRILLIANT! Please revert to above where I express total admiration for you man! You already had my vote. Wish I could liberally vote twice LOL! :D

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