The Witness Chat From Saturday April 21st

This past Saturday the second Witness Chat discussion took place in the Steemit Ramble discord. There were fourteen of the witness accounts represented with sixteen witnesses present. There are two witness accounts with partners.

Present were:
@followbtcnews with partner @crimsclad
@sircork with partner @rhondak

We started the discussion off by giving each witness opportunity to introduce themselves, talk a bit about their witness and what they do on the platform. Not all the witnesses took the opportunity as some prefer not to come on mic to talk. It was great to hear from those who did and interesting to learn what they do and how they see their role on the platform.

Some lively discussion took place both between the witnesses and the community members present about several issues on the platform and in regards to the state of the Steemit website. The distinction between STEEM, the platform and Steemit, the website was confusing for some, but that will only be overcome through education.

I think that many members of the community who were present got a better sense of who the witnesses are and also learned that the witnesses often share their concerns in regards to what is happening on the platform.

Discussion took place on several topics including:

  • voting for witnesses
  • how witnesses are displayed on the Steemit website
  • the peg or lack of peg on SBD
  • discussion of how to bring value and visibility to quality content
  • the basis of the platform democracy vs corporate?
  • the place of bidbots or not?
  • and much more

The discussion was respectful and often passionate with some strong personalities who possessed the will to express their views. I didn’t often need to exercise moderation powers during the three hours of recorded discussion. The mics were open but people respected each other and it was great to see.

Here is the recording in its entirety:

The show was originally scheduled to be two hours long and was extended to three. The only reason it stopped then was that I had to attend an offline meeting and needed to end the recording.

Another chat will take place in the Steemit Ramble discord on Saturday, May 19th starting at 11am EDT. Mark your calendars and come on join in.

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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Thanks for doing these. I think they're awesome. I was just talking to eBargains bot owner about possibly interviewing the top 100 witnesses to help get the word out. I can't believe only 4% of the platform have voted for witnesses- that's wild! I just recently found that out. So thanks for all you're doing to have these chats. I will listen to this when I go to the gym and stay tuned in for the future.

is that 4% of all accounts or 4% of the active accounts? There definitely needs to be more awareness of not only who the witnesses are but the importance of everyone voting.

As a newbie, learning more about witnesses is important - THAT MUCH I know! And I have voted for 3. But would be nice to get the witness information out in a much simpler form for people who are new to not only steem but to the blockchain in general. Awesome commitment. Much gratitude.

This was a great idea and a very productive one if I may add. I am glad I was able to listen and hear those people talk. Thank you for making it possible. 💚

@shadowspub is one of the best Steemians around, am proud to call her a friend and the work she does is beneficial to the platform, Gotta love her! Oh by the way, you rock too, glad to have seen more of your works on the Fiber Arts show run on the Ramble.....

You rock pretty good yourself @battleaxe aka teamgood ... always great to see your name show up. I know I'm biased but I think @artemisnorth is doing great with her Creatives Coffee Hour on Mondays.

Thank you for participating @zen-art. Without participation, any idea is just that, an idea.

That's really cool! Almost no excuse for myself not stopping now!

well this is true @dynamicgreentk ... so we'll be seeing you soon :)

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Rainbow, Unicorns, Realism and great Chats, very good, thank YOU

oh my LOL :)

Ha! I'm laughing so hard at that gif.

I must watch that one, the FIRST edition that was a month prior TAUGHT ME so much, so I just found there was another which I missed cos I was in Nature hiking several days, but BOOKMARKED, thanks for the recording

Hope you find it helpful to be able to hear it and that your time in nature refreshed and renewed you.

Hey @shadowspub , I was there too though i'm not listed :( Even though I'm still a wimpy witness according to my SP in comparison to the other witnesses, I'm still a witness nonetheless. I've also attended every steemit ramble though I usually just listen instead of input. I'm chainchopper #7547 there on discord btw, just to add some visibility :P My role on the platform is to help keep steem/steemit decentralized by first creating non top 20 witness owned community RPC and consensus seed nodes. I've also dedicated myself to creating new applications for the steem blockchain. I've been on steemit about 3 months, and have been a witness for about just as long, with these things as my primary agenda as it stands. Save Steemit :) Please don't let me and my project go un-noticed . We all have to stick together.
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Hi @justinadams. If you were there last Saturday you must have managed to miss the notices I kept putting in chat asking for witnesses to identify themselves to me if they didn't have the witness role. Had you done so, you would have been invited to introduce yourself and talk about your witness. It sounds like you have projects to talk about so it's too bad you missed your opportunity. Mark your calendar for May 19th and participate in the next one.

If you are at PYPT regularly, you need to be in the voice channel and it may help if you participated. People would like to get to know you as most of those who attend are very interested in making good choices for witness.

Thanks for providing this replay, @shadowspub. I missed last Saturday's Steem Witness Chat. Thanks for all the work you are doing each and every week.

First 'met' you via @DreemSteem's Treasure Hunt and was on the whole time on PYPT when she had the last one until summer. Have to figure Discord's 'push to talk' feature though... don't have a clue how to get it to work. ;)

hey @angelacs nice to see you again. I remember seeing your name in voice. I think you did some text chatting. If you are using discord in the browser and can't get push to talk working, you might have more success using the desktop application.

Thanks so much, @shadowspub!

Such synchronicity! I JUST saw something about a push to talk mic then your reply! ;) I thought the push to talk was a feature in Discord. Can you clarify which it is please, @shadowspub so I can go in there and work on getting my settings straight?

I googled but the explanation I found that started to make sense was cut short and when I clicked over to read the rest, the site is no longer being maintained.

Sorry for the trouble but @andysantics48 had mentioned the last time I was trying to sort it during PYPT that she wasn't a techie either and you had helped her get hers set up. ;)


It's ok, @shadowspub! My son wasn't working non-stop at his different jobs, miraculously appeared and had time to help set me up in Discord. I NOW understand what 'push to talk' is, set up the code thingy (easy, so I should remember it) and so I will test it out next time on PYPT. ;)

SOOOO happy!

Fantastic.... I've had this sitting open to reply to you. I had not forgot you, just was in need of time. Glad your son was able to help you and will be looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.

HEATED discussions, for me that only shows all of the people present CARE! And that's amazing. I applaud this meeting and hope to be able to learn more by listening to more <3

Thanks @shadowspub, this is such a valuable thing you've created!

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