My Witness Campaign Updated!

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday i made a post about becoming a witness for SteemIT and the response i got was awesome from you guys!

🔹 Why i want to become a witness?

I truly believe in what this platform has to offer us as a society, and i want to be a part of helping it grow. In this day and age we need to stand together now more than ever, so I feel its part of my duty as a human being to give back to humanity and i know somehow this fits into that vision. My motivation for being part of this community is all about connecting and growing with the people here, i've missed this feeling so much in an online community, i've been on facebook so long. It's a breath of fresh air to be a part of something real and organic, and i want to do whatever i can to help out. Recently i've seen a man on this platform receive over $10,000 in upvotes for a medical issue, and users poured in with donations for this man. This is the kind of community i want not only be a part of, but also want to help push further.
Also becoming a witness will put me back into the computer field, which is something i've been wanting to do, but i haven't had the right motivation to do it. SteemIT has lit a fire under me so hot that i can't stop using it, and it has not only motivated me creatively, but it has also motivated me technically. And i work from home, i have a lot of extra time to give to help this community.

🔹 Why should you vote for me as a witness?

Because i am a super awesome Rapper slash Geek who loves to give back to my fellow humans. I am extremely rusty using the command line as i haven't been using computers in this capacity for many many moons. And although i may be rusty, i was able to get my witness node up without too many hiccups.

Using @someguy123's "Steem in a Box" i was up and running fairly easily. I think this shows i have a proficiency for networks to some degree, albeit i am out of practice...none of these things are foreign to me. Also i believe this shows as a sign of my dedication to SteemIT that i have pushed myself back into the programming and networking side of computers. I know i am not a sysadmin or programmer yet, but my ability to absorb information and my dedication to this platform will allow me to grow in these areas, while i am growing with the platform. I am not unfamiliar with servers or server administration, over the years i have deployed and continually maintained plenty of servers.

My strong ties to the undergrond Hip-Hop community i plan on reaching a demographic i have yet to see pop up here on SteemIT. I have built a small but dedicated fan base through my music, and i also a member of HECATOMB which is Carnage The Executioners Rap Collective. ( I provide a nice balance for people here, not only will i be providing technical prowess but i also will be providing a high quality source of entertainment for SteemIT users.

A picture of my binary code tat.

it reads "We Are Eternal Pain is an Illusion" lyrics from my favorite band...Tool

My Witness Node:

Server TypeDedicated
Processor TypeIntel Xeon E3-1245V2
Cores/Threads4 Cores / 8 Threads
Memory32GB ECC DDR3
Hard Drive2x 3TB

provided by @privex, i highly recommend using them if you are thinking about running a witness node or just want a great server.

In the future i plan on running a seed node as well. I work hard and paying for server space is not an issue for me.

🔹 What i've been doing on steemit

I have only been here 2 weeks, but i believe i am heading in the right direction in helping this community grow a lot!:

  • I started a Rap Competition for Whaleshares and SBD (check it out)
  • I am working on a comic strip for The Daily SteemIT (thanks @steemitqa)
  • I am co-hosting Rap Battles in the Whalshare Discord chatroom (thanks @jphenderson)
  • I have written some good articles on metaphysics, and reincarnation
  • I write personal blogs like this one about being a step-father or this one about my wife.
  • I'm a great rapper and i've posted some great Hip-Hop songs. (here's a couple)
  • I've written a newbie guide to help them with the platform here.
  • I'm working on some great audio engineering and general tech tutorials.

As you can see i have been very active on my steemit account trying to promote and give quality content for all our fellow steemians.

🔹 What i will do to become a better witness & help steemit

  • Learn Python and create some killer apps, currently i am taking the Udemy Master Course.
  • Study Cryptocurrency.
  • Positively interact with the rest of the Steemit Community.
  • Become a positive figure in the Steemit community, by helping and mentoring others.
  • Help SteemiT grow it's Hip-Hop community.
  • Dedicate time and effort to the platform daily.
  • Create quality content and blog posts 100% of the time.
  • Finish degree in Network Security, maybe...(i have 1 year left, but i dislike school lol).

One More Thing..

I know most of the witnesses here have a high level of computer programming or networking experience, and i realize my skill-set in this area doesn't quite match up to some of my peers. However i believe i have a unique skill-set that will prove to be helpful to the SteemIT community.. Furthermore my willingness to be a part of the effort to push this community forward is what i'm hoping compels you to give me your vote. My technical skills right now are novice or maybe slightly better than a novice, but in no time i will be growing in my programming skills and doing huge things in the form of programming for this community. So give me a chance to show you i can hang with the big dogs, because I have some really great ideas and i think the people here will be able to gain from my ideas once i have the knowledge to implement them.

What the heck is a witness anyway?

If you aren't sure what a witness is or why you should vote, you can check out this really good explanation by @pfunk

You will not regret voting for me, i promise to always keep my server space up and running. And i will always help to grow this wonderful community! Let's make SteemIT a better place together.

How To Vote for @rondonson

If you like what you've read and you think i am worthy to become an official Steem Witness than all you have to do is head over to & scroll down to the bottom, you'll see a input box to type. Just type my name rondonson into box and click vote, and you'll cast your vote for me :D.





I am working on a comic strip for The Daily SteemIT (thanks @steemitqa)

Awesome! you'd be a great witness. Your community involvment is off the charts!

@steemitqa thanks :D i love it here and i want to help push along what we do here in anyway i can. Don't forget this sunday rap contest... papa-pepper might spit some bars! haha

OMG when and where ? NICE! also, check out this from last night when you can lol

You gotta be in the next rap battle on steemit chat. Check the link @steemitqa posted.

@l337m45732 im in there bro! haha it was funny

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