Is reincarnation really real? My theory on life and death

in #spirituality7 years ago

3 years ago i had a spiritual awakening


3 years ago in the winter of 2015 i was at home, it was an normal day. My wife (fiance' at the time) was out shopping and i was working on some things in my home office. A few months prior to this time, i had been going through some serious shit in my life. It's not something i want to get into now, but lets just say i had hit my rock bottom and i was just beginning to bounce back.

I cannot remember all the particulars that surrounded this moment but I was sitting at my workstation writing a new song and all of a sudden i felt what i call a "jolt of information" flood my brain. It felt like i had one of those jacks on the side of my head like Neo in "The Matrix" and something was filling up my brain with information.


So what did i do next? i started researching and i found a lot of information through Buddhist texts about reincarnation and the different levels of existence. I also had been reading about sacred geometry and phi the golden ratio and other new age belief systems. And this led me to a theory of my own.

I believe reincarnation is real. That in this life as a human being we all go through tests and lessons that we must learn in order to ascend to the next level of existence. I feel that we all come here with a purpose, and if we do not fulfill that purpose in this life, then are destined to return to this human form until we learn all the lessons we need.

Maybe this was my way of feeling okay with death, but this is my belief system and something that is growing everyday. I would not call myself a buddhist or a numerologist. I would call myself a deep spirited person, who has a understanding of himself. I believe that we are here in this human form to learn and to build ourselves up for the next level.


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, science tells us this. And if we are energy, then it must mean we always existed and that we always will. I just hope the next existence i have, is bigger than grander than this one. Peace and blessings to you all!


I have very similar views to you with reincarnation. I'm intrigued by it.
Thanks for sharing.

@ecentrally i just saw this comment. I would love to see your views in where they differ from mine.

I guess that we don't actually know what happens which is why I have a really open mind about this. I do believe we are reincarnated and like you I believe we are returning to achieve greater levels and ascend as you described. I also believe in karma and if it doesn't get you this time, it will get you next time!
My dad passed away 2 weeks before I had my baby girl. I heard somewhere that one soul leaves the earth to make room for a new soul. I don't think that my girl is my dad reincarnated, but there was something about hearing that saying that made the timing of his passing easier.
I don't know, it would be way easier to have this conversation in person. I've never shared my views to anyone before. I'm a pretty shy person so don't usually share my opinion! Although it is really good to express my view for once. Thanks for the opportunity.

@Ecentrally yes it does sound like we share very similar views on the after life. Are you into buddhism at all?
Im a pretty shy person too, especially when it comes to opinions like this because it can seem kind of out there to people. So i understand how you feel. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here though, it is appreciated. I'm going to be posting more stuff like this, i just need to get my thoughts on it together.

Hello again. I haven't really looked into Buddhism at all. I will try to look into it though. If it aligns with what I believe though I'm sure it will be interesting.

hi @ecentrally i think you will find buddhism text's very interesting mos definitely. It talks a lot of the stuff we mentioned here.

According to Jeffrey J. Keene a man in this life can unequivocally take after the individual he or she was in a past life. Keene, an Assistant Fire Chief who lives in Westport, Connecticut, trusts he is the rebirth of John B. Gordon, a Confederate General of the Army of Northern Virginia, who kicked the bucket on January 9, 1904. As confirmation, he offers photographs of himself and the general. There is a striking likeness. Past physical similitudes, Keene says that "they think alike, resemble the other alike and even offer facial scars. Their lives are intertwined to the point that they seem, by all accounts, to be one."

This is amazing, and i believe this 100%. Everyone has always told me "you got an old soul" and i feel like it. I'm very old fashioned and just my overall way of being is very old school. Thanks for reading and commenting man, this is a topic that i have yet to actually talk about with people.

the concept of death is one that im still trying to wrap my head around @rondonson , love seeing different ppls takes on it!

Dude the concept of death is just something i think we all try to wrap our heads around and something that's hard to swallow, but we all know it's coming for all of us. As a psychonaut too..i'd say death for me, is the ultimate trip.

thats a bad ass perspective on it, respect brotha @rondonson

Respect my friend, i got a lot of perspectives on a lot of things man. We should share some thoughts sometime. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

the pleasure is all mine brotha, gave ya a follow

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