KLYE Witness Update 08 / 19 / 17

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

Hail to the writers, curators, artists and dreamers of our STEEM network
Hope all is grand with you and yours on this fine saturday morning.

Each week as witness a small post similar to this one is written up to let folks know what's going on in this week, as well as other inner workings of my role and ultimately life here on Steemit.com and it's backing STEEM network.

This Week as STEEM Witness

This weeks witness update isn't a particularly long one, my apologizes to my readers whom likely expect more posts, info and lulz then I have been able to muster lately. Some exciting news on the hiring front of the STEEM.GLOBAL project as I've found a good candidate for the position that was offered earlier. Read below for more details.

Team KLYE Hires Assistant for STEEM.GLOBAL

Have to appologize to all those who had applied for the position for not making this public knowledge earlier with a post. Battling with a bout of depression at the moment and have had difficulty shaking the blue rut I'm seemingly facing.. enough about me though! I'm very excited to announce that new Team KLYE hiree @lucashunter has joined the ranks and is currently accelling at his given duties for the STEEM.GLOBAL project. Very pleased with his performance and "go-getter" attitude thus far! truly a great assistant to the STEEM.GLOBAL verification process. I'll be catching up to the work he's done in the upcoming hours as I process the list and manually set account capability/role.

Feeling a Bit Down The Past While

Tis all part off the cycle or ebb and flow which is I, I guess? Not sure really. :/

There isn't any real reason I can come up with as to why I've been feeling for lack of a better term "Like a sac of crusty shit" lately, (please pardon my french) but as summer draws to an end and everything starts showing signs of fall something has been triggered in me, dragging my psyche and mind downwards into zones I prefer not to inhabit. One thing I perhaps feel a void within myself towards lately has been my personal and online relationships, while I've got a few friends that I hang out with locally and I know I've got hundreds if not thousands of friends online here lately just been wrapped in the feels of lonely.

I'm not sure an apology cuts it here really, I know as well as anyone following me knows that I'm not my normal beaming self full of content, code, crude (yet refined) MS-Paint art and calamity as I should be lately.. My work and output have been affected by this slump, both in ability to feel/focus that magic spark of creation as well as ability to slog through debugging my at times somewhat esoteric programming style. Not burnt out at all, it's impossible not to love what you do when you've chosen your own path... it's just more of a general feeling of sadness or blues. Hopefully it will pass soon and I can get back to running better.

"When the going get's tough, the tough get going."

- The wheaties box or some sh!t

Needed to get this off my chest and tell someone how I feel.. Even if the whole world knows, so be it.. Thank you all in advance for the love and for making my existence more then some inconsequential blip in the history of all. Kind of feel a bit better already, remembering / knowing the folks here on STEEM take me as I am and have always been supportive.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend and stay safe / out of trouble. Until next time

P.S Wrote this in the morning when I'd just awoken. Filled my day full of things that make me happy like working on the car and trying to fix my f*cking computer... I seem to be in slightly better spirits for the time being. A great relief. Going to go roll one and pray to the windblows gods this reset unfux my USB connections on Project Black Stallion. While that's doing it's thing going to catch up on STEEM.GLOBAL verify list ... and with a little luck I'll even still have my project files from the new PC after resetting it and installing all thre programs again. (Should have ghosted it when it was running smooth, live and learn)

P.P.S Got the STEEM.GLOBAL verifications caught up and Project Black Stallion seems to be responding to USB stimuli now... Off to go load up all my drivers and software on it again.. joy! (insert foul language here) ... Thanks everyone for the awesome replies/comments. <3

Vote @KLYE for Witness

Ah man I dont know you. But depression sucks! Deal with it from time to time myself along with a few other really soul crushing mental bullshit... I do say winter is always a blue and saddening time in my life. I love summer and all the things that come with it!

Personally just go out and find shit that makes you happy, dont sit around and sulk, yea I know everyone says that. But its true. When im feeling like "a crusty pile of shit" I go for a long drive out in the sticks and enjoy nature with my camera and sometimes my two dogs. I go fishing. What im saying is the cure to depression is to get off your ass and go be happy.

Anyway seems you do a lot here at steemit, maybe you just need to put your head to the screen and bash out some really good content, work and working your ass off can be a good cure to the blues too sometimes.

I wish you the best here on steemit and in the offline world! :)

Upvoted and resteemed!

Going out and doing things is certainly helping today.. Even if it was just fartin' around in the shed cleaning up an old PC case and starting my car up to blow the carbon out of the rotors while subjecting the neighbours to the "song of my cars people" ... Which happens to be revs ~7,000 RPM.. Silly a machine spooled up can make ya a bit happier.

Thanks for the comment man. Happy days ahead for both of us hopefully. :)

Right on buddy glad your feeling a little better! :)

Aw I love you and your posts so much!

Take care my friend!

Feel free to reach out if you ever need something!

<3 Ditto man. Thank you for being there for me.
Same goes for you, I realize that I'm not the best listener nor the best with advice but lord knows can't judge a man or what he's going through. Keep holding down the french side of the puck!

Hope the clouds clear soon dude, can't have them sacs of crusty shit feelings win!!

lol! You always seem to come up with something to give me a giggle sir. It is appreciated far more than my limited foul vocabulary will let me express.

Pah, limited my chuff!! You have a splendid and diverse foul vocabulary. I always love reading your shit. Even if that makes me sound like some kind of faecal fortune teller! :0D

@klye, is a pride for us all with the aspirations of the Team responsible for @lucashunter KLYE steem

Lucashunter is a great pick. Practically hired himself and with no extra instruction basically aced what I was looking for. Thank you for your kind words. :)

I am happy to be a part of the Kyle Team.

Kyle for witness !! You're doing great things for the community , don't let anything get to you , this is just a platform , enjoy your life , be happy , your consistent support for this platform speaks for itself .

Hang in there ! Cheers 🍻

Head up, chest out, flamingo wings flapping... Err.. Scratch that last one.

That's the spirit :D

@klye you are doing great mate! always love your creativity and new ideas :D Keep up the great work

It comes and goes.. I'm fortunate to have the "bi-polar" so on the flip side to this crappy feeling spell I'll have powerful mania incoming eventually, which is great as long as you don't go into work mode to hard and end up swamping yourself..! Wanna know where my crazy creativity and drive comes from..?

Well, the crazy of course.. :D

Gift and a Curse, although I'm fortunate to have the mind to know what's going on most of the time.
As I've said before in previous posts.. Everything is temporary and this too shall pass.

Thanks for the feedback man.. :)

(raises a cold brew)

Cheers @klye

Here's to your NEXT Steemit Post or Selfie/Pic!



Does it make me a narcissist when nearly all of my drawings have me in them?
(or whale balls.. for that matter? Answer: probable pervert narcissist )

Difficulty psychoanalyzing myself on Steemit and in life lately..! Not sure if need more MS-paint doodles of sea mammal genitals and less hawt self portraits or if should offer art services again to switch it up? +ponders+

Lol...love your humor ALWAYS!

"Needed to get this off my chest and tell someone how I feel.. Even if the whole world knows, so be it.. "

Maybe a cartoon pic or art work with you getting "this" off your chest?

With maybe a music video or music file that shows and express MORE how you feel?

Label or title it ===>>> TO: THE WHOLE WORLD.

Just my 3cents being Frank :D

P.S. End it with ===>>> so be it..

I already done my witness vote for you. Please read this post. I want your help but I do not begging. I believe that this post will tuch your your heart. I am not asking you for send sbd or steem, Its your wish. But I request you to 100% upvotemy post.


Generally I'd do fancy flag kung-fu and get all "oi brah, u wut m8 on me post fam?" but I'm not really in the mood for flagging nor getting all scoldy. Will check it out once I'm done typing this. Cheers.

lol. If I may offer a hint of advice...

Probably best to earn money for art school by drawing on here rather than going on folks posts to essentially spam a post that looked only slightly more acceptable than street begging..

As someone who's been there I can tell you this much: Apply yourself here (or anywhere) and you will reap the fruit you wish to taste. Get arting! :D

@kyle you are doing amazingi man! i hope you keep on steeming my man

STEEM is life my friend, a catalyst of creation and an incubator of intellect.
Hands down one of the best communities on the internet or in the world for that matter.

Take it easy man, thanks for your reply.

Indeed brother indeed! have a good weekend

@klye Good Work!!!

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