The warrior's death

in #wisdom6 years ago (edited)

This is part four of my warrior series that I'm in the middle of and is when the girl comes to the graveyard and finds Dante by his grave...


“A rebel will go against anything that is perceived as opposition to them; while the warrior chooses the battleground to best suit the outcome of whatever comes at him, or her,” said Dante to the girl who was still walking in circles around the grave and mumbling something only she could hear.
On the other hand a brief laps in attention could see a reversal where a chink in the defences lets in a thrust to bring about a misfortune if no counter thrust has been practiced before-hand; and this is why a warrior practices even in times of peace for all eventualities fate may bring against him.
A skilled warrior also knows to be aware of the unexpected that can come from any direction to confuse or strike home a killing blow.”


“So I was fooled than,” said the girl coming to stand in front of Dante as if to confront him.
“There will come a time when the warrior enters a place that has no apparent exit with a seemingly overwhelming force against him and where all hope has been hidden.
It is here that the warrior draws strength from inside and with no thought becomes the hand of death and invincible against that which is set against him.
In accepting death, fear can be overcome, life is lived to the fullest and death is conquered and the transition is taken as another part of the journey. Whatever is left behind is but a vessel that crosses the ocean until the shore is reached.
The vanquished are defeated because they’ve died before their time and live hollow lives where substance holds form of worth with also the false idea that the more substance the more power is obtained.
This kind of power is a false belief to bolster up the ego.
Ego is one of the five great falsehoods that the unenlightened are prone to and are a drain on the spirit that takes away real power. This is the secret of the warrior’s path...


There are some life lessons that need to be known: every avenue of life can be a trap to catch you in those unguarded moments that happen most often in the banal of a seemingly normal circumstance.
One moment is all it takes of being unaware to strike through to you to evoke an improper response, that once achieved will take a certain amount of time to once again find the centre where balance can be restored.
This can be seen as life teaching a lesson where it is needed.


There are times when the only recourse is to be still and not respond in any way. Sometimes this works, but there will be times when the annoyance won’t stop, usually from a fool who wants to impose himself upon you and often your silence will be seen as weakness; and so may carry on until you have to deal with it with more than inactivity.
If that time comes, the warrior must decide how much force to use, if any; sometimes walking away is the best option.
Further down the road, a confrontation may occur with the same problem by the same fool and then can be dealt with swiftly and decisively to put an end to it once and for all.


“Woo,” went the ghosts long in their graves, “woo.”
“Shut up you lot,” commanded Dante to the ghosts, “can’t you see I’m talking here?”
And then the silence returned, but not so much that eternity could be heard so large it breaks the soul open. Dante carried on then with his speech:
The only problem with this is that there are many fools in the world and they’ll follow you to the grave and beyond; and so the question has to be asked: how many fools do you waste your time on before you realize it’s a fool’s errand and your energies are better used elsewhere?
“I don’t know,” said the girl, “I can only try to hide from them behind what I can fathom will keep them at bay.”
Masks are made to hide behind and disguise the truth, to cause fear and to show another face, one that is not real.
They do not come from authenticity and are not the warrior’s way.


When something is looked at for the first time it is seen for how it is, but constant looking at it builds up an image in our mind and it is this image that has been built up that is seen and not the thing that is looked at.
This familiarity is one aspect of the masks we build up over time; some of the masks are forced upon us by society, in the schools we go to, by our family, friends and culture to name a few.
Take language for instance: in childhood we absorb how others say things in a certain way and so we mimic them and learn phrases and ways of speaking that are used over and over, and often in this way we lose the art of thinking for ourselves, or never really learn it.
Our minds have tracks to run along, well used expressions that are fallen back on and become our way of communicating. It is not until awareness happens perhaps from travelling away from the familiar is all this realized and the form broken out of which usually happens in an organic awakening over a period of time as you become more aware of the confines of linear or system thinking.
It’s a strange thing, the masks that are worn over all to portray an illusion, and the funny thing is, although the masks hide the real inside, it also clouds the outside seeing, by the very act of wearing them and seeing through them.
When the mask slips momentarily, things are seen for what they are, clearly, and sometimes this can come as a shock and cause fear, to be losing control of a long held reality only to find it was never real but only the perceptions of our upbringing and culture.


When the mask is taken off it can be likened to another dimension where things are the same, yet not the same and are seen as they are and not coloured by the layers of the mask.
Some drugs will blast you right out of your comfort zone into the ‘be here and now’ of it all but can be a harsh shock to the system.
Meditation on the other hand will give you an awakening but in a gentle way where you unfold at your own pace and can feel the masks dropping away as you find your way back to yourself.
For some, the masks they wear are taken for who they are and confusion happens when anything comes to expose this belief and often the masks are put on tighter to uphold their way of seeing things.
It is a cause of increasing concern to more and more people that those who are governing society wear the biggest masks of all and can be seen as the blind leading the blind.


To be seemingly lost in an inescapable illusion of conformity must feel like a straight-jacket that confines the soul in the mundane circles of perpetuated beliefs and repetitive thinking that is such a distance from our authentic selves.
The consciousness of humanity is rising and the masks are slipping off one by one as awareness of who we are is becoming known to more and more; and those who hang onto their masks will be seen for what they are by those who have taken the mask off.
It can be difficult to remove the familiar mask that has been for so long how we have seen our-self through and has been our protection against the harsh reality we would be protected from.
We will find our-self vulnerable without the mask as a creature suddenly exposed to the sunlight, or for some it will be a doorway they go through into a magical place.
Those still wearing masks will throw judgement and ridicule and dismissal at those without a mask, but with courage, this very vulnerability will be strength to live a life of integrity that comes from a place of love where the mind has finally quieted enough for the heart to be heard.
The winds of change will blow strong when the time comes to move on after all lessons have been learned in any place that has been settled in for too long. Settlements blunt the edges of even the sharpest sword.
Some have said that the heart of a warrior can be defined by what he does and this is indeed on the face of it what he is; but the real judge of a warrior is in his heart that makes him do what he does.
Anyone can be taught to act in a certain way, or be paid to act as a puppet, and sometimes desperation lends wings to one in jeopardy.
The heart of a warrior can be seen under the moon dancing on the hill, around the fire. It is the hope in child, the no to injustice. It is the yes to life, the holding on when all hope has gone. It is the fire that moves the frozen limbs one more step. It is the first step of the longest journey...
Not all roads are the way, and some lead down dark cul-de-sacs. This is not the fault of the road or the cul-de-sac; both exist in the mind as a path to travel. Tiredness, lack of purpose and ennui throw up misdirection that even the wisest sometimes succumb to.


The thing about cul-de-sacs is that sooner or later you have to backtrack to get out of them to get back to where you were before, and with luck to exit not losing or gaining anything other than time.
But perhaps the cul-de-sac can leave one with the wisdom that the face of the fool, the idiot has no place in the warrior’s demeanour, unless he wants to be sneaky. But is a sneaky warrior a warrior?
The answer to that is in the bones and on the winds that tell of secrets only the warrior knows; so repeat after me: now hear this, now hear this, the ministry of static has ways to negate your thinking; end of announcement.
Flying in the face of all reason is most often an emotional response brought about by fear, where the old fight or flight response takes effect.
These days with the advent of a third option a different response can be chosen to bring about a whole another outcome.
Doing nothing has been frowned upon for a very long time but more and more are turning to it as the only way forward in a world that is rapidly becoming too turbulent to deal with.
Thinking can only be influenced when you are plugged into the machine that is expert in manipulation and suggestion.
Doing nothing can with practice reset the internal combustion of your thoughts where you can detect the ties or cords that bind you to the agendas others have set and are a trap for your spirit and being so subtle go unnoticed for the most part until you are so caught up you believe it is of your making and or a worthwhile fight to spend your energies on.
Those ones that begin to realize this find themselves ashamed of their actions, but because of peer pressure and such care not to admit it and report it and so slip through the shadows to snowflakes anonymous to find some kind of cure or just perhaps redemption of their guilt for having believed the machine too long in the Zulu bush of their madness.
Those who confess to their commanders are reabsorbed back into the machine and become so lost their inner barriers are breached and subverted and then they become mere pawns of the evil queen, whose every word they obey.
These ones then believe that hate is love, truth is whatever they are told it is and that anyone who doesn’t believe as they do is the enemy and must be resisted by any means possible.


Free speech then becomes only what they believe in and anything else is hate and must be stopped for the good of society.
This kind of brain washing has become the norm in schools and universities and anyone not of the same views is strictly not tolerated.
Mad medicine prevails in this society that is so lost in its own righteousness that by the time sanity returns, if it ever does, it may be too late.
Confusion comes in many forms with hooks that tie into those places inside that are unresolved and have open doors that confusion walks through to set up home and cause as much havoc as it can where sometimes you have to buckle up and hang on tight.
It also has a way of talking to you where if you listen it will tell you something’s out of balance and should be fixed before moving forward any more
The further out from centre you are the more centrifugal force there is and it becomes harder to hang on as you spin to the edge of the spinning wheel until at some point you fall off and land on your back and then have to get all the way back up again.


Finding the centre where it is calm is of course just a matter of letting things go as you travel in until you’re there and everything settles down and confusion goes away.
From the centre things become clear and the doors that were once locked begin to open and opportunities present themselves so that you can move forward once again without banging into things and getting hurt or being lost in the whirlwind of the doubts confusion can bring.
“Too much doubt,” said the girl quietly.
A short minute later Dante carried on: “doubt is a dichotic thing that displaces you until you don’t know which way to move. But sometimes by moving in any direction you can find your course again and turn towards it, but usually fear of failure will freeze you, and much time can be wasted over-thinking your way out of doubt.
But academic realities aside a good walk in the sand is as good a cure as anything else.
Anyway, a further reality away from it all is not a bad place to be and so when the day ends there is tomorrow to look forward to.
But time has a funny way of slipping away, a thousand years here, a thousand years there until things have quite changed and all that’s left of what used to be is but a legend that turned sour and got buried in history somewhere so that no one remembers it anymore.
Sometimes that’s not a bad thing, but to the ghosts in their graves being forgotten about so completely makes them wail to be so reduced to anonymity after such grand living.
They were once the talk of kings and emperors as they swept across the land in their hordes to take all they wanted, and if they’d known they were going to be banished to such an ignominious end they would have built monuments to the sky to last ten thousand years and more so that they would not be so forgotten and their legend would live on and tales of their glory would never be forgotten.
But what can ghosts contrive from the grave? We are no more and our time to do things has long gone.
So we dance in our graves under the moon and around the mounds that mark our passing and forget as we are forgotten.
Remember this as you journey on, for one day this too shall be your lot.”
Dante said no more then and disappeared back into his grave...

End of part four

Part one:

part two:

Images from Pixabay


Like this need to read part 3 again...

I'll try to find the link and put it in

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