Wikileaks Points to the McCain Institute and 'Lady' RothschildsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)

This message was posted to the Wikileaks Twitter account February 27, 2017.

A recent post at pizzagate discussed the contents of a entirely unremarkable email from the Podesta batch.

Voat Link

The email in questions was an invitation by David Brock to John Podesta regarding his book launch. The venue for the event would be at the home of Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

Researchers quickly pointed out in the comments that Lynn Rothschild was a close friend of Hillary Clinton and, just as importantly, she sits on the Board of Trustees at the McCain Institute.

The McCain Institute

Key Board members at the Institute also include:

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Married to Evelyn Rothschild (The Economist mag.)
  • Proponent of “Inclusive Capitalism”
  • Estee Lauder
  • HRC major fundraiser
  • E. L. Rothschild (Holding company)

Lynn Forester de Rothschild is a major financial backer of BOTH Hillary Clinton and John McCain. During the 2008 presidential campaign ‘Lady’ Rothschild was a strong supporter and major fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, known as a “Hillraiser”, until she lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. Although a staunch Democrat, rather than throw her support behind Obama she backed Republican candidate John McCain instead.

She was quoted as stating that she couldn’t vote for Obama because he was too much of an ‘Elitist’. It’s quite a statement coming from a Rothschild. Her husband’s net worth is somewhere near $20 billion.

Here is how Wikipedia describes her political leanings

Here we find that she is also very involved in women’s rights and micro-finance.
[See George Webb – Haiti micro-financing / micro-loansharking and Digicel]

‘Lady’ Rothschild also supported Hillary Clinton’s second presidential run throwing exclusive and obscenely expensive dinner parties at $100,000 a plate.

Hillary Clinton’s close relationship with Rothschild is plain to see in these Wikileaks emails:

I would love to catch up. I have to be in DC from the 12th-15th May, in case you have any time to sneak away for a few minutes.
I understand it may not be possible, but thought I would check.
In any event, I remain your loyal adoring pal.
Xoxox Lynn

I would love to see you but your days overlap w Karzai's visit so I will have to get that settled before I can confirm a time but let's make it happen. So I'm copying Lona and Huma so we can start planning.
Much love, H

email 2

Lynn met her future husband Evelyn Rothschild at a Bilderberg meeting in Scotland. Once their marriage was announced the couple was invited to the White House to celebrate their wedding by Bill and Hillary Clinton.

David Petraeus – Ex-CIA director / Ret. US Army General

  • Multi National Force -Iraq
  • United States Central Command
  • International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan
  • Former Director of the CIA
  • Testified at the hearing for the Senate Armed Services Committee

A member of the McCain Institute’s Board of Trustees is retired general and Ex-CIA Chief, David Petraeus. He’s most well-known for developing the Iraq war ‘Surge’ strategy that helped to re-stabilize the war torn country in 2009. At one time, he was also considered to be a leading candidate for US president before his illicit affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell almost ended his career.

Double Standard

While carrying on an affair with Broadwell, Petraeus committed a major felony by sharing top secret military information with his biographer.

Petraeus pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of retaining classified information. Prosecutors agreed not to charge him with more serious crimes, such as obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI, the Justice Department announced.

Petraeus agreed to pay a $40,000 fine, and prosecutors said they would recommend that he receive probation instead of prison time.
Because of his connections to establishment political figures such as Clinton and McCain who came to his defense, Petraeus managed to avoid federal felony charges and inexplicably stayed out of prison.

Whistleblowers Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden have not been as fortunate.

Cindy McCain – The McCain Institute / Hensley Beverage Company

  • Human Trafficking Advisory Council - McCain Institute
  • Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking
  • Board of Directors – Operation Smile / Halo Trust / Eastern Congo Initiative (Ben Affleck) / CARE
  • Chairman – Hensley Beverage Company

Ashton Kutcher – Actor / Founder of THORN

  • Human Trafficking Advisory Council – McCain Institute
  • Testified at Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on Human Trafficking
  • THORN - proprietary software: Spotlight / Solace

America gets Punk’D by Ashton Kutcher and the McCain Institute for Public Funds

Kutcher Testifying at SFRC Hearing

Ernie Allen

  • Human Trafficking Advisory Council – McCain Institute
  • Long time President and CEO of NCMEC
  • NCMEC uses Palantir Software to find and track missing kids

NCMEC & Palantir

The McCain Institute: Human Trafficking Advisory Council

  • Ernie Allen
  • Cindy McCain
  • Ashton Kutcher

US Senate Armed Services Committee

Current Members

  • John McCain (R - AZ) – Chairman / Senator
  • Jack Reed (D – RI) – Ranking Member
  • Lindsey Graham (R - SC) – Senator
  • Ted Cruz (R - TX) - Senator
  • Elizabeth Warren (D - MA) - Senator
  • Tim Kaine (D – VA) - Senator

Saudi Donations

It’s now common knowledge that the Clinton Foundation received substantial donations from Saudi, Qatari and Moroccan royal families in pay-to-play schemes. Last year, Bloomberg reported that The McCain Institute has also received at least $1 million in donations from Saudi Arabia.

Senate Armed Services Committee: Clinton, McCain and Petraeus

Hillary Clinton and John McCain have been influential members of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) since 2001.

Hillary Clinton was part of SASC from 2001-2009.

McCain served on the SASC from 2007 to 2013. In 2015, McCain became the Chairman of the SASC, the position he holds today.

The SASC has a wide range of responsibilities, here’s a summary from the official website:

Petraeus and Clinton developed a close working relationship while Clinton served as Obama’s secretary of state. When Petraeus helmed the CIA, the two agreed on an unadopted proposal to arm Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad that Obama ultimately endorsed last year to combat the Islamic State.

Source: The Guardian

SASC David Patreaus

2010 Petraeus faints while being grilled by McCain

Before news of Petraeus’s affair with his biographer became front-page news, it was reported that Petraeus had been working with the neocons in attempts to escalate the war in Afghanistan.

According to ISW’s 2011annual report, its original supporters were mostly right-wing foundations, such as the Smith-Richardson Foundation and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, but it was later backed by national security contractors, including major ones like General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and CACI, as well as lesser-known firms such as DynCorp International, which provides training for Afghan police, and Palantir, a technology company founded with the backing of the CIA’s venture-capital arm, In-Q-Tel. Palantir supplies software to U.S. military intelligence in Afghanistan.

Unsurprisingly, those that stood to profit most, such as US government contractors and weapons manufacturers like DynCorp International, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, CACI and Palantir, supported increasing involvement in Afghanistan from 2009 and onwards.

Note: ISW = Institute for the Study of War

“At the August 2011 dinner honoring Petraeus, Kagan thanked executives from two defense contractors who sit on her institute’s corporate council, DynCorp International and CACI International. The event was sponsored by General Dynamics. All three firms have business interests in the Afghan war.

“Kagan told the audience that their funding allowed her to assist Petraeus. ‘The ability to have a 15-month deployment essentially in the service of those who needed some help, and the ability to go at a moment’s notice, that’s something you all have sponsored,’ she said.”

“Before Obama’s decision to dispatch [an additional] 30,000 troops [in an Afghan War ‘surge’ in 2009], the Bush holdovers sought to hem in the President’s choices by working with allies in the Washington news media and in think tanks.

“For instance, early in 2009, Petraeus personally arranged for Max Boot [a neocon on the Council on Foreign Relations], Frederick Kagan and Kimberly Kagan to get extraordinary access during a trip to Afghanistan. Their access paid dividends for Petraeus when they penned a glowing report in the Weekly Standard about the prospects for success in Afghanistan if only President Obama sent more troops and committed the United States to stay in the war for the long haul.

“‘Fears of impending disaster are hard to sustain, if you actually spend some time in Afghanistan, as we did recently at the invitation of General David Petraeus, chief of U.S. Central Command,’ they wrote upon their return.

“‘Using helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and bone-jarring armored vehicles, we spent eight days traveling from the snow-capped peaks of Kunar province near the border with Pakistan in the east to the wind-blown deserts of Farah province in the west near the border with Iran. Along the way we talked with countless coalition soldiers, ranging from privates to a four-star general,’ the trio said.”

(Frederick Kagan is the brother of Robert Kagan, a co-founder of the neoconservative Project for the New American Century, which began the drive in 1998 for invading Iraq. Robert Kagan, now with the Brookings Institution and a columnist for the Washington Post, is married to Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, who oversaw last year’s coup in Ukraine.

The article goes on to discuss how neocon holdovers from the Bush administration provided Obama with very few options aside from escalating the conflict and increasing US forces in Afghanistan.

This back-door campaign infuriated Obama’s aides, including White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Woodward reported. “Filling his rant with expletives, Emanuel said, ‘Between the chairman [Mullen] and Petraeus, everyone’s come out and publicly endorsed the notion of more troops. The president hasn’t even had a chance!’” Woodward reported.

According to Woodward’s book, Gates, Petraeus and Mullen refused to even prepare an early-exit option that Obama had requested. Instead, they offered up only plans for their desired escalation of about 40,000 troops.

In 2015, after laying low for several years Petraeus reemerges at a SASC hearing on Syria and urges greater action. The ex-general recommended the creation of safe zones or ‘enclaves’ for rebels and refugees.

Explaining his proposal for setting up safe havens — he called them “enclaves” — Mr. Petraeus said they would be defended by Syrian rebels trained and supported by the United States. American and allied air power, and possibly a small number of American military advisers and support troops, would also help protect the areas.

As director of the C.I.A., Mr. Petraeus proposed that the Obama administration mount a covert program to train and arm moderate Syrian rebels. That program and the Pentagon’s parallel effort have failed to change the course of the Syrian conflict, but critics say the administration did not carry them out effectively.

Source: NY Times

In the minds of military strategists there exists only a limited number of actions available and it would appear that they are only variations of the same theme; escalate conflict, weapons and training to opposition groups, create instability to justify military intervention, etc.

Petraeus’ involvement with the McCain Institute and the Senate Armed Services Committee is important because we see that the ex-general’s endorsement of military ventures in the Middle East is good business for government contractors. Just as he called for an escalation in Afghanistan, Petraeus called for intervention in Syria. This is exactly John McCain’s war mongering stance in just about every conflict area over the past 20 years.
It’s also clear that Petraeus has a history, if only indirectly, with Palantir and with DynCorp International.

George Webb – Day 127

On day 127, Webb describes the connections between Clinton, Petraeus and McCain. He suggests that Palantir software is used to manage sex-trafficking rat-lines in conflict zones such as Syria.
Petraeus’s recommendation of a safe zone for refugees and rebels would likely work to create strongholds that facilitate sex-trafficking, organ harvesting and weapons smuggling. Going further, Webb describes the overarching system as

“Child brides for Arab sheiks”.

He supposes that victims of child trafficking are sent to Arabian countries as ‘child brides’ (child rape) for wealthy sheiks in exchange for cash donations to the Clinton Foundation and the McCain Institute. Of course, this is happening at the same time as weapons smuggling, organ harvesting and money laundering.


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There's been a whole lot of activity lately and I wanted to make sure this was not missed!

Clinton (Clinton Foundation) - McCain (McCain Institute) - Petraeus - Rothschild - Syria -

I will add a related post soon...

I should also mention that research has been done on the Pizzagate Wiki about some more of Ashton Kutcher's contradictory behavior, which was also brought up here on Steemit in an article of mine: Pizzagate Wiki: Editor's Choice for week Feb. 12 to Feb. 18, 2017

Research is also starting to be gathered on the Wiki's page for John McCain but for now that's just a few links and references.

Awesome work, I just thought I'd include some more links to complement the post.

This is what open source is all about, please link!

I think a page on John McCain and the McCain Institute is absolutely necessary.

This article i posted on Feb. 18th got over 10,000 views. Caught me off guard, i guess it struck a nerve.

Excellent work!
Resharing @phibetaiota
Keep it up please!
~The Mangement

If if acts like a criminal, and talks like a criminal, it's a fucking criminal. And there are some big ones this article exposes. Immediate arrest and prosecution is the only acceptable action a legitimate government could take.

Lately, Rand Paul expressed a low opinion of John McCain:

Rand Paul: ‘We’re Very Lucky John McCain is Not in Charge’

Also, John McCain supposedly sent a fundraising appeal letter to Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Sep 29 2008.

The letter in Word format can be downloaded on Wikileaks' website:,_Sep_29_2008

This is the arcticle that sent me at Wikileaks where we can find the letter in question:

John McCain and his ties to Russia keep on getting more bizarre. Sen. John McCain was a presidential candidate in 2008 and asked Vitaly Churkin, a Russian ambassador to the U.N., to donate to his campaign, according to Wikileaks.

Fast forward to 2016 and John McCain is now accusing Russia of hacking and meddling in U.S. politics. Even though, McCain solicited Russia to interfere in the 2008 campaign by asking for money.

What makes it even more bizarre is that Ambassador Churkin died suddenly on Monday. According to NBC News, his death is suspicious...

Explaining his proposal for setting up safe havens — he called them “enclaves” — Mr. Petraeus said they would be defended by Syrian rebels trained and supported by the United States. American and allied air power, and possibly a small number of American military advisers and support troops, would also help protect the areas.

Reminds me of the Yinon Plan:

The term Yinon Plan refers to an article published in February 1982 in the Hebrew journal Kivunim ("Directions") entitled 'A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s'. Kivunim was a quarterly periodical dedicated to the study of Judaism and Zionism which appeared between 1978 and 1987, and was published by the World Zionist Organization's department of Information in Jerusalem. The article was penned by Oded Yinon, a former senior official with the Israeli Foreign Ministry and journalist for the Jerusalem Post. It is cited as an early example of characterizing political projects in the Middle East in terms of a logic of sectarian divisions.

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I've become fixated on McCain and the Clintons myself -- as well as the "deep state" neocon nastiness of the CIA since JFK's assassination. It's all related. Thanks for helping to get the word out with this post.

Cool, thanks for reading. Not too many people take the time to go back over previous works and comment, so thanks for that. I'm also pretty interested in the inner workings of the deep state and neo'cons' like the CF and McCain Inst.

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