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RE: White Privilege? Yes, I am white...

in #white7 years ago (edited)

All culture is conditioning

True. Yet it is also something we can choose to change or not change. We can adopt or discard cultures. Instead we often hang onto them out of a sense of tradition. Call it an Appeal to Tradition Fallacy if you will.

Every month is white history month in the US

That is so wrong. U.S. is a melting pot. We are taught all kinds of things from so many ethnicities, etc. There is no history where all we do is talk about the white people. Now not having been in a racist environment for a long time (my experiences when I was young with it were also in Texas by the way, specifically the Fort Worth and Dallas region) I can't say if people intentionally "cherry pick" history and only talk to you about white people.

Yet there is no white history month, and every month is not that. It is just called history. Otherwise we wouldn't talk about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Morgan Freeman, tons of athletes, Malcom X, James Booker, Robert Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, musicians innumerable, Harriet Tubman, and many others. If it were white history all the time we would only mention these people on the black history month. Yet that is not how it is. Yet, you don't have to take it from me a WHITE MAN. Watch what Morgan Freeman says, he get's it? That's why I included the video.

Traditionally, the white entertainment networks are ABC, CBS, & NBC

I don't see WHITE anywhere in their name or the advertising of their channel. In addition, EACH of those have shows, and have had them that emphasize blacks in one way or another. It is distinctly different from WHITE ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK which I find disgusting, and I also don't like BLACK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK I believe such things fuel and promote racism. You either want equality, or you think you need special treatment. You can't have both.

Writing Steemit posts about racism emphasizes race

Yep, it sure does. Yet you can write about racism and talk about how bad the blacks, whites, reds, indigo, neon, etc people are. Or you can write about it and say we are all human. You can feed into the fuel of the media and the fuel of the hate, or you can instead seek solidarity.

Socioeconomic impact of slavery compounds over time just as do the proceeds from stolen resources and labor

You and none of your family that you have KNOWN alive were slaves. I have not own a slave. I will not REPAY or treat someone special because what their ancestors or my ancestors did. I'm actually ancestrally on BOTH sides of this. :) Yet like I said you either want equality, or you want special treatment. I don't owe a person a single thing for slavery. I don't owe people a single thing for land their ancestors may have had. Land changes hands whether white man is present or not. The native americans (some of my ancestors) fought and changed land as well. Yet this does not apply to anyone living. If we use this logic then every single person on this planet can trace their ancestry back to lost land and/or slavery somewhere. It is only compounded if people keep bitching and whining about it when it wasn't done to them. If they do that frequently then yeah that'd probably hurt employment opportunities... even if the employer happens to be black themselves, as there are quite a few black people that GET it. I've had numerous successful BOSSES (yes, my bosses) that were black.

Society gives special treatment to multi-generational family wealth

Yes, it does, but this predates the entire WHITE/BLACK and racism discussion by a very long time. There are also black families, asian families, native american families, hispanic families, etc that this is also true of.

“Misfounded” is not a word

Says who? Do you know what it means? If I slam a couple of common words together and you can infer their meaning then did they not accomplish their task? Simply whether a word is found in a dictionary written by someone is not what makes a thing a word. A word has meaning when it can be understood in conversation. This is why I avoid the arrogant high horse of challenging people on words and spelling and such. Since ultimately the goal is communication, and if I knew what they were trying to say then me doing such is completely about arrogance and personal ego. :)

Yes, fix it by stopping it.

Yet you can't stop it if all you do is repeat the same mistakes and choose a new target.

The racial connect to being unbanked or underbanked is significant and well-documented across statistical surveys. No account automatically means no loan. Your personal experience does not signify the norm.

Neither does stating it is the norm without providing supporting evidence. My account was anecdotal and was not offered as PROOF it was offered as an example of something I personally experience so I was not simply recounting something I had heard or been told third hand. That does not mean there is no value to it. It also does not mean it is not worth considering. And yes, it does not mean it is proof of anything other than GENERALIZATIONS don't work. You see I was responding to a generalization about banks and white people. Generalizations are typically false. That is also a big problem with racism in general no matter the race that is targeted it is often based upon generalizations. As such when dealing with a generalization all it takes is examples where it is not true to prove the generalization false. In that context my post is relevant and suitable.

Again with the irony. You wrote an opinion post about race in which you keep saying, “Stop speaking of race...”

I didn't target a specific race. I spoke of many, and the article also was about WHY. Now I get that this entire response of yours was intended to try to make it seem like I didn't know what I was talking about. In this sense I think you failed rather spectacularly. You do show some vision into your character. I believe it is very clear WHY I wrote this article, and for the most part I think people GET why I wrote this article. You can't talk about STOPPING A THING without referring to the THING you are trying to stop. Well I suppose you could if you want to get rather long winded, but then someone like you would come along and make a big play out of how the person carefully avoided saying RACE or SKIN COLOR while that is clearly what they described.

Have you studied history? It’s ALL revisionist. If you’re not pissed about how much of the history we’ve been lied to about, you haven’t been paying attention. By the way, TV shows & movies are not history – they’re programming, not reality.

On this I agree with you 100%. I actually like your term Revisionist. I have taken to instead of saying "History is written by the victor" to saying "History is edited by the victor" as you see I agree with your revisionist idea. It is written by the victor, but a later victor comes along and even edits and revises that. Here you and I agree completely I think. I am also a huge fan of learning these things. I am not a fan of people using generalizations, absolutes, appeals to authority, appeals to tradition, etc. I also am fine with being held accountable for my own choices, I simply do not believe the choices of my ancestors should be treated as something I am responsible for when I had no choice in the matter.

I’d grant you that these days, the economic powers that be have expanded the base of disenfranchised beyond racial boundaries, but since poor whites usually choose to vote with the wealthy (possibly on the basis of shared skin color?), rather than working people of color they are economically similar to, they perpetuate the narrative on a national stage.

I see some assumptions there. Do you have any statistics to back up how these people choose to vote? I'd say that until recently most people seemed to vote however the media propagandized them to vote. Our education system helps with that. I'm suspecting this last election didn't go as planned. Yet, honestly I can't tell you if you are right, wrong, etc here as I haven't seen anything to indicate this. So if you are speculating that's fine and dandy. We simply must not view speculation as fact, but rather as a possibility.

Your “sick cultures” paragraph is an unfortunate and inscrutable way to end the post.

Because I believe the things we blame on race, are not about race at all. They are about cultures. White Supremacists are indoctrinated and raised in that culture. Cultures teach a lot of hate, and promote traditional woes and wrong doings. I ended it that way as I see culture as the real problem, not skin color. As far as cultures of black people. I have never thought it was smart to elevate people that promote being a thug, killing people, etc. Historically this has happened outside of black cultures as well. Yet, from a cultural sense... let me create a fictitious example for you:

Let's say the Grey people create a new form of art where they are talking about how bad ass the grey people are, and how everyone better watch out, because if they get in front of any grey people they might get stabbed with a fork. Then the news comes along and we hear of the occasional forkings. These forkings even occur sometimes between grey people.

As a law enforcement you need to go into a neighborhood of grey people and you know this art exists that is talking about forking. You are immediately a little more paranoid, guarded, etc about forks, especially if the person that has one is gray. This level of tension will make the law enforcement more jumpy, not to mention there will of course be SOME law enforcement people that are simply assholes (authority positions attract the type). Then let's throw in some of the greys that confront the law enforcement, mouth off and say stuff like "fork law enforcement". This CULTURE logically would lead to increased hostile exchanges, including law enforcement escalating their response when they shouldn't have.

It actually mirrors what we're actually seeing. You see black people are killing a lot of black people in the same places that cops are known for killing black people. Often those cops are black. So perhaps there is more to it than race? Does that make it right? HELL NO. It doesn't justify the escalation of violence. Whether it is done against ANY color including white.

So my question to you is: If you’d prefer for a can of worms to remain sealed, why’d you bring the can opener?

It seems like I did exactly what I should have. It was the proper bait to attract someone like you that would take the time to write a good response. That's how we learn. WE.

Now your approach you used may not have been the most civil, but for the most part it was pretty well thought out and I appreciate it. The veiled attacks (and sometimes not veiled) aimed at me I can see, and yeah I kind of sense an agenda. That's fine. I appreciate your response enough and the dialog it has allowed so far that I can look past that. The question is are you willing to continue the dialog or do you wish to instead continue to focus on me? If you need an example: "Misfounded" was pretty overt. :P


Like a fish in water being told about the water, you just can't see the point @hedronstrand35 is making. I went to Asia for a while, a fish out of water, I got to see what he is saying, atleast a little. Africa is next.

It is still a generalization. Because you see it in one part of the world or nation does not make it true EVERYWHERE. Do you think because I am white I have not spoken to whites, hispanics, and other people in my area before drawing these conclusions? If that is the case then your assumption would be very wrong.

The problem is that a Generalization is a fallacy. Finding a problem in one or more places and then projecting that this problem must be everywhere is a fallacy.

So I can easily apply the fish in water analogy to you and @hedronstrand35 as well. If all you have been to is places where this privilege exists that is still not proof that this extends everywhere.

I suspect the parts of Africa will all differ quite a bit too. I suspect in South Africa there may still be some definite white privilege. Is that true of Egypt, the Congo, Somali, Chad, Nigeria, Ethiopia, etc? Hard to say without visiting them all. Visiting AFRICA which is a large continent and finding a thing where you visited it then projecting it to be true of all of Africa is a generalization. If you DO visit many places you should document all of your observable differences as that is valuable information especially if there is no agenda except to collect information.

Knowing different things from each location though would be pretty cool information regardless of agenda.

I will try to remember this as I collect my data :)

That's all I can ask. Collect info. I wish you the best of luck.

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