What Steem needs...

in #whatsteemneeds5 years ago

2019 was an EPIC year for Steem with developments coming at a rapid pace. I am super happy with where this new ecosystem we call Steem is at, but always like to share ideas and perspectives about what could be improved. A good way to start 2020 is to ask 'what does Steem need in order to thrive?'

More use case as a currency

The biggest change I would like to see is an increase in use of Steem as a currency. At the moment this is limited, but the potential is massive - quick (and free) transactions!!


I would love to see some type of exchange (similar to Ebay or Amazon) where users could buy and sell goods using Steem as the unit of exchange. This would be massive and could really increase the demand for Steem and push up the price. The only problem I can see with this is it will massively increase the ammount of liquid Steem and might discourage users from powering up...

Steem could be used in a similar way to sell services (much like Fivver or Upwork). Rather than being paid in liquid Steem, users could be paid in the form of delegation to keep liquid vested..

What do you think Steem needs?

These are my ideas as to what Steem needs to truly thrive, what are yours? I would love to hear them all, and who knows we might see a common theme and some devs might make a start on something new and amazing.

Use the tag #whatsteemneeds and il do my best to support you with some SBI shares 😁😎.


I think STEEM more than anything else needs the abuse to stop. We witness #newsteem try to fight that from the bottom up but it needs to be fought from the top down (One whale abusing the system hurts the system more than hundreds of redfish/minnows doing the same).

Some of the stuff that gets downvoted is of much higher quailty than some of the stuff thats making handfulls of dollars. If this mindset isn't fixed it will continue to hurt the USD value of STEEM.

I like both your ideas and can see both working. A Fiver Steem site that pays out in STEEM/SBD or even delegations could get popular. The Steem Ebay is a grand slam imo.

Removing RC limits wouldn't hurt either, we can't expect people to sign up to the STEEM blockchain and then not be able to use it. Most aren't paying for more RC when they can just skip on over to the next site. THere's too many free options out there to try and force people to pay.

I try and avoid the abuse and get on with what I enjoy here. I know its bad and wish there was more being done tho! Atleast spam has pretty much gone away 😁.

It is a bummer to see great content being downvoted but thats part and parcel of a decentralised society....

I avoid and ignore the abuse as well but regardless of ignoring and avoiding the above is my answer to your question. I just don't see STEEM USD value reaching its full potential unless the ones at the top stop handing out massive upvotes on content thats worse than the stuff they downvote. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone. I didn't realize how often such action take place until I decided to take a short but meaningful look into how often it happens some months ago. I don't care to look again to see if it stopped as I just do my own thing on here and let the chips fall where they may.


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