The Shoot- A Short Story. My Entry for We-Write #5

in #wewrite5 years ago


This Week's Prompt from @zeldacroft, and @freewritehouse

by @zeldacroft

“I said drama, darling, give me drama!” shouted the photographer. His model squinted even more and tilted her head in front of the sheer white backdrop. Alexa watched with hesitant fascination from the catering table. The model had on what looked like an explosion of peacock feathers and six inch stilettos, which made Alexa grateful for her more manageable sandals. It was quite the walk across the studio space from the dressing room, which posed a surprisingly difficult task in the long, fur dress she’d been put in.

“I’d avoid anything with sauce,” advised a model joining her at the table. Alexa had maintained a steady stream of mini-quiches to sate her nerves, and was reaching for the shrimp. “Unless you want to see the bill for that dress, that is.” The girl gestured her long nails to Alexa’s outfit before clawing a nearby strawberry.

“Oh, uh, thank you,” Alexa pulled her hand from the food. “My name’s Alexa, I’m new.”

“I can tell,” the model raised one of her chiseled eyebrows and smiled. “Genevieve. You might have seen me in last month’s Vogue? Page 22.”

“Oh, yeah,” Alexa nodded her head. She didn’t have the courage to confess to not reading it or any fashion magazine, really. She had read that this gig paid better than her usual work for commercials.

“Be the peacock! You are a beautiful bird, now fly!” The photographer was now flapping his arms between shots, his calls echoing through the studio. The avian model still looked intensely blasé in expression.

“Hey, can I ask you a question?” Alexa ventured. Genevieve flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked into Alexa’s eyes.




"How much of this.." She pointed to the photographer, who was now having an animated discussion with one of the production guys. "Weirdy stuff is normal?"

Genevieve's face turned serious, the mouth spreading into a thin line. Suddenly the make up on her face seemed more stark. Alexa was smart enough to recognize a gaffe, though she did not know exactly what it was.

"He is one of the best in the industry, you dimwit!" Genevieve stalked off into the shadows. Alexa picked up the shrimp with a shaky hand and popped it into her mouth. Closing her eyes and concentrating on the food; she was desperate to calm her nerves and it helped that the food was excellent.

"You'll need to get that done up." It was the peacock and she was pointing a black painted finger at her mouth. Alexa started for one the tissue boxes lying on the table.

"No! Dear, you are a newbie." She waved at somebody and gestured with her arms, miming make-up movements. Soon an assistant appeared with a small carry all.

"Er.. Thanks. You are doing great out there." Alexa ventured as the assistant made ready the brushes.

The peacock laughed. It was surprisingly deep and she stopped short. pressing her lips and blinking rapidly.

"This is pure nonsense. But it pays the bill."

Alexa froze as she recognized who she was talking to. "Miriam Selly. I .."

"Hey! I am not that old. Anyway my name is not Miriam you know. It is four years since the sitcom ended and still it's Miriam."

"I am sorry. Your name..."

"Penny Miloner."

The photographer shouted out. "OK OK. Let's finish this. Where's my peacock? Ah. Come now pout for me and tiny flaps like you are about to take off see." He demonstrated in a series of small hops, his arms flapping and mouth puckered. Alexa saw the shoot, appalled at how the actor was treated. Shouted at, positioned by hand and made to do flaps and hops facing this way and that.

"OK that's done. A five minute break and then get on the fox. Warm lights on the dim and get me the tree stump... right there." As the techs confirmed the place and the lights dimmed to normal the photographer walked toward the table along with Penny.

" Penny you got to let go. You are too serious, you know."

"Yah! Once an actor.."

"So you are coming?"

"I already told you. No! I can't."

"I know you are shortlisted for the calendar shoot. Maybe..."

"I am gay, you idiot."

"Oh!" The photographer blanched and moved away.

Alexa was watching this open mouthed.

"I am not gay." Penny said with a glint in her eye. "That moron was making passes at me with her girlfriend on the set."

"Huh!" Was all Alexa could say as she saw Penny looking at Genevieve.

"And the idiot is right. You can not feel self conscious and do a shoot like this."

"I am ammm nervous." Alexa stammered, leaning on the table. "This is my first modelling gig."

"Thirty seconds! everybody get ready." The photographer hollered and the lights came on again.

Penny suddenly stepped closer and took Alexa's face in both her hands and kissed her. The five seconds it lasted Alexa was frozen.

"Now this is a proper Scene." Penny grinned at her.

Alexa was stunned and angry as she saw not a few people looking at them.

Penny said. "Hey! Really, I am not gay. But this will keep him off my back and now you are too riled up to be nervous. Grrrrr. Fox Lady."

Alexa ignored the hollering call by the photographer, looking at the genuine smile on Penny's face. Taking a deep breath she said. "I don't know how foxes growl. But Thanks peacock. " And then stepped towards the light feeling much better.

The Contest:

Picture Credit:


I liked that you are trying to portray how the industry looks from inside out.

Your style is a bit difficult for me as you use several expressions that I was not familiar with. But I am learning.

I was a bit confused about the gender of Penny. My first guess was that Penny is a girl. But in the following snippet, you are calling her "an actor" instead of "an actress".

Alexa saw the shoot, appalled at how the actor was treated. Shouted at, positioned by hand and made to do flaps and hops facing this way and that.

More so, later on in the scene, there are all the references for her or him being gay. Considering the popular nowadays concept of fluid gender, I was confused.

Otherwise, as I said, this story paints a more statistically realistic picture and I enjoyed that thoroughness. Good job!

@mgaft Thank you for the praise and for taking the time to write such a nice response. Actors can be male female or otherwise. Acting is a job description like a cop, a pilot, a driver, etc. So to do away with gender bias (and use less alphabets- pure laziness) this is OK.
And being gay, any of the below fit.


Ah.. then a female could be an actor as well but not vise versa. Huh? A man cannot be an actress. LOL

Thank you!

Well since you mention it- some men are really good actresses. HEE HEE



Yeah, English is mostly a gender-neutral language except for some words like king-queen, father-mother, tiger-tigress, poet-poetess, steward-stewardess and so on. But as you mentioned even these words in certain context could be used inversely.

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Girl power! Nice. I am offering 1sbi for a continuation of mine if you'd like to enter. Everyone wins.

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