Day 857: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: you need help

in #wewrite5 years ago

Hi there,

Thank you @mariannewest for this prompt as everyone has their little pain and I have mine. So let me outline it really quickly. Last year we had #Wewrite contest every week. That was a blessing – the exact format that is the most suitable for me. This year we had a January without a contest prompt. In February, though, we have a contest thanks to @owasco! and it was a great success!

So now, I want to continue this initiative and run the contest every two weeks. Here’s what I suggest.
Similar to what @owasco I selected several daily responses and only adjusted them a little bit for possible biweekly contests.

Now, what kind of help do I need from the #FreeWriteHouse community?

Please tell me in the comments, which of the possible prompts below would you like to use as the biweekly prompt?
Alternatively, I’ll be very happy if anyone would like to write their own prompt or conduct the contest.

Please also realize that nothing is set in stone and these are just suggestions and I would accept any additional suggestion, correction or objections from the community.

Prompt #1 Adopted from

When Zahra came to school this morning, she was shocked out of her wits. There were no teachers in the school. Many students ran around the corridors, screaming their lungs out, pushing and shoving and no one to stop them. Not all students were like this. Like Zahra, some students found this situation daunting, sat quietly, and looked dejected sitting in their classrooms.

Usually shy, Zahra felt the urge to take control of the situation.
She walks down to the reception area where there were a microphone and sound system, which connected to the speakers all throughout the school.

She took a deep breath. ‘I can do this.’

Slowly and nervously, she reached over to the microphone switch and took another deep breath.

"Please all stand for the national anthem?"

The anthem was playing all around the school. The students all stopped. They are standing and respecting the anthem.

When it finishes, Zahra felt the need to continue.

Prompt #2 Adopted from

“It's Matt, I kept telling you." Mathias Reiner smiled. He was a senior detective with the police department and even at thirty still looked like the college athlete he had once been. She could sense something in the way he looked at her -- too frankly and too, well, appreciatively, not the way a detective would look at any eye witness!

He was certainly good-looking, but she wasn't interested -- not at all -- and it was becoming something of a nuisance. It made her uncomfortable. Especially since he never did anything about it. If only he would ask her out so she'd crush his infatuation yet he seemed satisfied with merely looking at her and needling her for books. She doubted he ever read them. He didn't seem the bookish type.

"Sorry to bother you, but there was no one at the front desk. And I thought you might have a book to recommend." He smiled his teeth open wide that it actually shines.

Prompt #3 Adopted from:

"Can anyone tell me what a chirp is?"

Nearly every student raised their hand. I decided to choose a student at random to answer the question.

"Maya, can you tell me what a chirp is?"

"Yes, Mr. Neil. It means that you have a message on your phone."

It may not have been the answer that I was expecting, but it wasn't wrong. It is 2020. Times have changed.

"Where I come from, there are birds that make sounds, just like a phone."

This is today; a group of 7-year-olds. But the alarm bells are about to ring further.

"How many of you use the Internet at home?"

Out of the 30 students, only a handful of them raise their hands

"How many of you go on YouTube?"

Many more children raised their hands.

"How many of you play games online?"

Nearly all students had their arm raised.

"Would you ever go and meet an online friend?"

Maya raised her little hand

“Did you go to meet your online friend?” I reiterated the question as everything in me froze.

Prompt #4 From:

"We're in hot water now!"

Joey grinned and I simultaneously clenched my fists and teeth. Everything was a joke to him. Everything. Here we were, running down the street, being chased by crazed cultish vegans with cannibalistic friends, and all he could do was make not-so-funny quips.

"We will be in the hot water if they catch us," I snapped. "Literally. With potatoes."

"It's okay!" He laughed. "Never fear for I have just the escape route we need."

He took a sharp right and ploughed headfirst into the untamed nature reserve.

I paled.

Hesitating by the dark, all-too-familiar trees, I yelled, "It doesn't involve tobogganing down a cliff, right?"

There was no answer so I screamed, "Tell me that your grand plan is not tobogganing down a cliff!"

"My grand plan is not tobogganing down a cliff," came the muffled reply followed by a giggle.

"I don't believe you," I groaned.

Angry yells and shouts were closing in upon me, their footsteps heavy as they pounded up the road, and unlike me, they weren't out of breath. Maybe there was something to living on apples and sesame sticks after all...

...last time I tried to eat nothing but apples I suffered head spins all day and near collapsed from weakness.

These people were made of sterner stuff than I. And they were getting closer!

Despite myself, or perhaps in spite of myself, I entered the nature reserve and followed Joey's footsteps. Like an idiot.

There wasn't really any other choice.


Hey man this is a good idea! I'm just fried.
I've actually tried to continue one of @kaelci's Joey and Jenny (I think) stories and could not begin to do it, but I choose hers among these.
I should have run my contest directly through freewriters community using the previous template post, and will do that for the next one. You might want to contact marianne if you're serious about doing this. I know she liked this idea a lot the last time you suggested it.
I'm here to deliver the Tuesday prompt so please write us another!

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

Click the graphic to join in the fun!

Thank you!

Great! I am going to ask @kaelci if we can use her post is the next template and I will contact Marianne.

One question... You wrote

I should have run my contest directly through freewriters community using the previous template post and will do that for the next one.

Are you implying you will run the next contest or this is only a figure of speech? As I don't want to take the initiative if you have already planned to run the next one.

Oh I will do it, but I need a couple weeks off. It's a lot of work with very little pay. I already have all the stuff for it.
BTW, @zeleiracordero's freewrite from yesterday would also make a great prompt, the first five minutes of it. Now I read everything looking for good prompts.

Ok, then. I'll hold my horses until you give me the hand wave. Whatever you select is fine by me. Will wait until the next contest. Thank you!

It seems that the company is not easy, @mgaft1. But, I hope you get the help you need.

LOL... You said it. Seems like everybody are happy with the status quo or just don't want to deal with me. )))

Oh, well. I bet I can take any of your daily posts and turn them, with your help, in the full-blown story and then share the profits. )))

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