#welcometosteemit - Winner(s) announcement

in #welcometosteemit6 years ago

OK so that was totally crazy, but what an amazing set of entries!


I really should have planned this post so not to have to write it now, and probably put a window on the accepted entries, and asked for English (sorry), and got a team of reviewers, and so many other things, but this is live and I'm winging it!

The entrants were on the whole, totally amazing. THANK YOU so much to everyone who submitted something, amazing response and my little laptop could not handle loading the pages up at times!

I wanted to get the winner/s out on resteem and plug them to people ASAP, this is not the ASAP I was thinking of, but because of the response, that's the way it has turned out!

Sorry if you did not have time to enter - I'll not be including them for prizes from this point. However, I will be checking the tag for the next few days, and making sure I comment and vote as much as I can on everyone who has entered.


In first place, and just for the most complete, encouraging, steemit shilling awesomeness, I have decided to go for..


Just brilliant guys, exactly what I wanted to see!

My other 2 which I totally love also are:




Thank you Dave, and Marly. These are also both just so perfect for a new visitor to learn what this place can do!

I'm going to resteem all 3, and I'd love to see them all upvoted to high-heaven and will be (re)voting them all up with 100%.

If you have one vote to spare at maximum, give it to @mountainjewel.

You guys will also be receiving the 1000SP delegation, and the 20 SBD. I'm going to have to give something to the 2 runners up to though cause well, I love them too!

Thank you so much for entering everyone, and thank you to everyone engaging and reviewing the entries. I have a feeling my VP is going to be toast by the time I've been through the post and the submissions.

Sorry if you didn't get time to submit, I hope my choices were good ones.

Thank you, that was a crazy but amazing 2 hours!

Asher @abh12345


ahhhh thanks so much asher!!! we put ourselves 100% into this so it's super rewarding!! bursting with joy right now! we'll make sure to spread the delegation all over!! and will power up the SBD gift. thank you!

just have to say that this was the coolest competition we've ever taken part in. i have finger and upvote fatigue right now after visiting and commenting on so many of the awesome entries. i also loved @surfermarly's & @davemccoy's posts- congrats!!! and so many of the others. i felt that many of them could be used as "reference posts for newbies" as they were really top notch and explained the basics so well!

the levels of engagement you reached here through this competition are sooo promising for the future of steem. i hope to see more of these competitions where we can upvote fantastic inspiring high quality content to the trending page!!

THIS is what it's all about: coming together!! let's do it again soon! <3 <3 <3! #shillsteem #itsuptous !

I can tell you guys did, and on many of the other posts too - some amazing efforts and I really appreciate the time taken by everyone to involved.

I think the video along with the excellent post (which was epic on its own) probably just got you the vote. Marlys is super Steemy knowledgeable as you would expect from a guest speaker at Steemfest, and Dave's had a couple of really great examples of what the power of Steem and it's community can do when they pull together.

So many great intro guides, I'm going to be taking a few re-reads and some notes I think!

Thank you so much for entering guys, you are such a great advertisement for the platform!

I'll sort out your prizes ASAP - but first, a cup of tea!



hope you enjoyed that cup of tea! :) man, this was a complete whirlwind! and totally fun!

i think i'll make reference to the other two winning posts in my post as they are completely awesome perspectives and completely helpful/informative/inspiring!

thank you thank you thank you so much again... take it from this sweet meerkat... we love you asher!

Congratulations you guys!!! What an awesome job you did!! Here's to purchasing more perennials :)

yesss more perennials - you're speaking our language @lynncoyle1! perennials and books! <3 xo

That's awesome! Just before packing up and moving to Mexico, I broke down and bought a Kobo e-Reader and have to say I am in love with it. I do miss the tactile function of a good book, and here I've found places where you can trade your old books in for something else, but the fact that I can carry my entire library with me so easily has really been a blessing.

Perennials...now that's a different story. Year round growing here...I'm starting to fill my little balcony :)

Hahaha. How many days did you make yours? I actually made mine within 2 days = 16 hours to be exact, 8 hours per day. Writing, Adding some content, removing some not related, searching, reading some articles, and checking misspells. I'm happy for you bro @mountainjewel. Congrats to all the dolphins who won this contest by @abh12345 <3 Love lots! ^_^

Check mine if you have a time. thanks!

Now, I can say, dolphins are bigger than minnows hahahaha. Minnows have no chance to win against their bigger opponents haha lol.

@surfermarly is a whale actually

She's only a minnow now. Been cashing out for a house!

Big congrats to @mountainjewel, so well deserved!! I totally love your video, it's 100% steemy :-)

Thanks for your great compliment and support, Asher!
Your competition really killed it - and saved the CEO's ass in the end...win win! :-D

Happy Sunday to all of us

Thank you Marly, your post was totally amazing and it shows how much knowledge and steemy skills you have!

Totally blown away by the entries, and am now in dire need of a cup of tea!

CEO, saved! Happy Sunday everyone, thank you!!

Congratulations @surfermarly!! That was awesome...a real whirlwind of a morning and so so so worth it!! :)

thank you sweet @surfermarly! :) glad you found our video steemy haha! loved your entire post! i updated & linked to it in my post.
thank god @ned has asher ;) happy sunday and happy mother's day to all the moms!

I'm happy for you @surfermarly, I like the flying kiss hahaha Lol, Very steemy. :)

I made mine within 2 days and didn't post anything because of this contest. hahaha.

Writing, Adding, Removing, Searching, Checking, Reading an article and etc. within 2 days hahaha. So please if you have a time check mine too T_T

For I gave my best here T_T

Now, I can say, dolphins/whales are bigger than minnows hahahaha. Minnows have no chance to win against their bigger opponents haha lol.

Good choice, exactly the winner and the top three I would have chosen!

All in all I think it worked out quite well as an experiment. You can probably afford to relax for a while now and see if those posts 'take off'!

Thank you for backing me up, the standard blew me away and I wish they'd all fly into people's faces!

A crazy couple of hours, I hope that all the entrants get a few kickback votes and gain a few more followers interested in what they have to say.

Thank you!

It's a win-win situation all around I think, and nonono, thank YOU!

Back to my books now...have a nice rest of the evening, time for me to offline for a while.


Three great selections-- well done to the winners; all 100% upvotes given!

Whether any of these "get legs" and find their way into "Trending" I still think this was a win-win for everyone: Some really positive content was created, and there was a community effort to make a change for the better!

In the meantime, I love the idea that the #welcometosteemit might take off as a collective repository of good vibes both newcomers and potential comers can be sent a link to as an ongoing feed. It could even be encouraged through a weekly "Welcome to Steemit" post challenge... on on this scale, but just as a smaller venture to keep the tag perpetually active.

Thanks for the support!

That would be something right, #welcometosteemit for all your intro/shilling article needs :)

I'll be checking in on the tag this week, I still see entries arriving, which I feel sad about - some lessons learned if I was to do this again. IF!


Ah man, how did I miss this?! This would have been the perfect excuse to post something I’ve been working on anyway, but much earlier than I had planned. I’m bummed that I didn’t enter, but congrats to the winners!

Aww sorry! I only put out one advertisement but that got 48 resteems so I hoped it reached everyone who was interested. Some super awesome and positive posts for you to read now! :D

Well, I had taken a break from here until a week ago(ish), so I'm just getting back in the loop. On a related note, I just put together my first ever contest. Would love it if you would throw your hat in the ring if you're not too busy doing all of the other awesome stuff you do for the community.

Ah! i recongnise that contest :D

I lucked out and read it before bed last night, and it's been resteemed cause well... It's just uber generous of you and hopefully you'll have some good stuff to dish out that nice price to :D

I had the time to read @surfermarly and @davemccoy thought they were great entries, they really expressed from the heart the feeling that can move the world to steemit, I congratulate you asher @abh1234 another of your great ideas, right now I'm going to see the first place!

Way to go @abh12345! You did it :)

I read through the comments...forget the tea and get yourself to the pub haha

hahah totally agree ;)

haha I hope you two toasted each other with something more than tea as well :)

Whew, still here responding with thank you's! Have yourself a very big Thank you on me! :D

Whew is right Ash!! It really was my pleasure! I love watching the good people here get whipped up into a good frenzy about all of this. It's pretty magical to watch. And the entries still pouring in hours later...so cool. I feel fortunate to have been a part of it. Actually, thank you for thinking of me and asking for my help. It indeed was an honor my friend :)

Congratulations to the winners !
And thanks to Asher for this unique moment in my short steemit life. It was really nice to have organized that, and I think the next times will be even better !
Waiting for your next idea now... :D

Thank you for taking part. I need a rest this week now!!

Also, thanks for the witness vote, much appreciated :)

Much deserved, it was really intense !

No problem, it's the least I could do.

Im gonna make one anyways and it twill be so amazing that you will reopen the contest!!! 😎😎😎🤓🤓🤓👾👾👾

I think someone else should run it next time! My head is still spinning!

Showed my small support. That was a tough one Asher. All three were wonderfully written!

Thank you @beeyou, some really ace work - I'm very thankful for the votes guiding me on the way!

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