Occasionally people that follow me will speak of my speed or say they think I am a bot...

in #weird7 years ago

If I am passionate and know my topic well my fingers must fly across the keyboard. Though it is not just typing. I was inspired by another post, I wrote a comment, and then I wrote a post, found images for it, built an intro image for it apparently in about 30 minutes. That is the post before this one.

When I post and it is something I am excited about really I am writing what I am thinking and if I am lucky my typing will lag just a little bit behind my thinking, but not by much. I think over the years I have fought to try to keep up with my thoughts and that has helped my typing. As I type this there are at least 4 of my fingers that rarely touch the keyboard, so I am typing fast and not at all conventionally. I've often wondered if that is how I've managed to avoid Carpel Tunnel with how much I write.

People that know me can look at my blogs and think he must spend a ton of time blogging. Due to speed and my typing and mind almost being in sync most of my posts take me around 30 minutes. Once in awhile I'll do one that can take me several hours, but that is mostly spent collecting the media to go along with what I write. The written part just happens...

So what made me think of the references at time to me being a bot?

Well I noticed something. Some of you have likely seen the notice that you cannot only VOTE on something every X amount of time. How many of you have ever seen the message that "you can only comment every 20 seconds" before? I experienced it right before I wrote this post, and that is what made me think... "Hmmm perhaps I am a bit bot like". For if you look at my comments you likely know I have no problems writing long comments. In fact, writing short things is the challenge.

In this case I was writing something short, but I realized I've encountered that particular warning several times before.

Weird. My intro post when I started here I clearly stated I am weird. This still stands.


Nice post once again dwinblood. I do not think your posts are that long tho, perhaps for steemit yeah, but often I will write 5000 word guides and ebooks are sometimes 60k. :D

Anyhoo, thanks for the thoughts. Awesome that you can write without fatigue and let your mind run and fingers follow. Never loose your flow! Mwah.

Heh, I've written posts that maxed out the block and forced me to write another. I try to avoid that now. Some of my posts are very long. Others I try to keep in a spot that people seem to like.

"least 4 of my fingers that rarely touch the keyboard" I lol'd. Thats old school!

I never had formal typing. I simply programmed A LOT from age 12 onward and I'm now 46. Yet I do play guitar and I like fast stuff so that may have helped my speed too... all these things going together. I think it is more trying to keep up with my mind.

I've encountered the same thing when going through my replies mostly. Gotta slow down for the system to catch up heh #botsrise

btw, have you been to the #Esoteric-trail Discord server? Check it out some time :)

Will do. I only pop on Discord occasionally. I'll try to remember though :)

Voted up and Resteemed. Thanks a bunch.

First elective I took in High School was typing.. Figured it was a skill I would need for a lifetime. I have an auto-correct in my brain. I instantly know when I've miss keyed.

Yet I can appreciate the hunt and peck folks that have mastered their own techniques. The right pinky is for the period and the "p" mostly, actually it also does colon and "_"s.

Yeah after many years of coding and writing I don't hunt and peck. I can type in the dark and I never look at a keyboard. I simply don't type the "appropriate" way, yet with the sheer amount I type I should have had carpel tunnel syndrome years ago and I often wonder if the only reason it hasn't happened being that I type "weird". :)

I totally get that. I type a ton myself and make sure that my angles are good for hand posture, otherwise carpel tunnel is waiting for me. If i'm too upright, I feel it in the back of my shoulders, too forward, in my hands.

How'd you do with the guitars?

I ended up buying an ESP MH350FM which is normally $699 but was on sale on $599 Musicians Friend and Guitar Center matches those prices. Snagged some other stuff since I was spending less than I thought I would. Ended up spending the same amount I was planning but I grabbed another small amp, and a case, etc. :)

I mostly will be using it with my computer...

That is pretty much exactly what it looks like...

I grabbed one of the following amps to experiment with as well and I let my son @theanubisrider run off with my other amp and my BC Rich Warlock.

I proudly proclaimed I was buying all of this stuff using magic internet money, and I did my due dilligence of telling a few people about Steemit. Sadly most people we tell will ignore us. Their loss.

That looks pretty sweet. I love the "magic money" comment. Doing your due diligence is all you can.


I guess my approach is pretty much the same, except my execution time is much slower because I rarely have contiguous blocks of time in which to create a post from thought-to-publish without at least 6-7 interruptions... by clients at work, family, cats, ringing phones or whatever....

... even this comment included a 90-second break to field a phone call.

Frankly I wish I could get more posts out-- just this morning while making breakfast, I "wrote" six articles (notes on little pieces of paper) along with cooking eggs, sausage and toast. By the end of today, I will have done well if three of them "become" something.

As of yet, I have NOT bumped into the block length limit.

I try not to run into the block length limit... It has only happened to me a few times. I also seem to sometimes get less people reading my really lengthy pieces.

Occasionally people that follow me will speak of my speed or say they think I am a bot...

Ain't that the best compliment one can get for his typing skills ;)

Yeah as long as some bot detection algorithm doesn't start flagging me. :)

A fine essay indeed, isn't everyone typing stream of conscience by now?The worst is when I get half way through a post only to realize that I had switched keyboard languages a few paragraphs back. Weird is based on your perspective on normal. Normal doesn't truly exist at all.

Weird is based on your perspective on normal

Yeah whenever I say it... it is tongue and cheek. I love being weird. I like weird people. :)

The @chaospoet account is me also. I occasionally use it when I have an explosion of weird, and I try only to speak with that account in prose or poetry... even in comments. Sometimes I forget I'm on that account and mistakenly type something not in prose or poetry...

This is one of my favorites there and I think explains it:


Thanks for introducing me to your other writings, I'm a big fan of stream of conscious poetry, bleedpoetry was in terms of the words flowing out from the mind to the ink across the page. Typing has slowed me down to more pre meditated lines, though as my bash thumb sprints across the page, I start to conceive that that is starting to change.

it sounds like bleedpoetry is the same thing I've called Chaos Poetry for about 29 years.... just blurting and letting strange things come out of my mouth or out of my mind into written word. Sometimes it can take you to pretty unexpected places. Some days it really sucks and doesn't work at all, but when it works man those are some magical moments. A lot of "where the hell did that come from" when talking to yourself about your own works.

My saving grace to the madness was to punchline at the end, the cynic in me has a wonderful sense of humor😄 It's taken me some dark roads, but also filled me with a purpose, I'm glad to have found you. Look forward to discovering your take on weirdness.

I let the Crazy dude off of his leash when the mood strikes and then he seems to have a run of things for awhile. I can usually feel it kind of bubbling up in me, and there are hints that time may come again soon.

Haha if I see Ogre...i upvote off of that alone!!
Good Read, i am jealous you can write like that

good post

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