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RE: Lilylivered, a Weekend Freewrite

You chose the same line I did when I Facebook shared this post!
"Honey, the world has a lot of hate in it. Everybody thinks it's the other guy doing the hating. Just be sure you see hate in yourself when it is there, and turn it to love."
Now I'm trying to pare it down for the Twitter share. :) You just did that for me, @deirdyweirdy. Thanks!
Great freewrite as always, @owasco!


You shared me on Fedbook? I wonder why I didn't see that. But thanks! Gotta go check that out.

Twitter, too!
And in a post I posted today - my belated "Yarn" freewrite. :)

#Fedbook - I love it! All the surveillance - not just Facebook's algorithms, but lurkers and "friends" and data collectors.

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