Wednesday Walk | Nature’s Beauty! Why a Bird?

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Good Wednesday my walking friends!

Today I wanted to participate in @tatoodjay’s Wednesday Walk! I think it is wonderful he is promoting this weekly exercise challenge. Thank you @tatoodjay for hosting this fun challenge. Daily exercise is so necessary for both our mental and physical health!

Yoga has become a daily part of my life. I have built core strength and as we age our balance is weakened. Yoga has been so beneficial to strengthen my balance as well.

Combine yoga with a walk or bike ride and you are good to go!

Having lived in Southwestern Florida for about a year now I find I am still amazed at the beautiful fauna around me. Plants which I used to purchase as house plants are now a standard lawn plant. And they flourish beautifully. Because we have warm weather year round we have flowers year round!

As you know, my Steemit name is @birdsinparadise. I chose this name for two reasons. The first reason was Mr. Bird and I feel like we are two Birds living in paradise! The other reason is because we both love the Bird of Paradise flower!

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This was the first outdoor perennial plant we purchased when we moved here. Native to South Africa it is also known as the Crane Flower. It is even featured on the reverse side of the African .50 cent coin

The South African variety can grow up to 10 feet tall! Wow, crazy right? It often takes 3 years to produce the first flower. For us it was a year, and when it blooms we certainly do a happy dance. The flowers I am showing you bloomed about 10 days ago. They’ll last about 2 weeks and then we wait for the next bloom.

Another beauty discovered on my walk was the Bottlebrush! These grow on a tree!

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Isn’t the detail amazing? So delicate yet the colors are brilliant! I smile each time I see it.

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We’re in the middle of rainy season. We’re praying we don’t have another hurricane this year!! I was able to capture a few shots right after the brief daily shower. It was a heavy rain, poor little thing! !
A common Vinca I know, but sweet all the same!


Thank you for sharing my Wednesday walk! Nature has so many amazing secrets to share! We just have stop and take a moment to appreciate them! Thanks again @tatoodjay for another great Wednesday Walk!

And as always, blessings to you all!




Lovely photos @birdsinparadise, now we know where your name came from;) Those flowers all are common here in South Africa as well!

So do you see Birds of Paradise that are 10 feet tall? I couldn't believe that! I bet you have wonderful lush flowers there right? Thanks for stopping in:)

I to love Birds of Paradise flowers, when I first saw your name on here thats what I thought of initiall, then when I saw you refer to mr Bird I thought I was wrong

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!

You are correct! I just call him Mr Bird because he's the other half of the birds in paradise :) So fun right? I think the Wednesday Walk challenge is a great idea, so glad you do it. Thank you for the tip as well!!

Yes Mr Bird makes perfect sens eot me, I have never bene big on given names, everyone knows me as JJ I dont even answer to my given name LOL, and my Wife I call Lulu Nothing at all related to her given name LOL

Love the photos! I grow both types of Birds of Paradise here at my home in Southern California. Including a bunch of the "Giant Bird of paradise" which can actually grow up to almost 30 feet tall!!

Wow, that is awesome! Mr. Bird grew up in southern CA as well and he was accustomed to 10 ft varieties, but 30! That is a huge plant. I hope you'll post some pics sometime, they are such beautiful plants and flowers. Thanks so much for stopping by :)


Love the thought into your name. Beautiful shots of the flowers. There is something so elegant and unique to Bird in Paradise flowers. I can stare at them all day.

Why thank you @loveself! I do love the flower and the name was fun as well. They are indeed elegant. I look at them up close and the detail just astounds me. I appreciate your kindness :)

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Stunning photos of these beauties in your garden my Dear; they are absolutely breathtaking. I really hope the crazy weather will not damage them too much 🌸😊🌸

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