Wednesday Walk: Garbage Scow

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

I dinna fight him Captain, until he called the Enterprise a Garbage Scow
Scotty to Kirk on the original Star Trek

This is in response to a Challenge by @tattoodjay to take photographs of things on a walk. Things you don’t normally see. I really like the challenge and the challenger so here I am again.

Yard Wagon2x.JPG

Doesn't really look like what I imagine a garbage scow to look like, does it?

My friend Erv is traipsing around the upper Midwest and asked to leave his RZR at my place for the duration. It's the smallest option from Polaris, a compact and serviceable unit. Erv asked me to drive it once a week to keep the battery in good health.

Sam Ridesx.JPG

So Sam hatched a plan. We will drive out to our walk on Wednesday, park the RZR and go from there. In theory it should get us more steps on the desert and less coming and going. Yesterday was the first test of that plan.

Why Wednesday? Glad you asked.

Garbage Wagonx.JPG

Because garbage day at my house is Monday and Thursday. We decided we'd load the RZR with garbage that has been strewn around the desert and send it out to the landfill on regularly scheduled days.

GW frontx.JPG

That is four bags of garbage that are put in a much better spot. It turns out to be a win for everybody. Sam hits the desert fresh and ready to run and dig like crazy in the earliest possible temperature window.

Sam Runsx.JPG

As you can plainly see, Sam likes the idea just fine. This picture is actually him running like crazy to catch up after having dug after a squirrel. I like that we are removing some unsightly garbage from our playpen and Erv's battery should be just fine when he comes home in about 7 weeks. Everybody is a winner here!


Well, except for this person. Yes that is a house fire not far from my place. I took this photo when I went out to open the gates yesterday morning. It took the Fire Department over 15 minutes to respond from a mile and a half away. They saved the concrete foundation and slab but not much else.

This is the end of this #Wednesday Walk. All in all, a pretty good effort for all concerned.

All Words and Photographs in this post are mine, for better or worse.

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15 minutes for 1,5 mile... FACEPALM.

Lovely post though :D Great shot from Sam running! I keep on saying this, but you live in such a special part of the world! Those warm tones in that picture :D

Thank you. It's pretty typical southwest. The earth tones predominate. I certainly like it here...

Ohh yes thats such a win win situation Ervs RZr gets a run, Sam gets a run and your doing such a good think cleaning up the trash that the irresponsible people are leaving out int he desert
always sad to see a property on fire but that's kind of shocking how long it took the fire department to get there

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

In all honesty, the Station nearest us is really an ambulance station with a fire truck assigned. There is a real fire station about 2.5 miles away across the freeway. I'm pretty sure theirs was the first truck to the fire. It's really pretty crappy fire service.

That doesn't sound very good I am lucky if I ever need it the station is half a mile or less down the road

That is pretty awesome that you get to drive the side-by-side around. Sure, twist my arm, I'll keep the battery healthy for you! My wife and I are interested in getting one of these some day to drive around on the trails while we are camping. That is great that you are using it as double duty to pick up some of that trash. I remember someone telling me once, if you see white smoke it is probably just a campfire, if you see black smoke, someone is probably losing their house...

Sam and I have a couple of places that we want to check out this summer. It's a really cool and compact vehicle. He has had it permitted in Wisconsin so it ought to work in Michigan. Here in Arizona, it's street legal, and in fact Erv has another set of tires and wheels for the 'nasty' part of this world.

That is pretty cool! They gave really flexed the laws recently. I am pretty sure a lot of those vehicles are street legal in Michigan now with proper permits. If you find yourself in the right part of the state you probably don't even need that. A lot of people don't realize just how vast and wild the upper peninsula of Michigan can be. There are huge stretches of forest that potentially haven't been touched since the Native Americans hunted them.

Posted using Partiko Android

Would love to try driving this small truck!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's a just a wonderful little vehicle. Not real fast, but it will take you about as far into the back country as I have any interest in going.

Nice work on the trash.

And that is way too long of a response time for that fire. Maybe there were other emergencies happening at the same time.

It's just the way the world is around here. I'm not exactly in the city, and services are a little spotty as a result. At least the wind wasn't blowing so it was only one building involved.

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What a really cool Garbage Truck that made, well done dt being proactive in problem solving! Many tend to complain about stuff but do nothing about it, very well done @bigtom13! But as to the fire dept, just pray you don't ever need them!

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