Playing Smart IV, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #wedding5 years ago

…continued… from part 1 and part 2, and part 3.


The funny thing now is, the man has now agreed to do a legal wedding in court so they can legalize their marriage which he has refused to do nine years ago without any reason. The husband asked her about the possibility of doing the court wedding now and she also replied with a strong ”NO”. Her dad already threatened to disown her if she ever goes to court with her husband, so she is torn between two worlds.

The husband has been going around, tagging her everywhere as a bad and unsupportive wife. He has told a lot of people that his wife’s action shows she is not loyal and he also went as far as telling everyone bad things about his wife’s family. His family members also came to her just to persuade to agree with the court wedding but she also replied them in a sarcastic way by saying ”I am old enough to make my decisions” and she said she wants to stand her ground also as her husband did nine years ago. She asked people for advice on the best way to resolve it, so here is my own take on the whole matter and I would welcome yours as well.


The first mistake was when she decided to go through with the wedding. She shouldn’t have. She said she wanted to save her family from shame, so she doesn’t want to have the baby out of wedlock. Marriage is about you and not about your family. She would have been without this dilemma if she decided to take her stance by saying she would rather not have any wedding than have it without the registry.

The man insisted on no court wedding and when he saw what he stand to gain, all of a sudden, court wedding now look appealing? That is the wrong motive to be with someone you claimed to love. It is not about the benefits that you stand to gain but about taking responsibilities, about the sacrifices and about consideration. He was not considerate with this lady and he felt she would be a burden to him. The problem most people have is that they are already looking for an escape route even before they get married. The guy thought he wouldn’t like to part away with his possessions in case of a divorce which is why I believe he insisted on not doing the registry marriage.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


The story is so interesting. My own advice will be for the wife to accept the court wedding. What has happened as happened. She should think of her children as well as the her family which made her to accept to give birth to her first baby inside wedlock. Though, the husband didn't behave well at all but she should go ahead with the wedding since she had all her children with the man in question. Unless she has another affair outside or the man has another person he is dating.

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