Is This What We're Becoming? [WARNING - DISTURBING VIDEO]

in #we7 years ago (edited)

I write a lot about morality, and how I feel we are losing our grip on it as more and more corrupting influences arise within society. Throughout my writings, I maintain a strong sense of optimism that things can change. However, not the first time recently, my faith in humanity has taken yet another blow, and I am truly beginning to wonder if there is a way back for us.

Warning - The following video contains a man drowning to death, while three teens video record him while laughing hysterically. I would advise that you do not watch this video if you are easily upset.

I apologise for sharing that, but some things you must see for yourself to believe they happened, and I do not feel that any amount of words could have accurately described the level of apathy exhibited by these young persons.

If the video itself was not horrible enough for you, the comments on the video certainly will be. Some justify letting the man drown because he was a "nigger." Many more speak of how the only reason that the three teens were so dissociated from the drowning man's suffering was because they themselves were "niggers."

Personally I do no think that race is an issue here. Both the man who died, and those who failed to save him, were all black. It isn't about unfair discrimination, nor even self-hatred as some would assert. For me, this boils down to nothing other than apathy.

The onlookers in the video simply did not care about another human being's life, nor his suffering. For another human, any human, to be dying such an awful death in front of another, and for that observer to be able to laugh at the situation, is testimony to how far as a society we have fallen. It feels like rock bottom to me, but somehow I am sure that humanity will prove me wrong on that one.

I share this depressing news with you, not because I want you to feel like shit. I share this because I want us to see what happens when we support a system that pits humans against one another. Its easy to say these are just a bad few eggs, but the truth is, they aren't. There is far too much shit like this happening nowadays, and if we do not make thrice the effort to instill some sense of morality into the generation of tomorrow, in twenty years from now, when something like this happens again, the user who shares that video on Steemit will do so only to laugh at how funny it was when the guy was flapping about like a fish, and it will probably be a top trending post too.

This system, that we all are a part of, has fucked us up something serious. How is that if a dog had been near that water, or a dolphin in it, that man might have had a chance at survival. Why can creatures that we abuse to serve our needs have more compassion for us than we have for ourselves? Well I guess that's an easy one to answer. The system has redefined "ourselves" to exclude anyone that is not in our social circles, or has no value to us that we are able to exploit. In a world of alleged scarcity, another's death is a good thing, for it leaves more of a chance for us to get what they might have gotten had they lived.

Teach your kids that we're not adversaries. Teach them that we are but one community, who has simply forgotten. Or one day it might be them sitting their watching another die, and thinking absolutely nothing of it.


How much progress we are making in the field of science or technology, we are losing our moral values. No moral education is being given just like we are being fed with science facts and formulae, if from the beginning we have been taught how to love, care and be passionate these problems of hate,rape, apathy, murders will fade away by itself. I am not a philosopher but as far as I know, this is the main cause of humans being insensitive and merciless.

I agree, possibly because a great deal of immoral shit is done in the name of science. If we can someone how continue to learn, without having to torture and murder milions of animals on the way, I think we may start to get somewhere positive as a species.

Even in this context artists are much sympathetic and have great moral values. I know you are also from the art field, I am also an artist. Let us change the world by our posts here. Have a look at my posts and see the progress I am making here.

I won't watch it, but it does seem like we're being programmed to abandon all care in the world.
I suspect that most people would have wanted to help, and even the individuals in question might have acted differently if they'd been alone, or with other caring humans when it happened. I'm staying positive here!

I feel it is the youngest generations that are most effected by this growing apathy. They have far more conditioning than even I, at 29 did.

There was another instance of this shit yesterday, when someone was live-streaming during a car crash where their sister actually died, and their reaction was to take a selfie with the corpse and say "My sister is dead and I don't give a fuck."

Hard for me to retain your level of positivity for our youth when this shit seems to be happening all the time.

I love your optimism though, because while I do feel I am an optimist, you take it to another level, and it is inspiring. Thanks.

My trick is: I don't watch those videos! There were times in my life when I felt that I was too sensitive, and I even envied those who seemed to not feel anything. I tried to be tough and strong at times when I was with tough crowds, and was even ashamed of my tendency to care and feel for strangers-- it wasn't 'cool' to express emotions unless it was a hateful laugh or a perhaps a display of anger. I grew up in a culture where men weren't supposed to cry, and yet I cried about the littlest things, which made me feel like I'd never fit in.
Humans do naturally care though, and it takes a constant barrage of influence and social conditioning to suppress those natural responses. The brain is a programmable device, but without the everyday influence of media and it's persistent cultural conditioning, most humans would revert back to being... human. A cruel video might become popular for it's shock value, but often what we will see is a sort of herd-mentality-- people wanting to be accepted into their societies-- but when nobody is watching these same people might drop their act and actually do things that are kind and good-- I know because I used to have that act down pretty well. Empathy used to be a lot of trouble for me, I thought! Now I'm actually learning how to breath in the pain of others, and offer relief by sharing the loads of anguish. This is where my real strength alway was anyway.

This makes me wonder, are you familiar with China's new censorship laws? I can't remember if they are merely proposals at the moment, or if they have been passed, but it makes me wonder what a the Chinese people might look like as a population in a few generations. I'm also rather confused about the whole situation, it just doesn't sound like anything else that is going on in the world right now. Everything seems to be about fucking with your sense of morality, where as this seems to be about denormalizing the fucked up shit we have come to consider normal because of TV. That almost sounds altruistic, but, I'm too much of a cynic apparently, to believe it possibly could be..

Society has not hit "rock bottom;" man has been always thus for the 10,000 or so years he has been on this planet. It is only for a few hundred years that social norms began to shift to treat all man with some sort of value.

Public lynchings were a form of community entertainment in the US up until the mid-20th century. Outside the bubble of the Western influence, men own other men, men are killed on a whim of the powerful, and organ harvesting of prisoners is a state-sponsored business.

Modern Western nations are rushing headlong into undermining their principles and moral fundamentals in the name of "diversity." It is not surprising that the result of moral relativism, which is essentially what "diversity" means, is moral bankrupsy as illustrated above.

I can understand your perspective perfectly, but I have a difficult time adhering to it. As I mentioned in a recent exchange with you, my faith in what we regard as historical fact is rather lacking. When I say that morality is on the decline, I speak only from personal observation in my short life time.

I do, however, agree 100% with your closing statement. As long as moral relativism is an accepted concept, morality will forever allude us as a people.

That's disgusting. Those kids talk like they were watching a drunk guy tripping over or something like that, how stupid are they?! I really can't believe what I just saw.

The worst part for me was when they continued to laugh even harder upon realising that he had in fact just died. So fucked up, man.

Personally I do no think that race is an issue here

It is a culture issued inflicted upon the poor black population of America by the democrats and their front groups.

My hypothesis is that the democrats subvert the black community with lowered educational standards, anti-social cultural messages, racist propaganda, toleration of crime/gangs, and an anti-business agenda to keep as many people on the welfare-voting plantations as possible.

the democrats simply changed their method of population control from whips and chains to lies and welfare checks

Lol. To be clear, I am not offended here. But, I feel compelled to inform you that this is incredibly racist, by the word's actual definition, and not what people throw around all the time in order to get reactions.

A lot of what you say I find to be rather accurate, however, the context in which have used it negates all of the information shared, and essentially all you have said is that, "yes, it was because they were black that this happened."

There are plenty of people of all nationalities out there who are being conditioned into a life of apathy, this has nothing to do with race, mate. It's also nothing to do with right-vs-left..

racist means to pre-ascribe someone's actions to their race - I did not do this.

the people in this situation are no dumber or gullible than any other people suckered by democrat lies and subversion, and any other people trapped in a similar situation would behave in the exact same way

In no way did I state that all black people act that way

It's also nothing to do with right-vs-left..

Read Gramsci, Adorno, Maruse, etc. Structured dishonesty and identity politics with the goal of destroying the current society are baked into leftism

In other words, subverting a community in order to use that community politically is essentially leftist in nature

You're missing the point, mate. As I said, I consider what you said to be accurate. But, when you quote that I said this isn't about race, and then talk about how it is, you are implying, whether intentionally or not, that it is about race, and this would not have happened if they were another colour.

That is actually not the definition of racism either. But if you look it up, I expect you should understand what I mean.

Like I said, I am not offended, and I don't even think anyone should be, because without intent, all racism is simply something we have learned and don't think about. I only shared this in the hopes that you would look at things from a different perspective, and be more mindful of what your words are saying, beyond the words themselves.

I hope you didn't take offence by my words.

I hope you didn't take offence by my words.

oops, I did. Sorry ;)

I am very literal; I double-checked, from my perspective, though, the statement and found nothing wrong with it...then I checked again considering maybe someone else could be offended.

And maybe they could

Race and culture is very tied together in some communities, and any discussion of race is likely to be offensive to some people because it is pretty visceral to most of us.

I tend to write on (what I consider to be) a rational basis; although I understand most people react on an emotional rather than rational basis, it is my own emotional bias that I don't consider that in my writing.

when you quote that I said this isn't about race, and then talk about how it is, you are implying, whether intentionally or not, that it is about race, and this would not have happened if they were another colour.

I did not think I was contradicting you on that, but supporting you based on these actions as the result of cultural conditioning ( and as a separate issue, the reason for that conditioning).

Maybe I wasn't clear in what I said; I'll have to look at those words again in a more neutral mode of thought.

I'll repeat this, though; any inclusion of race into a discussion is going to generate some emotion


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