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RE: @yoenelmundo is spamming comments and using YOUR account to flag people that confront him! Help stop this spammer

in #waronspam7 years ago


@steemitboard is a spam bot but, says this at the bottom;

If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

You can opt out of receiving the messages at any time.

It also provides you with a link to look up your stats and lets you know when something new has been achieved so it's not really telling you the same message over and over. That would be like saying your browser is spamming you every time you get a notification that someone commented on your post. It's the same message, but not the same meaning. I told @yoenelmundo to stop and he posted the same message to me again in the same string of comments.


@welcomebot is a spam bot. But, they will only comment on your post one time when you make an introduction post. Are you trying to say that @yoenelmundo is only posting to people that make introduction posts? I can give you an example of his latest comment on a user who has been here since September of last year. @welcomebot also provides links to a lot of information about steemit that will be helpful to new users. This group convinces new users who don't know better to hand over their private posting keys to an actual person where places like MSP do not do that.


@bot-helper is a spam bot who spams new users when they use #introduceyourself. That bot provides no service except that they claim to donate all their upvotes to charity. I have not heard of this bot until I just looked it up, so I don't know if it is donating or not.

This does not prove that @yoenelmundo is not spamming. You are just trying to provide evidence of more spam to somehow justifying spam being okay. I was not "obsessed" with this group, which I clearly stated in my initial comment to you. I have a problem with the administrators of the group abusing the group members and using their steem power to try and downvote me and other users. But, since yesterday I've learned that this group is convincing people to hand over some of their keys to the admins of this group which is not a very good thing to do. So now, I sort of do have a problem with the group because now all these new users have to figure out how to change their posting keys if they don't want to be in a group anymore.


I'm not the only one who thinks this is spam. Why don't you tell me what @yoenelmudno's reputation is now? I know I flagged him yesterday and dropped him to 41. It looks like some people are not happy with this guy now that I put it out in the open and his reputation is down to 14. I haven't flagged him since before he downvoted this account. So now he has a choice to either stop spamming, or others will continue to flag him into the negatives.

You seem to be fixated on the fact that myself, and now many others, think he's spamming posts. What do you have to say about him using that group to flag me and other users? That is the real reason I made this post. Did they all agree to allow him to do that? Can you show me some evidence of this? If there is some evidence of this then okay. The 160 people in this group can continue to flag people as a group but if they are all doing it on purpose, people with some real steem power will see this and start flagging them back until everyone's reputation is in the negative. We'll see who gets to zero first, 160 minnows or a few whales and number of dolphins who aren't going to sit back and let this spam and abuse happen any more.


I just asked why post a particular group and not others, maybe I did not in the right way but it is because English is not my native language. I removed the flag from the time I realized that you had it and we warned this person not to do that. Then I do not understand why you answer me in a threatening tone.

Yesterday afternoon I saw that he had flagged you another post and I removed my flag too so I see that you're right. But I think those threats should not tell me, in any case you should tell him or those who kept the flag in your post.

Today I check my post or see that you cast a 0% vote. Is that another threat? I do not know why you have that deal with me I was just trying to have a civilized dialogue.

I will vote your post as I see that you are right. I never tried to make war with you. Peace & Love

I singled out this group only after it started flagging me in an abusive manner and it had done it to others. I flag a lot of the spam I come across now because it's a problem and it's getting worse. We all need to do something about it to eliminate it.

It's not a threat, it's a warning. If you are all aware that your accounts are being used to flag people (you said you weree all informed), then there are people who will not tolerate that behavior. I never flagged anyone else except the one person. I don't want to flag anyone or start anything with anybody. But, I will not stand by and let steemit be abused by others if I can do something about it. I don't think all the users are aware of this behavior and I've mentioned everyone in this post who flagged me so they can be aware. Thank you for realizing what happened and removing your flag.

As for the 0% vote. That is probably minnowsupport voting at a low percentage. I vote at 10% of their full vote. If they vote less then 10%,i don't think my vote will have any power. It's not on purpose or anything.

Well it is rare that a vote of minnowsupport comes to a post with 4 days old but it does not matter.

By the way I never said that we were informed that our account was being used to flag people, in fact I said that when I saw your post was when I realized and we claimed the person for that, hoping that this would change.

However I understand your position and I apologize if my comments caused you any discomfort. Have a nice day.

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