The first drawing after the brain injury

in #war6 years ago (edited)

I think that I went two years without doing artwork.
It wasn't just a brain injury, it was PTSD.
The two of them worked together to keep me in a state feeling like I was a stranger in my own body and drifting along a timeline that I wasn't quite sure how I arrived at.
Art had always been a big part of my identity, as had music (I was a classical guitarist).
One of the first things I discovered was that I no longer could read music or remember any of the pieces I used to be able to play.
That was after about 6 years of lessons and daily practicing.
The next thing was that the "inspiration" to do artwork was no longer there.
I could sit there and stare at the paper, have a pencil or pen in hand, and nothing would happen: no vision.
But I also was not trying all that hard to create artwork and there was a reason for that as well.
I had made a friend during my first deployment.
We had a rotating schedule of duties, with platoons cycling between weeks of combat patrols and weeks of standing post.
Standing post meant sometimes 12 or more hours straight in often extreme temperatures, with frequent attacks from small arms fire, snipers, and mortars/rocket propelled grenades.
In between post shifts, you might get 6 hours off, during which time it was advisable to eat quickly and go straight to sleep, since it was likely you might get called back to post in the event of an all-hands-to-battlestations call.
I made a habit of sitting in a makeshift "dining room" (a folding table and a box of MRE's) to eat my ration before hitting the cot.
My friend John had the same habit and despite being in a different platoon we shared the same cycle of post rotations, so we ended up sharing a lot of meals together.

It turned out that we were both artists, and we started a tradition of drawing cartoons together with sharpies on scraps of cardboard boxes.
It was a great way to decompress, and it became one of the few highlights of a pretty miserable deployment.
Our platoon sergeants caught on that we both were artists, and decided that they should pit us against each other in a draw-off with each of us making T-shirt designs for the two platoons.
The winner's designs would get used for the platoon T-shirts, and would receive a deluxe boxed art kit with a full array of pens, pencils, paints etc. that someone's mom had sent to the company.
We both made some pretty badass designs, and I was chosen as the winner.
On February 25, 2006 Lance Corporal John Thornton was killed when a mortar landed next to him as he worked filling sand bags during his platoon's off-post rotation.

I never claimed my art kit "prize."
I had no desire to do artwork for years afterwards.
When it came time for me to get a college degree, after I had separated from the military, I had no idea what I might be able to handle with a brain injury affecting my memory.
I decided to just start knocking out general undergraduate requirements.
One of the requirements was in fine arts, and I chose Drawing 1.
The first day of that class got closer and closer, feeling more like an appointment with the gas chamber than an art course.
Finally, the week before the class started, I decided to force myself to sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil, and was not going to let myself get up until I had drawn something.
Not having any idea of what I was drawing, I just let the pencil draw what it wanted, and this sketch was what was there when I finally let myself up.

I don't know what type of flower it is. I think it might be a rose because of the thorns drawing blood through the clenched hand.
Looking back at the image, which I think has since been discarded, it represents for me the way I felt at that time: a crushing weight on my shoulders of a wartime experience I still was far from coming to terms with, and clenching the instrument of my salvation which at the same time was the instrument of my torture.
Yes, opening up and starting to do artwork again was torment, because it meant tapping into emotions and memories that I would have much rather kept locked deep inside and tried to forget about.
I'd say "most" people don't care about this shit.
I've seen the number of likes and shares stories like this get in social media when side by side with gag humor, puppies, half naked women, etc.
It's hard to share these stories but I will keep sharing them, because you know what?
I deserve to share them, the memory of my lost brothers in arms demands that I share them, and there are a lot of people who owe it to themselves as members of the same society that we fought to protect and are now trying to re-integrate into, to know the war is not over for most of us.
We aren't looking for pity, we aren't looking for "thanks."
We are warriors: we smile back at death.
And many of us every day choose to welcome death rather than keep living with the hell of the memories inside of us.
Our rates of divorce, substance abuse, and suicide are astronomical.
What do we want? To be seen, recognized: that is all.
We will not "go gentle into that good night."
As an artist and a writer it is my burden to share my stories because I am the voice of those who can no longer speak, or those who do not have the means to do so.
Let me try to rephrase.
As soldiers/marines who have seen combat and survived the hardest of situations, it is sometimes almost impossible to be "vulnerable" or show "weakness."
Yet, we are cut from the same cloth as any other man.
We need love. We need empathy. We need that feeling of "belonging."
We need to feel as if the efforts of our past are worth discussing and remembering.
We need to cry.
We need to heal.
We need people to understand that the ways in which we behave are because of things that we have experienced, and despite our imperfections be want to be welcomed into social circles, not ostracized.
We don't want to be feared or distrusted.
The same honor and courage that drove us to volunteer our service still abides in us, and we want the chance to be fathers, husbands, respected members of society, and leaders.
Our strength in the service was the man to our left and right: we no longer have that.
We need to rely on you to "have our six."
And in return you will have friends who would fight through hell for you.

Untitled_Artwork (3).jpg


This is very difficult to write, to relive it, to turn your emotions that overwhelm you into these clear terms. You won my respect, and I will certainly continue to follow you. Because you know, you are worthy to be heard.

Oh and I almost forgot to say, but it's also a beautiful piece of art!

Thank you for the support!

Courageous. This is a brave post that touched me heart when I read it. Thank you for sharing it.

I wish you the best of future days !

Thank you for taking the time to read it @veryspider: best of wishes to you as well.

Thank you for your continued emotional honesty in your posting here - these are not easy things to say necessarily but they need to be said and read. You are awesome. Much love - Carl

Thanks Carl, I appreciate your continued support.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

First off, congrats on the mini curie and getting some c-squared love. 💛

I actually started to reply to this earlier this morning, but this is one of those posts that is too deep for my ‘deepthinkingness’. I feel like a broken record with you, but it’s both a beautiful and sensitive post in words and art.

I’ve been researching the very topic you’ve covered for a while, and yours is the single piece that has me most absorbed across both public and private readings. Maybe it’s because I consider you a friend, so it’s hard to read the struggle and losses you’ve encountered. It was so heavy it took two attempts to resteem!

What I continue to enjoy about your posts is that I am always surprised. Errm....that ‘rose’... I’m glad you shared your doubts. Through my critique glasses, it looks like a hibiscus with thorns. The hibiscus is a much-loved flower for me that brings back childhood memories. I don’t think they’ve ever had thorns. But if it’s your idea of a rose, then it’s a rose... Never argue with the artist...

I very much love the flower contrasted with hulky man; I’m a fan of the Hulk too. :)

As for the reference to Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night”, that’s my favorite poem. It can be applied to so many experiences, and very much that of a Veteran. So to anyone who might not know it, Anthony Hopkins’ reading is fabulous. I actually have it in my ‘moody’ playlist. It’s one of those pieces you can listen to thousands of times, and it’s beautiful, sad and sounds better each time. I’ve shared it to others often.

I agree with Carl, you are awesome. ❤️

(Oh, the big puppy and the guy is very cute. Not so emo goth chick. :P )

EDIT: awww, that evil radioactive bee is so cute too... I’ll get to your other comments once I get a free moment. Work as always.

First off, thank you so much for the 10 SBD. I am flattered to have won your contest! It might be the first contest I have ever won! I put it to good use immediately with a post promotion, so since you were also generous enough to resteem hopefully you will see some of it back. I'm trying to figure out how to repay you and so far am coming up empty: so promise me if there's anything I can ever do to help you out, be sure to ask!
So far my attempts to get you rich have worked negative 10 ;p
I am very touched that my posts have stood out for you in a field you were already interested in: these topics are definitely the ones closest to my heart but it often feels as if they are the ones that provoke the least interest. I'm also happy to be considered your friend because the feeling is mutual. Hopefully, slightly better than facebook friends because as I recently discovered in a conversation with a facebook friend from college, I am 90% clueless about all the things one ought to know about a friend applicable to everyone on my "friend list." One can only intuit so much about people through memes and dog videos.
I really enjoyed that poem reading you shared. The visuals brought out the power of the words. And what is this about you having a moody playlist? You must share it so that we can be emo together lol. No seriously, I'm always fascinated by other people's playlists. I think it could be a really good blog post for you.
This artist loves to be argued with or more specifically "input" or "critique" since a lot of my art is created from raw emotion so often I am left trying to figure out what it is along with everyone else when it is finished. I guess I would have to agree that the flower is definitely not a rose. Perhaps you are correct and it is a thorned hibiscus that will be the new bane of gardeners everywhere.
My big puppy always looks sad and emo but she can thank genetics and breeding for a perpetually droopy face. She is scared of almost everything so I named her Lieutenant Ripley, after the bravest movie heroine from the Ridley Scott Alien movies. A brave name didn't seem to help and years later she is still scared of everything.

It’s hard to kick you from Australia, but you spent your prize money from my non-existent contest on promopost?!


I was hoping you’d just go buy yourself a coffee and have a moment of reflection on what a wonderful human you are. But I will just zen out and tell myself you are promoting it for greater visibility to the plight of Vets.

counting to 100

Also, I don’t wish to be repaid, it really is my favorite post across multiple platforms and email correspondence to date. Besides, had you been cooperative and got yourself stung by a radioactive bee already, that coulda been the hefty upvote from rich me. So next time you see a strange bee, please dive at it and not away!

As for sharing my moody playlist, anything that doesn’t fall under running/ dancing tracks is ‘moody’. My definition is loose. You don’t need to be encouraged to be moody anyway.

And look, we don’t need to judge you too harshly. It’s still worth noting you drew a rose stem.. You almost got there! There were thorns, there was blood. The artwork is beautiful, vulnerable and inherently romantic. When I have a moment, I’ll print it out and stick it up somewhere. I’m sure it will inspire some stories if I was to gaze upon it long enough. Just need to find time to gaze in contemplation.

When you first mentioned the rose drawing, I was eagerly anticipating a story of unrequited love where:

  1. You were too cowardly to buy one for your love interest
  2. You did buy a rose, but it was thrown back at your face
  3. Your love interest received the rose, but found a better option

In all three scenarios, you cried yourself to sleep and woke up to draw a rose. But no! Expected the unexpected from corpsie... It would be brain injury.

Finally, more than a Facebook friend. For me, real life and online friends offer different rewards, but both are equally important. Though, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get rich when I’m writing you essay-length comments. I haven’t even gotten to the other two, which I started to write and began with, “Don’t take this literally emo, but you are so dead for the Sharon Stone misquote and chocolate face!!”


frantically re-evaluating life decisions feeling like Charlie Bucket in "Willie Wonka" spending his grandpa's life savings on chocolate
Well actually I spent the 10 SBD on promobot to be more specific, and got an upvote worth 15 USD so it seems like I made money with it. Everything I make from my posts I put into promoting in the hopes of it reaching just a few more people. I really don't think it works but I'm clueless as to how else I could broaden my posts' reach.
Wow, I've never had someone say that they actually wanted to hang my artwork up and look at it before. Except for my sister who literally had me draw on her apartment walls before she likes my style so much. Getting into a show in open-minded areas is a struggle let alone convincing people to hang it up in their homes. I can't even convince relatives to take it for free and am actually looking at having to throw some of it away possibly since my living situation is uncertain. If you have a PO box or something and it turns out I have the original in a binder somewhere I will gladly mail it to you. I mean you already bought it for more than it's worth =p
I have plenty of stories of love gone wrong but none of them involve roses. Well, I mean I HAVE given roses to women but never with the timing that heartbreak immediately followed. Oh hang on, actually yeah that did happen once. Huh, I had forgotten about that lol.
Please refer to me by my first name Brian rather than "corpsie" lol or my gaming/Discord handle of Devil if you prefer. I mean we ARE trying to make me less emo, right.... corpsie feels very Tim Burton.
I understand that you have a busy life as a wife and mother and professional so I'll try not to feel bad if you need to tone down the length of your comments so you can focus on RL. But hearing from you always makes me laugh/smile and is pretty much the highlight of my day.
Also knowing I have at least one fan makes me look forward to sharing more, which feels good.
How's that for a guilt trip huh.

Fav poem, interest in comics, fan of Procreate, lover of wordiness, and now you referenced Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?! See? I knew we were meant to be pals! Why, you might be me, embodied as a man...We could be long-lost twins and would finish each other’s words!

And there you go, getting emo on me again! I’m going to have write a story about a goth princess and call her Brian soon. :P

All jokes aside, I’m not on steemit to get rich on crypto, I spend time where I feel most rewarded. So I’ll be around, you just need to tag me if I get too quiet. I’m sure your broad shoulders will stop you getting crushed, and you’ll cope just fine.

Sounds like a lot of heartbreak. I’m sure it’s character building?

If you find the original, keep it aside for me please.

Yeah, no guilt tripping, it works and inevitably makes me grumpy. But I am a fan and a believer of radioactive bees. ❤️

You... emobodied as a man... as me....
say, don't go stealing my novel idea! You're in my head!
And if you want to go collaborating on a comic strip I'm all game for it sigh even if it's about Brian the goth princess.... (but only a goth princess because it's really Linnyplant trapped inside of Brian ) sheesh we might need to simplify it or everyone will be as confused as you reading my "N00b Squad" comic

I’m telling you, it’s eery how we think so similarly. I had this comic in my head where we’re twins, only I’m the hot twin, and you, not so much. That’s why you’re emo, sitting in the corner eating crayons, and running out of that, all the rose heads from a string of failed romances. Then one day you were stung by a radioactive bee...

You wouldn’t be impressed. Lol

But I am super busy atm, and a collab will just not work right this moment — maybe when the weather warms up. So in a few weeks, we could start a little series if we’re feeling inspired. Cold Melbourne weather makes me resistant to doing anything. Besides, I’m a creative control freak, we’d fight anyway. It’s best we feel each other out a bit more. It’d have to be more a graphics story, we can go on an a DnD or LOTR style adventure! That might be fun.

Be good, be lively, make sure you get some sunlight in the next 24 hours, I’ve got some serious stuff to contend to in RL, so will be a ghostly steemit presence.

Linny xx

@corpsvalues this is awesome...
Kindly check at @Rf-abol for nice pen art..hope to see you stop by

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