The Art of Running Dangerously - The Rewards of Reckless Exercise In Subzero Weather

in #walkwithme7 years ago

After three days of being cooped up by the weather, I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to go out for a run.

Towards the end of the day I said, "Screw it," threw on several layers of clothing and a heavy pair of gloves, strapped on the old cellphone tracker, and headed out the door.

Running was ... tricky. But so worth it. After the first half mile of warm-up, it was the warmest I've felt in days.

And I got to see this sunset!


The roads around here are extremely rural, and while they do get plowed, they're not salted. (That's fine with me. We don't need more junk dumped into our landscape.) And of course, nobody's going to come along and plow the beach.

I got to put down the first footprints!


Keeping my footing on the ice added a new dimension to the exercise. Keeping alert was key - aiming for whatever bits of grit and friction were available. But on the places that were ice-rink slick, I found that maintaining a steady, slowing pace in a straight line minimized any slipping.

My pace was about a minute per mile slower than usual, and I was only able to fit in five miles before it started getting dark. I was hoping for seven, but I'd put off the departure too long. I wasn't going to risk running in the twilight when I couldn't see the ice patches clearly. I'm reckless, not suicidal.


And what a difference in my mood. I've gone from feeling trapped and anxious to relaxed and optimistic.

It's always seemed strange to me how little conscious control we have over our emotional state. I'm in the same situation I was several hours ago - facing down one of the coldest nights of the last decade in a lovely but rattletrap house. Going for a run certainly has no practical impact on our situation, and yet as a result of some exercise my mood and approach to it are completely different.


It's no wonder science has made the attempt to bottle and sell the effects of exercise in pill form. It probably would have been safer for me to pop a few tablets rather than going out in this bomb-cyclone or whatever they're calling it.

But it would have been a lot more expensive, and a lot less fun.


Are you caught in this cold weather too? What are you doing to keep your spirits up?


Beautiful pictures. That sunset, wow!!!

Me, I ran in place for ten minutes three days ago and my calves still hurt. I need to go to hot yoga--not just for the exercise and the wonderful resultant feeling of calm, but especially because I could score a shower afterwards, lol.

Yeah, I never understood the need for a gym membership until this week. A warm place to work out would be nice - even if I only used the treadmill.

And after a week of no water a shower would be worth the price of admission!

Massachusetts looks enchanting and you are really brave and run-addicted to do what you did with that type of temperature.
I wouldn't do it, not even if I would be paid in gold.

Well I've seen you do some pretty crazy stuff on your blog too - I guess we're both crazy thrill seekers, in our own way!

Looks like an awesome place to run! Really beautiful views, no doubt you feel that it was worth it. With proper clothing and with the proper stamina to not stop running, running in the cold should not really be a problem.

We really are blessed to live in the place we do.

Thank you for this amazing place

out here in the pnw, cold doesnt get me to as much as the constant greyness! or the slight drizzle that turns painful when the wind whips it back into your face.

i hit the gym as much as i can, keep the curtains open for some natural light, and take extra vitamin D. if the sun does come out, i go to greet it!

thanks for sharing your walk - it is breathtaking!

I'm so glad you liked the pictures.

I've heard that insufficient sunlight really gets to people in Seattle and Portland - I even read somewhere that some businesses will give their staff the day off if there's a sunny day.

It's kind of funny because I've got family out there and every time I've gone to visit it's been exceptionally sunny. I've never seen a day of rain in Seattle!

the solstice is TOUGH - sunrise around 830am, sunset around 330pm. it's so weird, and it takes some serious getting used to. there's seven types of rain, and people don't know how to drive in any of them.

when the summer comes though, all bets are off. we do get A LOT of sun up here, and it's not unusual to go multiple weeks without rain after june. especially in august. we just had a few really nice weeks here too, honestly - bright & clear & sunny. only 4 days of rain in the past 14-18 days or so.

indeed - our office has closed early to honour the "SUN DAZE" and i've played hooky a time or two. totally a real thing!

Well I'm glad to hear that really happens with the days off - it was such a good story!

Fantastic Photos, the clarity is amazing! Very nice post here, Thanks.

What a run! As I was reading, I was wondering what you're wearing for footware??? Running in boots is hard and in this weather running shoes are dangerous...

Just regular running shoes for me! They seem to have enough grip for most surfaces. If the snow were any deeper, I'm not sure what I'd do. But actually a couple of crunchy inches on the trails is easier to run than the plowed roads, which get so icy. That's another reason why I headed into the woods yesterday.

Rugged! Take care on those icy surfaces, the cold is merciless.

The pictures you took, those could be considered a benefit of living in a colder climate. Winter in North Texas never looks anything like the views you have. For us it's just different shades of drab for the most part.

Isn't it weird, you get out of a nice toasty bed into a cold house and you stay cold all day or you get out of a nice toasty bed and go running in the cold and it doesn't matter that your house might be chilly, you are warm most of the day. I don't want to think on it too deeply. I just like the way it is. Incentive.

Metabolism management for the prevention of frostbite.

It's an upper-lever course.

Made me laugh!

what an amazing bit of scenery to run in. And the sunset!! You are brave to run on the ice...I can barely walk on it. Exercise is definitely the best mood booster, though. I managed 40 minutes of power yoga yesterday after having not worked out since before halloween! It felt great, but I am sore today.

Oh - good for you! Yoga's not easy either, since it takes strength and flexibility.

You'll feel less sore next time you do it. And anyway, workout sore is like the best kind of sore.

OMG THE BEAUTY....that sunset was one of the best things I have seen in a long time. Maybe because I am practically comatose from heatstroke at the moment. Thank you for sharing!

If only it were easier to house-swap for a bit!

If only!!!

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