Walk the Lonely Road

I probably don't have to tell you that walking/physical activity is good for your health. I once saw a sign in a physical therapy office that said, "El Movimiento es la Vida." Translated from Spanish, it means "Movement is Life."

I went for a walk in the sun. Here are some of the things I saw.
Walking up the street

This is a good place to dodge oncoming traffic

I turned down a side road into a neighborhood

There's a nice hill to walk down. Better down than up!

Here's another side road I go down when I have extra time and want to extend the walk

Can't go this way

Found a swamp. No, I didn't try to go swimming in it.

Anyone want leftover stone from a house that's being built?

Could someone PLEASE get this sign some glasses?!

I had circled back around to the main road and so I headed home.

Thanks for walking with me!


Looks like a very nice place to live and walk in.

Our immediate neighborhood is not quite like that (mostly houses, no trees or swamp) so I would have to go a ways to find firs to walk around. Rocks we've got aplenty leftover from when everyone's house in our cul de sac got built because the neighbors would come and dump their excess onto ours. (I know, great neighbors, right?).

Yeah, I could do without walking by the main road, but it's only for a little while. I keep my eyes open for cars and stay ready to dodge!

They dumped the rocks in your neighborhood? How inconsiderate. The developer probably owned the whole area and thought that would be the easiest way to get rid of them. On the bright side, maybe you could contact a rock company and sell them the pile for really cheap. ;)

So many trees! Looks like it was a great day for a walk!

Could someone PLEASE get this sign some glasses?!

It was! During winter you have to take advantage of the sunny days when you get them. :)

Walking is so much fun! But running - that's an entirely different level of bliss hahaha

Running is one of those things that I really wanted to like, but it never got past being work for me. Some people said they'd get endorphin rushes after a certain point and that it became fun, but even after 4+ miles it was still work for me. Glad you like it though!

I agree - some days I just feel like running is such a chore but most of the time once you hold on till the end of the run you'll feel a surge of satisfaction that is indescribable :)

We'll see. I do enjoy getting to take it slow and see the sights. I appreciate the encouragement though. :)

I love that too actually! I guess it's all about finding a balance between the two aye? hahaha

Looks like a nice spot. So different from my area here in Australia. We walk a lot too, the beach, around the lake in my suburb and around the streets. We talk and share what happened that day and talk about our upcoming holidays or thenine we just can back from. When we can we go hiking in th Hills here as well. Too hot at the moment in the middle of Summer but in autumn (fall) it’s just beautiful. I’m looking forward to getting some photos.

That sounds amazing! I love the beach. When it's summer I enjoy finding some body of water and getting in it. Depending on the day I might not be too picky on the temperature of it either. I've been known to get into mountain rivers if I felt the water calling me. :D
Looking forward to your pictures of the hills!

Thanks for taking us on a walk through this beautiful neighbourhood! xoxo

You're welcome! Thanks for tagging along. Sorry if I was listening to the music too loud while we were walking. Sometimes I forget I have you all walking with me. ;)

That stone is worth a lot of money..

Yes, it is! I don't think they're giving it away yet. Maybe they're planning a pillar or something. If they post a "free" sign, I might try to get it.

Anything's legal if you don't get caught.. 😁

@echowhale team swimming by with your upvotes

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