Walk with me #4 - A Different View

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)


We don't have sky scrapers in Damascus but today I had some business in one of the tall buildings... And the view rendered me speechless. & I couldn't stop myself from just standing on the windows and watching the city while I was waiting... I had to go up and down a couple of times and had the chance to see the whole city from different sides of the building.

The Omayyad Mosque:

Of course one of the first thing that pulled me was the Omayyad Mosque. It's still one of my favorites and the old city's center.


My old house

Far beyond the horizon, some place behind that tall building you see to the right, was my old parents house that I grew up in and the whole town is now in ruins of course.


The rest of the city from other windows...


The Museum of Damascene Heritage

This is the museum of Damascene heritage (the white building) which is a perfect example of the old houses in the old city. You see how the houses used to have two floors and an inside yard so that you can be in your yard yet have absolute privacy. Rooms where all around it. & These yards usually have a fountain at the center and a few trees and more shrubs or flower planters... etc. It usually is magical.


Modern Life

I really don't prefer modern buildings. Apartments shouldn't be a place for people to live in. They're really bad for the body and the soul. Unfortunately I live in one but I still prefer to have a house like the one in the previous photo.


The Citadel of Damascus

This is my favorite photo of today. It's the first time I see the whole citadel from up high and esp. from this angle & this close. (I've seen it from the mountain before but it's kinda far). It's just so beautiful to me. But I wanna hear what you think. This time you and I are seeing it together for the first time so tell me what you think or feel.


It is always lots of fun to see and experience something you already know in new or different ways esp. something like my city. I hope you all enjoyed it and it added something special to your day. Let me know. ;)

See you later...

Please upvote, resteem, comment and stuff...

Much love and light!! Have a nice day!


Much love and light to you too Wa'el :) It's so great to see your postings day after day, your blogging is beautiful. Your photos and words are so great to see here!! Thank you for being such a dedicated Steemian!

^_^ I'm having a lot of fun doing it, too. I wish I had faster internet, you would've seen more blogs. Are they really beautiful? I've never had a blog before. & I still have a lot of things I wanna talk about & share with the world.

Btw, what did you think about the different view? Any favorite photos?

Thank you so much for your support. I love you, dear sister.

Yes, thanks for reminding me, I did want to mention that my favourite was the Citadel from a more zoomed out view~I loved it and I am feeling a strong bond with that building!!

You're really great at blogging Wa'el. A natural talent!! I'm not blowing smoke up your @ss (which is a saying we have, for like.... lying to someone to make them feel better) You truly have skillz! Not many people can blog this beautifully right away, with so many photos and words, and how the stories flow and are easy to read. It usually takes a lot of practice to blog this well. I know it took me months to get the hang of Steemit, and blogging after being so used to how we post on facebook, only one photo, or only one sentence of writing. One paragraph at the tops.

Thank you, dear @lyndsaybowes. Nice favorite!! I hope that one day I'll be able to take you there. ;)

Thank you for your nice and sweet words. & I know you're not the kind of person who blows smoke up anyone's ass... ( I'm already familiar with that expression). Honesty is one of the many things I love about you.

You got SNEKKED!
Because I love your post!

You got snekked is my curation project!
I aim to find good content, share a happy moment and some visibility. Your post got my upvote and I will share a link to your post in my Monday post!

You can find me on Discord or steemit.chat if you like to connect!
You can also join the you got Snekked project on discord! Here is the link to join us: https://discord.gg/nMEwmTx

Best wishes

Thank you for the upvote, and I'm glad you love my post.
Also, thank you for sharing my post.

But I don't understand, do I need to do anything for your project?

YOu are welcome!
No, you don't have to do anything!
If you want you can join our group on Discord to chat with us!


Thank you for sharing @scorpii! I just found out about your blog today - I'm truly sorry your country has been subject of a horrible war and so much has been destroyed. It;s truly important to have a home and so many people have had to flee, and are now looking to find a new home.

How has it been for you to still work in your city? I appreciate your pictures, the views are actually amazing.

You're welcome. I'm glad you like my posts. Unfortunately I have to leave home and travel soon, and by home I mean the people I love cuz for me, the comfort of a home have only been found in them.

Work is okay, life is normal-ish around here. But I am forced to leave...

Please check my others posts and let me know what you like. ^_^

The citadel picture is a lovely one. It's nice to get to see it fully from the outside. I like the feeling of old. I just saw that you are moving??? That came to a surprise to me. I hope you are well xx

Yeah, unfortunately they left me no choice but to travel. I am leaving soon but still struggling with the money issues. & worse than that is the fact that I have to leave the people that make me feel home which is really hard it's driving me crazy. I'm excited about what's yet to come. But one feeling doesn't cancel the other.

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