~ 67 ~ Walk With Me: The Hunt for Red Eggtober

in #walkwithme7 years ago

The Hens are back to their old tricks...

If you've been reading my tales you will know that a few of our hens are a bit, how shall we say, rebellious. They like to lay their eggs outside, and in a new location every time we find the nest. The last couple weeks we've noticed a steep decline in eggs from the coop, so today we set out to find the latest secret nest. Of course the eggs will be frozen, and I will bring them in and fry them up for the girls. I want to find them because that's good food out there going to waste, and the chickens love cooked eggs.


One of their usual not-so-secret spots. I usually find 1 or 2 eggs a week there. It's not a popular nest because they know, we know. Only stupid hens lay there. Definitely not Fluffy or her crew of wise guy hens.


You see that little speck of blue? That's Stryder. We're looking way in the bush today because yesterday I saw Snowflake (a little black hen) allllllll by herself coming back from way in there, squawking like a banshee, the ol' "I just laid an egg and now I need to find my family" call.... #ChickenBitches


Kiedis there in the zebra jacket. The kids can fit into much smaller spaces than me to look for the secret egg stash.


That would be a great spot to lay a secret egg, but nothing there.




We can see the ocean through the trees here. One thing that's nice about winter.


This is hopeless...


There's so many nooks and crannies that they could be using...


And thorns everywhere, we're definitely paying the price.

We never did end up finding the nest...

Tomorrow I'm going to spend a lot of time out there in the morning watching where they go, it's supposed to be really warm out (-3). The boys were troopers and we tried our hardest. Now it's time for lunch. Also time for the chickens to have their lunch too. I give them their "treat bowl"...


And there's poor Big Smokie...not allowed to feed with everyone because he's not the top Rooster. Mr. Pendock chases him away any time he tries. We're gonna need a song for this...

I'm on the outside...And I'm looking in...


Poor Big Smokie...and he's not the only one on the Outside...


Poor Lil Hercules...he's not even allowed to come as close as Smokie, because like we say, shit rolls downhill, and Smokie will beat up Herc if he comes within 10 feet of the treat bowl.


These hens are on the outside too...look at that hideous giant panda. They're glad they're not allowed in.


The rip in the greenhouse is getting bigger hahaa! Just hope it lasts through the winter on that one side so the chickens can keep using it as a winter shelter during the day.

The Frozen Low Tide




Thank you for coming on another #WalkWithMe, I hope you enjoyed today's shots! I'd like to go on a walk where you live too, so if you get out there for one, take a few pics, and post about your walk using the tag "walkwithme". I'll check the tag regularly to upvote and give encouragement. Let's earn Steem by getting fresh air and fitness together!

Check out the latest walks by fellow Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!

See life through their eyes.

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Festival pics for you.....(2) By @killerkuasha

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Golf, I mean #WalkWithMe By @steveconnor

📷🚶Rock climbing in a mall | 在商场里攀岩 By @Ace108


The hens definitely aren't laying their eggs down here...



Hey babe, I can see this blog turning into a Canadian version of the Chicken Run! If the buggers are hiding their eggs you can betcha ass they're planning an escape. Keep an eye on Darth Layer, I'm sure there is evil inside that one! And Big Smokie could be playing a role to distract you.
Keep your eyes peeled, a breakout could be imminent 😂

There most certainly is evil in Darth Layer...she's yours after all!!

We're going to have to get a steemit crew together to come over and fix up the greenhouse for the girls!!!

AWww...you're SOOOO sweet @!!!!!

great walking @lyndsaybows . I think we must To make greenhouse to hens. is't it?
thanks so much for your great post.

You cook eggs and feed them to your chickens? Savage. Cannibalism at it finest.. the fact that they eat them is fowl...

We used to give them eggshells but not the whole egg..

I did not understand this...if you feed eggs to chicken then why you nourishing them..

interesting question...!
I also want to know that why eggs feed to chicken and not to your childrens..

When the eggs are outside for weeks, they are no longer good. They get frozen, and crack. Plus any rain or snow that gets on them too. It is a beautiful treat for the chickens. I cook the egg and the shell together, and it is very healthy for them.

I find this much less disturbing than this new fad of people eating their own placenta. And I think the chickens do it more for nourishment than for social media attention, but I could be wrong. Breast milk ice cream, cucumber "cleansing", hunting endangered species, puppy mills....why can't chickens be more like us??? Lol!

well explained, Thanks.

Im on the outside.... and im looking in.... HAHAHAH that was sooo funny lol. I should make a #walkwithme because they seem so cool and alows you to get creative. Awesome post btw. I love that giant panda that was inside haha🤣🤣🤣🤣

Awww, now it was my turn to make you laugh, this is so great!! I would love to go on a walk with you Joordanzzz!!

Hahaha, those chickens must really be smart, but I am sure you will find their new hide-out. They just want to make you sweat a Lil. Thanks ma for sharing.

It certainly keeps life interesting Edith haha :) :) xo

When I was a kid my family had a chicken for a very short time. We didn't have a coop for it so the chicken would lay eggs all over the place. One of the chicken's favorite hiding places was inside my room inside my dirty laundry basket. I would go to do my laundry and find eggs in there.

I took a walk yesterday and I took some pictures. I think I will make one of these walk with me post. I didn't know that was a thing!

Oooh that's too funny!! In the friggin laundry basket LOLOL!!!

I will love to see your addition to the #walkwithme tag!! xoxo

I am happy the weather is warming up gradually. Lovely music, poor big smokie , he had his own time though.

Thank you for empathizing with Big Smokie <3 xoxo You're so sweet!

Good luck on the hunt tomo. Those chickenbitches are crafty :)

Thank you! I'll need all the luck I can get hahaa!!

Wow...I have never seen that much ice in the cove. brrrrr...funny those chickens sending the boys on a wild goose chase looking for eggs. It's like an easter egg hunt in the winter. I need to send Opa down to fix that greenhouse once it's a little warmer. :)))))

There's not too much hope for old green, just wishing it can hold out on the one end for the winter :) :) :)

time for a brand new Green then..build and they will come

the chickens do this thing. its is mean one of two
You are a dictator or you have intelligent chickens....

I'm hoping for the latter haha :) :) :)

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