~ 132 ~ Walk With Me on Another Perfect Day

in #walkwithme6 years ago


Photo taken by @kiedisbowes

And #ChalkWithMe Too!

You are the Best

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The boys and I headed over to the church today for some bike riding and chalking. I also let them take turns using my camera and tomorrow I will help them load their photos and make Steemit posts. Kiedis was excited and said it's going to be his first #walkwithme. Aw...


I'm posting the pics they took of me though lol, sorry guys! I'll give the credit though, this next one is by @alivefoxdeadfox

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I don't have a phone as some of you know, so I don't take many selfies unless it's on my computer. I heard I can get a selfie stick for a macbook...do you think I should go for it?

That's Dead Sexy

😂 😂 😂


A brown eyed susan just opening.


A blue eyed Stryder, but he's like me, when he smiles you can't see his eyes :)


And you can't see his eyes when he's wearing his goggles either LOL. He just had to wear them to the church. It's all good though, you should see how he tried to go there dressed...


I'm not shittin' you. He told me he was The Penguin from Batman, and that's how he was going to go for our walk. I had to gently coax him into something less...hot. God I love his creativity though! What a gem.

Well, I don't want to show y'all too much from the church because that's where the boys took the photos they are going to post, so I'll take you along for some other parts of the day...


Pickin' Peas!



They taste the best imo when they're small, and there's plenty of big ones brewing in all the spots we end up missing through the month.


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I just can't get enough of how great the boys look in all of that wild food/flowers #growfoodnowlawns y'all!

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And for @manorvillemike, some more kitten photos!

He told me yesterday to get more photos because they leave this super cute phase so fast, so here you go Mike...cuteness of the day...


They won't be able to do this for much longer. Mama feeding 4 kittens in the cat tree.



The Cool Kids


Mama's Boy


I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some recent walks with our STEEM Fam who got out there in the world, and took us with them.

See life through their eyes...

SUNSETS IN CAPE TOWN - WALK | WITH | ME By @princessmewmew

Walk with me - trip to Schaffhausen By @delishtreats

Walk with me on the Windy Moraine! By @lizziemercury

A little bit of Whitsand Bay all to ourselves and I swam in the sea for the first time in years !!! By @jimbobbill

Hangman's Beach Haiku By @davidkingns

Even More Murals from Playa del Carmen, Mexico By @lynncoyle1

We were able to get 14,000 steps today By @seareader1

Beach Cleaning Day By @dream-blossoms

Soft And Easy By @francisk



Another beautiful post my friend .. I'm sitting here drinking my morning cuppa (doing my paperwork) and you've inspired me to drag my sorry arse outside and take a walk/break!

Love the way your camera brings out all the amazing colours .. beautiful!

Oooh boooooo to paper work, burn it!! AHHA!!

Hope you had a wonderfully relaxing walk my friend...I look forward to your next post! Oooh it's feel good Friday isn't it??!!!!!!! Going to creep your page now.

It was lovely thank you .. I have had to take a weeks break from feelgood Friday .. I have a mountain of work and I'm packing to move house, I also want to try and catch up on some other posts/curation and with a serious lack of time I'm trying to keep the quality of my posts at a high standard .. but rest assured, feel good Friday will be back next week :D

Ewww...packing, moving...terrible work, I hope it goes smoothly!

Peas are the best fresh picked. So crisp and refreshing!
My eyes stay open while smiling lol 😃 Nices tattoos btw

Ahh I'm glad that you can't be blindfolded with dental floss when you smile haha a rare talent around here!

Or blinded by a string bean! Lol

LMAO! :D :D :D

what a great post, Lyndsay! (I hope, it;s your real name, and I don't look like a fool calling you so;))

I like posts about real life very much, they are so sincere, so true, so open... There is some warmth in them, people share their pieces of life, and it's so cool and nice!

alivefoxdeadfox is your son's acc? I'm his follower now;) waiting for the photos, will they be there?

The Pinguine Batman is funny;))

What a pretty flower! We don't have them in Russia.
A brown eyed susan is its name? really??

Bikes are our passion too...though not our, just my son's one;) I can't ride, shame to me;))
but he is a master of a runbike! He is just 3, and he can't ride a real bike for now, but our runbike is our hobby, and it really teaches to keep balance well. Are runbikes popular in your place?

And your tattoos! Wow!! I'm in love with them, so nice! I am a fan of tatoos, though I have just a little one in my back, but soon I'm going to make the second one. Yours are great!

A selfie with a Macbook is just hahaha;)) I was under the table from laughter;))

Hi Talia, yes, Lyndsay is my name, and I'm assuming Talia is yours. xo

@alivefoxdeadfox is our youngest son, Stryder's account, yep! And @kiedisbowes is his older brother.

We don't have a lot of kids here with runbikes but I have seen them before, they're excellent!

What are you getting for your second tattoo?

haha right you're;)) Actually, I'm Natalia, but in the web I'm Talia for many years already;)
kids aren't active in Steemit very much, but I think the elder they will be, the more interest will appear.
Childhood is the best time to live real life, not virtual one.
They've so interesting walks with Mom, no time for Internet - it's great!

Tatoos.. I like both images and words in tattoos, my first one is a symbol with words, and the second one will be smth alike. I'm thinking about a snake and words.
I've read snakes aren't very good symbol in tattoos, and I doubted much, but I do feel it's mine, I feel strange passion to them, so my intuition can't be wrong;) moreover, I've discovered I'm connected with snakes in my Zodiac, maybe that's why I'm addcited to them (I've clothes, earrings, rings with snakes).
I'm dreaming of a new tattoo for some years already, but I had to wait because I became a mom, and bresstfeeding isn't the best time for such decisions;)

Yes Natalia, it's hard to get the time to sit down and help them make the post haha, we get very distracted in the summer especially!

About the snake, I say do what feels good for you, it's too bad they have such a bad reputation because they really are quite beautiful animals, the smoothest skin and most graceful and strong movements!

Ok. I will take all four kittens and two boys. lol. great pics. too funny. yes a macbook selfie stick.. how cool is that. super funny post. love it. xx

That thing is just ridiculous hey? LOL!!

My biggest supprise here was that the MacBook selfie stick was real. But not sugested for use in high winds lol. Great walk and nice to see the kids getting enthusiastic about posting. Will keep my eyes open or Marion will tell me off for missing a post 😏😏😂😂😂💙💙

OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss away as you wish...just don't ask questions that are obvious to a Steemian who thinks they follow. LMAO The writing is always on the wall. hee hee hee hee ..............so funny.

@lyndsaybowes, Nice to see chalk message You're the best. You have awesome tattoo both hands first time I see. It's amazing gardens near by your home. Both kids everytime spend their time of staying gardens. Great job boys.

I'll tell the boys you said Great Job, they'll be pleased.

I'm also glad you liked the chalk message, Madushanka, you are the Best! :) i'm grateful to be friends.

That laptop selfie stick... 😂😂
I love that you're encouraging of the boys' creativity! To many parents are conformists. And I love the photos they took of you!you
YAY more chalking! 😊
I want to be in that kitty cuddle puddle! 💛

I know...I wish I could fly you up here for a kitty cuddle puddle extravaganza!!

Oh my goodness...soooo cute and I think I see Mama buried under there lol!

That's gonna be your cat tree soon!

LOL the Penguin from Batman! He always reminds me of my youngest when he was little! Nice arm tattoos there; what's the story behind those bad boys? The flowers, picking veggies outside, the kittens...geez the kittens...so darn cute! Their little faces just kill me. What an awesome #walkwithme! Beautiful orchid at the end too!

Thank you for including my post and thank you so much for sharing your day!

Cheers :)

Yeah it sure sounds like our little dudes have a lot of similarities, I'm glad seeing Stryder can bring you back to those times :) Thanks so much for coming along with us today Lynn <3 <3 <3 Hugs!!

Oh, and the tats are cover art from my favourite book, it's the 6th in the Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind and the artist is Keith Parkinson. The statue represents The Nobility of the Human Spirit..


omg @lyndsaybowes, that's awesome! Love it!! "The Nobility of the Human Spirit"...perfect choice! ❤️❤️

The penguin from Batman 😂 I can't stop laughing!! What a creative boy!

Honestly, I have never met anybody without a phone! You must feel so free! ❤

Thank you for sharing another great day of yours! 😊

Omg I'm so happy that you laughed so much about The Penguin it was so hilarious and random :) I don't have a phone because I just know I'd be addicted to it and never put it down haha, I like the computer because I can just close it and walk away.

Oh my! I loves it so much ❤❤❤✊ this is one extra special sweet #walkwithme Lynds. Hallelujah Summer!!

Thank you Jill <3 <3 <3 Sending love out your way!! It's smokin hot again today, how's it out there?

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