What Is Now And The Way We Were...

in #walkwithme6 years ago

Friends. As you walk with me in our community. We will see many things together that is interesting. To me and maybe to you as well.
So come along with me on my journey as we explore some interesting places and views.
The first place and view is a lake. Do you like water and want to be around or close to it?

This is what I like. Open spaces. Here is my thinking. All I need is a friend or a group of friends to be around and with me. I don't have to have one hundred thousand or a million people all wrapped around me to be happy.
I like to be able to see where my next step can safely be taken. Ha ha
And since as a young boy growing up in a very very large family. With little to no love ever exhibited to me nor did I see that much love around me. What I experienced was this.

Let me see what I can get you to do for us. And after you have done that. You had better grow up quick and get out of here to make room for the next coming babies. It was that bad. To my young thinking anyway.
And I don't think I was far off the mark in my thinking and experience.
So, when I did have some free time to myself. I took a a gun with me and walked for miles across the open and wooded spaces. I still love open spaces to this day.

So, while we are around the lake. Let's take a look to see what we can see. It is a very nice place to be I think.

See how well the lakefront is taken care of on that side of the lake? Lovely.
We will view around the lake to see what may be interesting.

The beauty is apparent to me. I hope it is to you as well.


We are still circling the lake with our viewing.

More of the lake view.

It has been interesting to look at the lakefront on the other side of the lake.

Now we can look up close to where we are standing. The ducks started to move away from my movements on the shore.

The egrets are too busy to pay any attention to me.

Should we be using caution around this lake?

In our walk. We turn our attention to the nearby waterfront park.
After we are all gone from this life and experience.
Some will be remembered for some years after because of what they did and who they were.
Do you wonder who it is that is being remembered in the sign above?
Tomorrow we will show more of the park to you.

We have a place to rest and think about all that has been done for us to enjoy.
Is it all in the vein of "memory?"

Friends. In our walk together. We can see the move of mankind from a primitive existence, to the modern way of thinking and living our lives.
We would all likely agree that what we have for us today to enjoy is well beyond the days of our ancestors.

While it is true that we have a lot of work to do to plan and save our environment here.
The moon and the stars are the final frontier.
The ingenuity of mankind will prevail over the coming decades I think. And I am not alone.
But that thought is for another day and time. We move back to the completion of our walk.

And how do we do that? Can we do it with memories? Why not?
As we get older.
We can remember the way we were. Both good and bad.

Added to Youtube by: S Ver--Published on Aug 3, 2016

And with that. We end our Steemit "walkwithme" post today for you.
We continue to show to you and add to Steemit.
We are looking forward to the day in time. When everyone will be very happy.
Steemit Logo.png
Likely to be celebrated with a Steemit Meetup that can only be imagined now.
Huge and vast numbers of Steemians that will have the world's eyes and ears tuned in.

Thank you for following along with me in my Steemit journey.
Only you make this work and post possible. Without you. I cease to exist.



I Steemit Love You. ;)

And you can be very sure that the same Steemit thought and love is returned to you.
Now we have something that --should-- be done. Doesn't have be. Nor does it have to be right now.
I know that you are covered up with work and Steemit that needs to be done.
But, if nothing else. Keep this in the background of your mind.
Maybe after vacation or even after warmer weather gets back in your area.
I hope not that long though.

I would love to hear you sing. I heard you with the parrot. That was enough for me.
You could put your song/s on DTube.
I would use them on my posts in place of the ones I use from Youtube.

Sorry. I know you have a lot to do already. Just keep it in mind.
You have many gifts and talents. This is just one more I am convinced that you have.

And one day I would love to sing with you. I have some that say I can sing OK.
But, alone. Not good enough for Youtube or DTube. Just an accompaniment.
I love songs. Especailly love songs. I have lived a life of sadness that I wasn't gifted
with a good singing voice. But, with others. I might be OK.
The "Great Steemit" Meetup could be such one day. We will all be so happy in that day.
And it is getting closer I think.
Thank you.


Now I would pay good money to see the two of you guys singing together. Who told you that you wasn't gifted with a good singing voice? If anyone told you that, you shouldnt listen to them. @carolina-girl tells me all the time that I can't sing but that doesn't stop me. No sir, I sing my heart out all of the time and I think I sound great. Truth be known, I know that I'm not a polished singer but that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that it makes me feel good when I do sing. She tells me that it's okay to sing but not so loud.... Some songs you just can't sing without reaching deep inside and getting a little volume to it. Think about it, try singing the National Anthem (especially at the part where the bombs are bursting in air!) with a monotone or low voice, you can't do it! Well, I guess you could but it wouldn't be very good and it would be doing an injustice to our anthem lol.

Thank you for saying you would listen to us. Hear that Rebecca? Ha
Even though I am not much of a drinker now. I might need a little taste to
get the nervousness out of me. Ha ha
Or, if we meet in a "cannabis free usage state." Rebecca might have to show me how to utilize it to help me be happy. Ha ha. I love it.
And I like happy.
So, get ready. It is coming. It may take a year. It may take a little longer. Steemit is finally going to be fully recognized I think.
But, for now. It is our job to do what we can to bring that day to all of us sooner. I try as much as I am gifted to do.
And for me. Since I don't have many gifts. It is a true chore. But, I continue on.
Las Vegas? Freedom of choice cannabis state? What a time that is going to be.
The promoters and planners job is going to be huge...................


Yeah, a group of us could get together and work on song that we will perform when we get together...where ever that is. Don't buy into anyone else's opinion. I think singing is like any other skill. It can be taught, learned and refined.
We might all suck in the beginning, but we can get better.

No doubt about it, I know exactly what to do to help you be able to choose happy. LOL!

(You might not be able to open your eyes fully, but you'll be happy and you will not care for very long, because you'll quickly forget. Cannabis disrupts short term memory so it stops those looping thoughts that continually nag at you.)
The biggest challenge for me is remembering song lyrics and it's for this exact reason..

Count me in too. I would love to here Rebbeca and you sing, Francis! It would be so awesome. Perhaps @bluelightbandit and I could join in too! I sing pretty well inthe shower! lol

Rebecca and I discussed that some. Here is what I think.
This year Steem is going to increase in dollar price beyond what many would expect.
And that would be a great time for everyone that can to have a huge "Steemup Meeting or gathering"
There will be excitement then. The air will be fiiled with happiness. Sounds of joy.
It has been a long tough time for many of the startup Steemians such as Rebecca.
But, she is going to get her reward. And the number for her and others will be unimaginable.
It is coming. Watch the price of Steem now. It is stronger than some of the others.
That is a sign of strength. When my Orlando Steemup Friend says that with 100 Steem Power in the future. You will be considered to be rich in may parts of the world. Now that is a statement.


Understand about the lack of "love" expressed in the family. Spent a lot of time in the "forest" myself. It is good to know that we do have a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Prov 18:24 (KJV)

Since I was a part of the first (3)
We were used as the start up workhorses.
The pressure to perform was constantly on us.
But, we survived and have thrived a little today.
Not a lot maybe, but much better than those days.


As long as I am alive , I wanna walk with you , friend .

That is such a nice comment. You have lifted my day.
Thank you


A beautiful walk and photos of your lake are impressive! Near my house, too, there is a beautiful lake and wild ducks swim there, though here we do not have crocodiles :) Very neat lawns on your lake amaze with their well-groomedness and rows of beautiful trees look harmoniously around him. You have a very beautiful nature! Thank you, Francis.

Thank you for your continued support.
I have much to be thankful for.


Awesome friend @francisk ! This is another very creatively thought up photography.
Nicely moments in photo shot.
Keep it up you did some really genius and
loving to helpful music song.
I am wait to see your next post.

tenor (5).gif

Thank you for you continued support. I really do appreciate it.


Now that's what I'm talking about right there! A place on the lake would be awesome! That is some gorgeous real estate someone has. As I was scrolling down, I was going to ask if you encounter any alligators or large constricting snakes down there and then the sign popped up lol. Do you see many? The large snakes are probably mostly in the Everglades I would imagine, yes?

The only snakes that I see are little black snakes mostly. I don't mind them so much.
I do get mad at them wanting to eat my little friends that I have here.
The little lizards. Always have been here. Some call them "camellia" or something
like that. I just call them a lizard. Ha
I know where some alligators are. I don't trust them
They have sharp teeth. Ugh on that.

As I wrote before. There are many lakes and ponds in Florida.
And some have open lots around them. They wouldn't be cheap though.
Stay south of I-4. There is a lot of food grown in Florida in spite of what some think.
I have seen acres and acres of crops all over Florida. And huge dairy farms too.
That is important. That means less time to the table.
You can find out about Florida in many different ways.
While I don't like isolation. I don't like huge numbers of people either.
The highways are full of vehicles. That I don't like.
So I like to stay home. Ha


Walk around the lake is a good idea. And everything You showed me around, it looks very interesting. Thank you for the pleasant walk. Having a property on the coast is probably very prestigious. Such land probably have a much greater cost. Ducks and herons , many species of palm trees - I like to see it.

Thank you. There are many places in Florida that have lakes and ponds.
The one big problem in Florida right now is "traffic."
The transportation planners are way behind the curve so to speak in what needs
and should be done. We are desperately in need of new highways and upgrades of exiting ones.
If Clif is right in his "mini ice age" coming.
Florida is going to be covered up in new arrivals.
I don't want give up this little piece that I have of Florida.
It is getting too expensive for many even now.
But maybe those on Steemit will be able to in the short years ahead.
Steemit is going to make many crypto rich.


Definitely your start and finish better @francisk. Firstly better image and nice writing like as normal talking style. Finally awesome classic music. Outstanding lake scenery. You taken shots random degrees. Awesome skill used. Be protect from Alligator. If you know plz tell me how long Alligators here? I think very lucky people stay near the lake located.
Thank your for the posting.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

Thank you. I am so blessed. Steemit blessed.
Alligators are not a big problem.
If they are. They are moved to another part of the state.


@francisk, Wow.... Open space is very cool and nice relaxation. I'd like to swim in Lake. But have dangerous condition from crocodile. They have special skill under water. So protect my self. Absolutely very attractive location there.
Thanks for inspire me and providing community.
Stay blessed.

Thank you


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