Making comments on posts you didn't upvote.

in #voting7 years ago

Since the last Hardfork vote power is drained much faster and people seem to be voting less. I've noticed a big drop in the upvotes I receive and this limit on daily votes must be hitting those without the vote slider much harder as they can't lower their vote power.
As a result of not getting so many votes I've noticed that I'm getting comments by people who are not upvoting my post. As I've always given an upvote to all comments (which gives a few cents to the person making the comment) I'm wondering about what is going on.

Is this a case of steemians having used all their daily votes or people using the comments to gain without voting for the posts?

This second option seems to me to be a scam and after hearing from other people this seems to be their opinion too. As a result I'm feeling less inclined to vote on comments which takes the thank you for your comment upvote away from genuine steemians.
So I'm now curious to see if anyone else has noticed this happening so feel free to leave your opinions.



Ive noticed the same actually, but this has been going on for longer than before HF19 got implemented in my case. Im not sure the new setup is the final solution just another experiment on our way to finding the perfect formula to make steemit better!

I think another look at bringing in the vote slider from day 1 or much sooner needs to be looked at.

Comment votes are 2/3 of my income so i really hope this doesn't mean the end for them!

The slider is available at 500 SP, but is on the eSteem app and on chainbb for new peeps.

People sem to be terrified to vote and ration them out like gold.

I am upvoting right left and centre - and my voting power seems to stay above 80% anyway.

Loosen up and vote!

I've dropped my slider down to 1% for comments and 10% for posts and my vote power is going back up. Once I get back into the 90% vote power I'll adjust again.

I stopped voting these last few days because my voting power dropped to 35%. I am waiting for it to recharge to full 100% before I start again but it is only on 50% right now. So I am only minimal voting right now.

I have noticed the same behavior, where people just post comment instead of upvoting ... :)

I have been guilty over the last day of not voting on comments (my bad) whilst i have been thinking about how to vote haha and gone back to them. Still trying to figure it out. I do think there is a lot of scammers though.

The powerfull @alienbutt. Your guess is as good as mine. It is multifaceted. It is neither there or here. I believe that both contribute but since you are already a dolphin, that should not bother you much lol....I voted for this post oooooo

It doesn't make any difference to my own account but it does effect the wider community and already from the comments here it is obvious there is a problem for minnows in voting without the ability to use a vote slidder and how this is limiting their voting ability.

Exactly, till yesterday I got to 500sp, it was a tough job but now it is easier with the slider.

Well. It depends sometimes they vote more and sometimes not.. But yea its sad if theres just comments and no upvotes n stuff. Anwyay its not so big of a deal, cos u just need to have right kind of friends here on Steemit!.. Upvoted + promoted.

Yes, I too have noticed this, since HF19, Until reading this I wasn't sure what was going on, but you are right, it must be the accounts with no ability to lower vote % so don't have as much control. Its a possible explanation.

It seems bad, but I think it's understandable. People might be willing to comment without upvoting in different scenarios, but I think the worst ones are when someone is complimenting the post but will not upvote.

I can understand when your comments aren't compliments or anything "I agree, I like yourpost" but challenging or critizising something about the post. For example, if someone posts anything about vaccines and someone wants to comment something opposite, I can see why there are less upvotes.

Or then there is my situation, when I'm sometimes going to check posts with shabby mobile connection on my phone browser, when not all upvotes or comments go through.

There's a few turds in the pond for sure, but I think they are flushing themselves out fairly quickly! I have considered flagging the copy paste generic responses to help them flush. It's technically spam and should probably be flagged, but it also takes away from my voting power so I'm conflicted.

I don't personally like the flag option and I've never used it yet, i prefer to just ignore those comments.

Ignoring turds is always best....

I agree. I get reeeeally tempted when they also link their post. Especially when it's a stolen youtube video by another well known steemian lol.

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