Spreading bundles for hope

in #volunteering6 years ago

Few months ago, I joined a charitable organization, Progressive Assistance Canada, PAC on one of their weekly Play and Catch Up activities which was a workshop for children. That was my first time joining them which paved the way for them to add me to their Facebook group. Then I started receiving updates regarding their regular activities.

Sometime in November, I received an invitation about distribution of Bundles of Hope. It was distribution of food packages to less privileged families in Smokey Mountain Field of Dreams community at Tondo, Manila on December 16th. Except for the date and time, I did not pay attention to the other details. I just went on accepting the invitation.

Eight days before the date, I remember about the activity and realized that I do not know how to go to the place so I revisited the invitation. That was when I realized it was also a solicitation for donation to fund the food packages. The good thing is that it was the day before the deadline so I was able to catch up. I sent my share through online bank transfer.


There was a meeting place where we volunteers convene before we all went to the venue. When we arrived, the van full of food packages is already there. The PAC founder immediately started our orientarion. It looks like they were only waiting for us. We had to split into different teams and went our own assigned area of the community.

Each food package was composed of five kilograms of rice, one kilogram of spaghetti pasta with sauce and a bag of assorted grocery items like sardines and instant noodles. With the heavy weights, a group of seven should go together. Five will carry two kilograms of rice for each of them. One will carry the box of pasta with sauce and one will carry the bag of assorted grocery items.

We distributed for every family and the only condition was that there should be someone at home. No one claims for their neighbor and say that they will give it later.

Children flocked around us when we started distributing the packages. Two young ladies even tailed and guided us around the area. That was very nice of them!

I gave my phone to this young lady, Jennalyn, and she took care of the photography. She was one of our guides until we were done with the distribution.

When I took my phone back, it displays the message on the next photo. When I got the chance to copy the photos to my external hard drive, there are 368 photos from the event! Now I still have to find time to clean them up. 😀 At least, a very good young lady took care of the documentation of the event. That's what matters, I guess. She somehow got an eye for what to take photos of. 😊


Jennalyn and her companion were very patient tailing us, taking photos and telling us if there are still houses that we have missed. In a crowded slum area like this, we cannot tell one house from another. You can just stand along the alley, turn 360° and be able to have reached four or more doors.

My bag was emptied fast. I needed to refill.

Refilled and back on track. Onward we go.

That is the founder of PAC joining us around. Why, I feel small. 😀

The gang continued the mission.

Even into corners of these... The cat was curious. Did you find it?

Back to the base, refilling again. I did not count how many times I had to refill my bag but overall, our batch distributed 115 packages. That means 115 families of beneficiaries. There were more packages left that totals up to more than 200 (I forgot the exact number) but those will be just handed over to a coordinator in a nearby area so majority of us volunteers did not join anymore.

Farther and further we went...


And continued to give more.


As we went farther inside the community, we found a garden. We passed through the row houses along the road and at the back, we discovered a more pleasant and refreshing environment which made me feel like I was in the province. Almost all of us volunteers have the same comment to the residents there.

"It's good that you have places like this within the community. It is open and much fresher like in the province. You can also produce fruits and vegetables for a living."

One of the residents responded, "Yes, we glad about it and are doing our best to maintain it."

I remembered this place when after our group photo shoot at the end of the activity, I had a chat with the PAC founder. He mentioned that they have long term goal for the community and the very next target is to educate the people about home gardening. Great! They can utilize the vacant lots.

Time to pause for the camera because we were done distributing the food packages. That is Anne, a fellow volunteer whom I met at the event. We immediately became friends on Facebook when we were still on the way to the venue and she was already asking for my Facebook account. I actually met and became friends with more of the volunteers. The beauty of this activity is that you meet wonderful and generous people who care for others specially those in more need.

I now have my phone to take photo of this very tamed creature tied along our way. I reached out and touched it, he didn't move. My fellow volunteers were warning me that it might attack suddenly but it did not. Cheers, buddy!

On our way back to base, I got the chance to snap this photo. It basically defines the kind of community it is. I will leave it with you to find your own description. At the back of the houses on the right is where we found the garden and more vacant lots.

There were also sacks of rubber slippers, toys and clothings in the van so we had those distributed next. However this time, we no longer went from house to house. We set a table along the road and people came to try fitting. What fits them is theirs but just one set for each, of course.

It started a little chaos at first but people specially the children got eventually organized.

Then there are those baby booster packages. It is a set of a bottle of vitamin, cereal pack and milk pack. Beneficiaries of these were selected because PAC has a list of small children who receive the package regularly.

The following two photos are not from my phone but are courtesy of PAC.

This was the van full of what we distributed.

After all the distribution, the event will not be completed without group photo shoot.

The following day, Monday, I woke up with sore muscles. My body pained all over and I wondered why. Then I realized what one of the volunteers were saying yesterday at the event. The big bag that I yook had 10 packages of assorted grocery items. Though I thought it was okay, one volunteer was saying I might want to reduce into five packages so it won't be too heavy. I insisted with ten when we were disttibuting near by our base. I reduced when we got farther. Now I feel the pain. Just imagine when you haven't had physical activities for a long time and suddenly go through this roaming with around 10 kilograms of weights pulling your shoulders while roaming around.

It was a painful Monday but it was a very humbling experience. My fellow volunteers were actually saying that we do it again. For me, I will surely do it again. It is heart warming to hear the same from others. I eventually got into a group chat where they coordinate volunteering activities.

By the way, Jennalyn was clever enough to have snapped a short video as we reconvene when we moved further inside the community.

The packages we distributed may last for just few days but we all hope it will somehow enlighten the families specially this time of the year when every one should celebrate. As the program is dubbed, may those bundles for hope serve the purpose of bringing hope to the families in the community.

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What a fantastic initiative, @macoolette60. Great article and lovely photos! Thanks for your kindness!

Hi @trincowski! I hope you had a blessed Christmas. Sorry for the late reply as I had a break from Steemit for a while. I just relied on future scheduling of my last three posts.

It was a great experience to have brought some joy to the needy in my own little way.

Thanks for dropping by. Happy new year! 😊

That is amazing story i know the feeling because i also made the same job but alone in 3 barangays after the typhoon Yolanda.
But i also change my view after that. If ever i will have a situation again to work together with aid organization or charity i will try to push them to make some changes. I mean it is nice to give reliefe goods but that will be gone after few days or weeks.
After i was talking with some barangay captains i think the best solution is to support the people with something that they can work. That they can make some food or money. Example boats for fishers or carabaos for farmers.
Or makeing any kind of project that they can earn and buy the food for themself. I think that will ve the bigest help in some areas. While there is still a option that if somebody choose this version some "leaders" can own those and dont use it as it should be.
But it was really nice to see your pictures. I also still have mine from my mission and sometimes i am watching them and i miss the feeling.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, critics like you and I will always have something that we think should be done better because we thought we know better. But we don't. If I am the one starving with no food to eat now and in the next few days, I will exchange the carabao or the boat with few kilograms of rice. I'd rather lose the carabao or boat and survive for few days than keep them and die with starvation.

Also, we need to bear in mind that these charitable organizations are surviving through donations. No matter how they want to give mansions away, they can only give what they have. Carabao and boat are wishful thinking to be given to a community with hundreds of families.

I have been working with World Vision for more than six years now. In my early years as a child sponsor, I told them about my thoughts of educating the parents to have livelihood. World Vision definitely acknowledged the long term goal but as they pointed out, they need to set priorities according to what their collected donations can afford. That is education for the sponsored child. They have livelihood programs in many other areas but again, priority is the education of the child.

As I mentioned on my post, PAC has long term goal for the community that they are sponsoring. Teaching them gardening is just a start.

Either way, we critics should focus on what is already available there and what is practical rather than "it will be better IF..."

Thanks for dropping by! Happy new year!

Actually i know how it is work in a main offices abroad. What they bring here is just a small percent of the donations but it is still better like nothing.
Hope this comming jan. feb. or march we will be back to home and than i can again focus also on my own projects to support this barangay here where we are now.
The thinking to exchange the big vallue for food is a problem again of the poor education. So in this i agree with you that that is the most important.
Anyway i dont want to argue just i like to share my opinion about the topic😉
But actually i like that you are active in these kind of projects. 😉
Also very important but sad that we cant change it but the rules o the country. That also i had experienced few weeks ago when i try to get information how to bring in a products to PH. Almost impossible. So actually the bet solution will be to make PH a friendly and safe place for investors than they can make workplaces and the problem is solved.
But this is impossible to reach😔
Anyway marry christmass for you and for your family and happy new year😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Big foreign corporations are already operating in the country so I can confidently say that Philippines is investor-friendly. My current European employer alone is just one of the proofs to that. Prior to that, I also worked with many American companies.

The only ones who will think that Philippines is not investor-friendly are the small-timers like me who cannot afford to compete with the demands including taxation of a real legitimate business. Why do I say that? Because few years ago, I attempted to import products into the country. However because I am a small-time entrepreneur with limited resources, I can only afford the cost of the goods but not the overhead costs that come with the importation. Shipping cost is one of them. Import tax is another. It was impossible for me to proceed with my plan and I was fine. I did not think my country is not investor friendly just because I did not have enough money to start the business that I wanted at first.

It was actually a lesson for me not to expect too much if I have limited resources. I have to start with what I can afford.

So yeah this is what i use to talk. Abroad when you live where ever you see people going to factories. I mean sometimes there is like a factory park. For sure i will make later a post and pictures about this topic. Here even i have been many places i didnt saw like that. And of course beside of the local news i keep folowing also the foreign news and i am also study the local regulations and law. Example here they cant buy a land. Small foreign businesses cant own more like 40% even they are the investors they still need a local partner and have to give them 60%
To bring in products in ph is a different and dangerous topic. I was also thinking about that but i have friends who are close to the gov. and to be honest better to dont write down what i heard. In face to face i am happy to share but i dont wanna write it down here.
And of course the country like PH where every sacond man have a illegal gun. (I saw it many times in different places also ) it is not safe much.
But this is politic and as you told before and somehow i agree this we cant change. So have to focus on that like you doing.
I think you also misunderstand me many times. I really like this country but because i can compare with other places i see where are the main problems. And i belive that if you let know the people too see what you see later they can change it.
And of course my doungter is half filipino and i want her to be proud to this place also same way like my place.😊

Posted using Partiko Android

hi. good job!
May I ask about the weather in your country?
I have no idea. Does it snow in Philippines at all?
Do people there celebrate Christmas (if yes, then when)?

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. I had a short break from Steemit and just let my scheduled posts take their places.

Officially we only have wet and dry season. Wet season is from June to October while dry season is from November to May. Though, there are many instances when we have rains in November to December like this month, we have occassional rains lately. I would say it's the cold season until around February.

We don't have snow. It was only once during my childhood, I think I was six years old, when I witnessed raining of hail in the northern part of the country where my parents are from. It did not last long. I think I was able to collect just few ice marbles and the rain stopped. Did not even last long in my hands before melting.

We celebrate Christmas on December 25 and it is an official holiday. Though, Filipinos would start decorating their homes as early as November 2 right after All Saints Day.

How about in Russia? Or Ukraine?

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. I had a short break from Steemit and just let my scheduled posts take their places!

Well, don't worry at all, as you can see I also had a short break from Steemit and just let my scheduled problems find their solutions )

"Did not even last long in my hands before melting."

Don't worry, take it from me...



"How about in Russia? Or Ukraine?
I'd say that we have hot and cold season here.
It's usually snowy in Russia and Ukraine in winter.
Sometimes we even see the snow in October and April (but very rare).

Here's how

The pictures were taken on January, 2019 by me.
We celebrate Christmas in Ukraine / Russia on January 7 and it is an official holiday as well.

You got cool photos there. The snow still looks okay as compared to others I see on social media when it piles up to as high as a house. Did that ever happen in either Russia or Ukraine? How high does the snow can get and how long does it take until it melts?

Yes, I read somewhere about Christmas being celebrated in January. If I remember it correctly, that was because of the epiphany. Is that correct?

Yes, in some regions of Russia/Ukraine the snow might pile up to as high as a house. By in my region I've never seen that the snow piles up higher than 1 meter.
The snow can melt in December, January or February.
Yes, I think that is correct.
If you have some time please visit Discord, I left 1 message there.

Howdy macoolette! wow this is a wonderful organization and you are wonderful for helping them! I bet it's going to be a very fulfilling and rewarding relationship to you as well as them. Either you are tiny or that PAC guy is a giant! lol. How long did it take to get over your soreness?

I'm tiny, huh!? Can it be at least small? 😂

Yes, it was a very fulfilling experience. There were those who were really grateful. There were few who tried to grab more. But sometimes I try to understand from their side. It is hard because by default it is annoying. But then again, and as my mother told me, just be thankful that you become the channel to do a favor and not the other way around.

I had to take pain reliever the following day Monday so I was already bouncing back on Tuesday. 😊

Howdy today macoolette! Your mother is very wise indeed. That is a wonderful philosophy to have. I'm not saying you are tiny, I'm saying next to that huge guy you look tiny. but in the other photos among "regular" sized people you are normal height. lol. That's a great project and organization and it's good to see how much help they're poviding people. God bless you for working with them!

Thank you! 😊

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