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RE: Towards Voluntaryism - Preamble (Part 0)

Found this post from a resteem by @dwinblood. I appreciate your insights, and actually wrote a much smaller piece on local coercion not long ago. A few things that I am uncertain I agree with this, but maybe you will convince me as I move through your series.

First, you have a picture of hands shaking, the general idea being that common sense could prevail and a meeting of the minds be reached. I am not so sure this is possible. People seem very close minded anymore and so ready to take offense that they are ready to act violently (verbally and the crazier ones emboldened by group mentality physically) the moment there is any deviation from the mindset.

My second minor disagreement was with the awesome video you have linked. In it, he mentions towards the end that we must put a stop to the corrupt evil hard left. The problem I see here as one who doesn't identify with either party is neither party is willing to admit their hard side is corrupt. In their own way the right is just as bad, and for most purposes serve the same money interests. I would submit that democrats from a half century ago in many ways were more conservative than a lot of Republicans of today. The right has a lot of work to do as well, as they are in a race to sell the public out as hard as the left is.

Things have changed so much even such notables as JFK, the hero of the left would probably not be welcome in that party if he tried running today. Everything has indeed been turned upside down.

Just my two cents. Thanks for sharing and moving on to the next segment now.


I agree that violence is now, more than any time in my living memory, considered a viable alternative by a good portion of the population. Groupthink and indoctrination to the perspective that differing viewpoints can only be held by the evil or stupid, be it "hard left" or "hard right" (anyone really) is the greatest problem facing humanity today.

I too consider myself neither democrat nor republican, indeed, I prefer to consider myself beyond left and right. Although my focus is on the problems currently being exacerbated by the coercive left, that does not mean that I condone the radical right. You may be interested in some of my earlier writings on the social justice movement, where I clearly focus on the merits of the individual, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, gender, etc. as determinate.

JFK would likely be less welcome today by both parties then he was back then. The disingenuous duopoly of the democrats and republicans is in truth a monopoly of power running a single party system. They disagree on cosmetic social issues to distract the masses, but both parties endorse war, death, taxation and debt as a means to rule society and maintain their power.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment, I very much appreciate it!

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