Towards Voluntaryism - Preamble (Part 0)

in #voluntaryism6 years ago (edited)

Voluntaryism is the answer to coercive collectivism.

Towards Voluntaryism - Preamble (Part 0)


Many of my contributions to date have treated the phenomenon of the contemporary social justice movement and its logical and ethical failings. The emphasis thusfar has been on the overt doublethink intrinsic to the social justice movement and its various divisive and irrational manifestations. This has lead me to the conclusion that the social justice movement is really just another iteration of the authoritarian urge which, as a violent expression of the will to power, is perhaps the most harmful force in history.

Some of my readers have expressed curiosity about the solutions I would suggest for dealing with the social justice movement, particularly within the educational establishment. This led me to consider the operative mindset that is the root of the problem, which I consider to be the authoritarian urge. This urge appears to be a constituent part of almost all large-scale forms of organized human coexistence. This mindset uses social, political and economic subjugation to force the desires and belief set of the few (or the many) upon others , by using coercive collectivism as a means of control.

Coercive collectivism is a manifestation of the authoritarian urge that results in demonstrable inequities being systematized and institutionalized within the various sociopolitical philosophies. Unfortunately, coercive collectivism is currently present in varying degrees in every active form of governance on the face of the planet, from monarchy to communism to democracy.

The Founding Fathers of the United States were well aware of the dangers of coercive collectivism, though they may not have described it in such terms, and it is for this very reason that there are supposed to be competing branches of government in the United States' democratic republic: executive, judicial and legislative. Nevertheless, in their essence, each of these is an instance of institutionalized coercive power. This is intended to ensure that the individual not be crushed by a single instance that embodies all three powers, e.g. absolute monarchy. For quite some time, this system functioned admirably, but over the last century it has increasingly been subverted and corrupted to the point where it is barely recognizable today.

Despite Thomas Jefferson's warning that "In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution," the Founding Fathers did not go nearly far enough. Although they provided an admirable foundation, in keeping with the best conventions of governance the Founding Fathers knew of, they failed to forge sufficiently rigorous chains within the Constitution to restrict the potential of corruption and the power of government to use unjust force on its citizens.

Ultimately, the Founding Fathers left open means for bad actors to subvert the founding documents, the government and the will of the people to restrict the rights and freedoms of the many to benefit the few. This has enabled the rise of a government that is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people, but of the few, by the few and for the few.

Today, all modern forms of governance globally claim to support limitations on the power of individuals to do coercive harm by delegating authority to individuals who, paradoxically, are empowered to exercise forceful coercion via collectivist means. The reality however, as is readily apparent to any thinking and discerning individual, is that governments have been subverted to empower select individuals to be untouchable for acts that are immoral, inhumane and/or counter to the interests of the general population, if not humanity as a whole.

These considerations helped me recognize that what is needed is not just a solution to the social justice issue in the educational establishment, but to the coercive collectivists' long reign of forceful subjugation. I believe this solution is Voluntaryism.

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The first steps towards Voluntaryism then, in my opinion, must be to inform the population about the true nature of coercive collectivism and the dangers of delegating authority to others and relinquishing responsibility for the self. This must be accompanied by the institutionalization and rigorous enforcement of accountability in governance and a reconceptualization of the economic and monetary systems to promote the potential and voluntary participation of the individual in a peaceful society.

Whereas calls for revolution in the past have primarily reached the action stage by concentrating power to overthrow and subjugate the opposition, a Voluntaryist revolution can be achieved by decentralizing power and peacefully disabling and disincentivizing the authoritarian urge to practice coercive collectivism. Whereas violent revolution is symbolized by the raised and clenched fist of the collectivists, the Voluntaryist revolution is symbolized by the clasping of peaceful hands.

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In the ensuing series of texts composed under the broad umbrella of Towards Voluntaryism, it will be attempted to provide solutions that account for actual conditions on the ground and that are capable of bringing about peaceful and lasting change for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

I wish to emphasize here that while this series advocates a path towards Voluntaryism, it is only 'towards'. The following recommendations will include voting, divesting illegitimate authority of power and acting to stop others from exercising coercive violence; as such it is a Voluntaryist path if one is willing to acknowledge that the action recommended is ultimately a form of self-defense. Thus the proviso of 'towards' Voluntaryism.

A final, satisfactory and complete plan for successfully transitioning to and instituting a society based on Voluntaryism has, to my knowledge, yet to be formulated. Absent the hope that there is a universal and spontaneous sea change in human cognition and spirituality (which I contend will not happen absent a plan to move towards Voluntaryism), one must formulate steps to help humanity move in that direction. The following treatise hopes to provide workable suggestions for a series of stepping stones that will enable a later transition to a fully Voluntaryist human civilization.


Next: Towards Voluntaryism (Part 1): 1.1. Introduction: The Current State of Affairs - Corruption, Control & Compliance

Further reading: I don't want your leaders. Worth viewing and an excellent summary of the overall development of the west in the last century is Paul Weston's: How to Destroy a Country which also touches on the topics of education, governance and the economy.

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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To those reading my reply. This starts what I consider to be perhaps one of the greatest works I've personally ever seen on steemit in my two plus years of being here. It is truly a masterpiece.

Found this post from a resteem by @dwinblood. I appreciate your insights, and actually wrote a much smaller piece on local coercion not long ago. A few things that I am uncertain I agree with this, but maybe you will convince me as I move through your series.

First, you have a picture of hands shaking, the general idea being that common sense could prevail and a meeting of the minds be reached. I am not so sure this is possible. People seem very close minded anymore and so ready to take offense that they are ready to act violently (verbally and the crazier ones emboldened by group mentality physically) the moment there is any deviation from the mindset.

My second minor disagreement was with the awesome video you have linked. In it, he mentions towards the end that we must put a stop to the corrupt evil hard left. The problem I see here as one who doesn't identify with either party is neither party is willing to admit their hard side is corrupt. In their own way the right is just as bad, and for most purposes serve the same money interests. I would submit that democrats from a half century ago in many ways were more conservative than a lot of Republicans of today. The right has a lot of work to do as well, as they are in a race to sell the public out as hard as the left is.

Things have changed so much even such notables as JFK, the hero of the left would probably not be welcome in that party if he tried running today. Everything has indeed been turned upside down.

Just my two cents. Thanks for sharing and moving on to the next segment now.

I agree that violence is now, more than any time in my living memory, considered a viable alternative by a good portion of the population. Groupthink and indoctrination to the perspective that differing viewpoints can only be held by the evil or stupid, be it "hard left" or "hard right" (anyone really) is the greatest problem facing humanity today.

I too consider myself neither democrat nor republican, indeed, I prefer to consider myself beyond left and right. Although my focus is on the problems currently being exacerbated by the coercive left, that does not mean that I condone the radical right. You may be interested in some of my earlier writings on the social justice movement, where I clearly focus on the merits of the individual, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, gender, etc. as determinate.

JFK would likely be less welcome today by both parties then he was back then. The disingenuous duopoly of the democrats and republicans is in truth a monopoly of power running a single party system. They disagree on cosmetic social issues to distract the masses, but both parties endorse war, death, taxation and debt as a means to rule society and maintain their power.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment, I very much appreciate it!

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