Towards Voluntaryism (Part 1)

in #voluntaryism6 years ago (edited)

1.1. Introduction: The Current State of Affairs - Compliance, Corruption & Control

Towards Voluntaryism (Part 1)


Coercive collectivism in the form of the subjugating state and its advocates, i.e. centralized governance as it exists today, has become deeply unethical, immoral and destructive of human life, potential and happiness. From rubberstamping misanthropic and ecocidal corporations for kickbacks (Big Ag/Big Pharma/Wireless) to public servants, to all-inclusive indentured servitude via the fiat monetary system, government has become subverted to become the enabler, advocate and protector of the worst humanity has to offer. Be it an unanticipated result of corruption or incompetence or even overt malicious intent is immaterial.

This systemic abuse of the public trust by a tiny minority has become a clear and present danger to the continued existence of a majority of the population. This state of affairs must be remedied if there is to be any hope of a peaceful and prosperous future for all peoples.

It is my belief that the state has been corrupted to tolerate or even promote societal ills and divisions so as to consolidate and enhance the power of a hyperwealthy minority by atomizing and balkanizing the population into competing antagonistic groups that, in that state, are incapable of resisting the will of the plutocrats. This is done via a three-pronged approach:

  • By creating an easily manipulable population via withholding and intentionally misrepresenting factual knowledge while entraining compliance and obeisance. (Education)

  • By using corruption and violence to enact the upward redistribution of wealth, grow the techno-bureaucratic state structure and to disempower the individual. (Governance)

  • By enabling control over resources and means of production by a select few whose power and influence is used to subjugate others by influencing governance and education. (Economy)

Looking at the state of the world today it is impossible to believe that the dominate power structure as it exists is genuinely, or even remotely, interested in the well-being of the common man. It appears more reasonable to contend that malicious forethought is steering the course of global "development" for the benefit of the very, very few.

image source

Needed are solutions to stem the ongoing atomization and balkanization of civil society (understood as a system of human organization that provides protection, continuity and security for its constituent members) into competing hate groups via the divide and conquer strategy being enacted by the aspiring technocratic neo-feudalist class. It is imperative to seek solutions that are capable of rapidly halting and reversing the current trend towards societal dissolution. This will only be possible in a peaceful manner by adopting a broad-based approach that can be enacted (relatively) quickly on numerous fronts simultaneously.

These steps must address the underlying causes. It will not be sufficient to merely treat the symptoms of the problem by shuffling marionette figureheads who exist within and profit from the current paradigm. Peaceful and fundamental structural reforms of institutionalized misanthropy must be undertaken with or without the support of those in power, indeed, it is likely it must be carried out in direct opposition to the will of the current "elite". I contend that this transformation can take place via peaceful means by the mobilization of sufficient numbers united by a common goal: peace and prosperity for all.

As can be anticipated from the above, the three areas to be focused on in the series Towards Voluntaryism will be education, governance and the economic system. These three areas have significant areas of overlap and the solutions suggested will in many instances have an interlocking synergistic effect with one another.

The overall strategy to move towards a peaceful Voluntaryist society must be one of rapid incrementalism, as it is neither feasible nor tenable to radically revamp society and government overnight. The reasons are manifold as to why an abrupt transition - punctuated equilibrium in an evolutionary sense - would be exceedingly risky, but the core reason it cannot be executed is the fundamental belief in the population - instilled via doctrinal systems - that human being are not only fallible, but innately bad. This belief system, which I have termed the societal injustice belief system, will be discussed in the next post in this series.

With that in mind, the suggestions that will be provided in this new series will focus on:

  • restoring integrity to the educational environment and retasking education to serve the individual and society, not corporations, the state or the so-called "elite" who benefit from a distracted, dumbed-down, apathetic, intentionally misinformed populace and the resultant centralization of power and disenfranchisement of the individual the current system produces.

  • introducing and enacting transparency and accountability legislation at the local, state and federal and level to combat corruption, nepotism, cronyism, the growth of fascism (corporate-state subjugation of the individual) and the undermining of Constitution-based governance in the United States.

  • devolving governmental powers and responsibilities downward in the hierarchical pyramid. Dismantling overly centralized governance and returning both powers and responsibilities to the more localized social hierarchies and ultimately the individual.

Next: Introduction: The Challenge of the Entrenched Societal Injustice Belief System


Further reading: For those unfamiliar with the concept of Voluntaryism as a socio-political and economic philosophy, I recommend reading "Introduction to Voluntaryism" by Peter Miller. Miller succinctly covers the fundamental principles and objections to the philosophy.

Very much for worth listening to is Larken Rose's "Voluntaryism vs. Everything Else":

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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Great video. I am only halfway through it and have learned a different view of anarchy thoughts. I have never encountered an anarchist who could intelligently say what I have just heard. Using the definition used here I would consider myself one, although I wonder how many who claim the title understand what I have just heard.

The part where he says "Well I mostly agree with nonagression except over here where..." made me laugh.

Yes, Larken Rose has a great talent at expressing complex ideas very simply. Personally I find him a bit grating, but it is nigh impossible to find someone more eloquent in pursuit of anarchy/Voluntaryism.

@diabolika just linked me to your page. I am 100% with you on your assessments of societies current malaise and agree with your remedies.
I don't know what your metaphysics are though, and it might be there that we parts ways; at least in the hope for any positive change.
Our differences could be contained in the way we view one word: elite/EL-ite.
Kind regards:)

Thanks for the comment, rare to get once posts are out of the earning period. I'll check out your blog. As to my metaphysics, well, I term myself a quantum Neoplatonist and have yet to meet another ;).

A modern technical 'retooling' of The Great Chain Of Being?

In a sense I suppose. I am more fond of Plotinus' conceptualization of the emanations, it is hierarchical in a sense, but the source is not necessarily a conscious godhead. Neoplatonism developed substantially after Plotinus, but I am still fond of his conceptualization of things as it enables the encompassing of all other cosmologies as discrete emanations. Combined with what we are learning about the apparently multidimensional nature of the universe, even my own definition of quantum Neoplatonism is still very fluid.

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