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RE: Towards Voluntaryism (Part 1)

@diabolika just linked me to your page. I am 100% with you on your assessments of societies current malaise and agree with your remedies.
I don't know what your metaphysics are though, and it might be there that we parts ways; at least in the hope for any positive change.
Our differences could be contained in the way we view one word: elite/EL-ite.
Kind regards:)


Thanks for the comment, rare to get once posts are out of the earning period. I'll check out your blog. As to my metaphysics, well, I term myself a quantum Neoplatonist and have yet to meet another ;).

A modern technical 'retooling' of The Great Chain Of Being?

In a sense I suppose. I am more fond of Plotinus' conceptualization of the emanations, it is hierarchical in a sense, but the source is not necessarily a conscious godhead. Neoplatonism developed substantially after Plotinus, but I am still fond of his conceptualization of things as it enables the encompassing of all other cosmologies as discrete emanations. Combined with what we are learning about the apparently multidimensional nature of the universe, even my own definition of quantum Neoplatonism is still very fluid.

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