Response to @cryptospa: WHAT TYPE OF CONTENT I LIKE HERE

in #video6 years ago

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Hey people on the blockchain and lovers of good content on @dtube !

This is a video response to @cryptospa who nominated me to talk about my favourite topics and my most hated topics here on @dtube .
You can find the original post of @cryptospa here:

I nominate @romafedorov

and I am really excited about his opinion!

Let me know what you think!

Hey Leute auf der Blockchain und Freunde des guten Content auf @dtube !

Dies ist eine Video Antwort an @cryptospa ! We hat mich nominiert, über meine Lieblings-Themen auf @dtube zu sprechen und aufzuzeigen, was ich nicht gern hier sehe.
Der Original-Beitrag von @cryptospa ist hier zu finden:

Ich nominiere @romafedorov

und bin extrem auf seine Meinung gespannt!

Teilt mir eure Meinung in den Kommentaren mit!

mentions: @cryptospa @dtube @kevinli @leotrap @romafedorov @veganroma @inoobgamer


Please resteem, upvote and comment this post to support my channel

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Alle deutschen @Videomacher und Leute, die uns unterstützen möchten:
Ihr seid zum unserem Discord eingeladen!

▶️ DTube


Ohhh, this was a good one. Enjoyed watching.

In fact, there is so many things I like here ( and so many, if not more, which I don't) , that I start to thinking I should make one too.

Because what ever we do, most times our activity reflect those things ( what we like or not) anyway.
I'll keep following your new works for more fun @tibfox

@onealfa, yeah, this is really a great video! @tibfox did a great job!

Posted using Partiko Android

@tibfox, guten Morgen!

First of allo, thank you for the video response! I watched it a couple of times. It was very very interesting to me! And I think it was also very useful for me to hear someone's opinion on this topic (in this case your opinion).

Ok, now let me write down some:

  1. Thank you for your positive assessment of my German language skills.
  2. The topics you said you don't like to appear on Dtube are really very unpleasant topics...Yeah. I also agree with you: hate speech, racism and animal abuse is really something very very bad.
  3. Btw, you changed a little bit my mind about politics. Watching your video, I've realized that probably your point of view is right. We have to talk about politics, because it is part of our life...but I like the idea that we are a Steem nation. I have been always thinking that we, the Steemians, are like residents of our virtual country=Steem blockchain.

It was really a big pleasure to watch your video. For me is very interesting to see what other people thing, what their points of view are, etc. And it is so nice to me when I see how different the people are. And I respect this differences! It makes the world more colourful.

@romafedorov? Cool! I like his videos! I watch sometimes his video, and he is really awesome video creator, and he seems to be very friendly and social person. I think his response will be also very interesting to watch.

So, thank you once again @tibfox for your response! Have a good day! Stay healthy! And I hope everything is just fine with you!

Oh man ! Thank you for your good and kind comment :) This means a lot to me and I dont know what to reply instead of: This was an awsome comment !

I am happy that you nominated me to do this and I hope for the response of @romafedorov / @veganroma / @inoogamer :)

I hope you will habe also a very nice day full of happy moments :) See you next time !

Peace !

Thank you for the nice words @cryptospa!

Posted using Partiko Android

nice... this is a great idea for snowballing!

Oh my god, amazing video, shame on you, you don't know Russian lol But you should tell me about them in disocrd lol I know in German only Ich lieb i dich or something like that lol Oh, you are in the politics, yeah, politics in a tricky topic to talk about. I also want to support new thinking, oh yeah dtube nation, Hello of Kevin is really special, It's fixed in my head. I like that you like community projects. You forget about collaborations. lol Yeah nominating people is interesting idea. Wow thanks to @thejohalfiles he upvoted me today and I'm very happy for myslef and my dear frind the co-founder of @dcooperation . ☺ It's the first video where I commented every single sentence. lol Thanks for the video. ☺

Oh my that's awsome ! I am also sometimes doing this kind of commenting haha it is rly easy to comment in this way isn't it ? I can tell you my favourite swearword of course thehe

Yeah I am also pretty happy that @johalfiles noticed my content :D it feels awsome and this is motivating me so hard man !

I love to be here and with all of these great Steemians out there :D

You surely lol'ed really much haha

hello0o0o0o0ooooo0oo. Yes more arts and crafts would be good.

Yeah I think so too :) I will do also more craft noob videos soon but I would not call them arts right now haha

@romafedorov is a great nomination. I learned German before from a friend, but he only taught me some really bad words.

Wohoooo !!!! You are back ? I can not believe !! Thank you for showing me that you are alive and you are back and you are YOU !
These are amazing news @dnews ! How was your time ?
Thank you also for agreeing with my nomination :) I also am sure he is a really good follow-up !

Peace !

Even I don't like copycat, but I see big accounts with copied stuff...

Rly who ?

I dont think I should disclose them, cause im scared it might effect my account...

Okay yeah you are right... Hmm.. but eventually you could make a video about it and describe without naming them?

That's better...

I am excited !

That @kevinli impression. "hello..."

Loved it.

I guess in the end the biggest point is that everyone is free to post whatever they want but as you said we can mute people and find our own circles following the people and the type of content we enjoy. 😉

Yo man sorry for the late response
, I'm kinda busy this week traveling around Vietnam. As soon as I'll come back home I'll make a video response :)

Thank you for the nomination and spreading my channel man!

Posted using Partiko Android

You are welcome my friend and of course take your time for this one :)
Enjoy your time traveling and suck in all the inspirations on the trip man! I could imagine how many these are :)

Peace !

i think the nsfw should be just deleted from steem blockchain,. particulary sexual content. why can't we live in a clean society? i know there is enable or disable the nsfw... but still. i cant introduce steem to children as long the abominable people are creating content for the steem. it would be nice for protocol who filters heavily nsfw, on top of the enable disable nsfw function.

thats what i think....

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