Minnow Vlog 🐟🐟🐟: What is a Healthy Size for your Social Circle on Steemit?

in #video7 years ago (edited)

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Not too many, depends on your niche to be honest. It is most effective to engage with less people but on a deeper level, than with many vaguely.

Hey @lukorba, I agree that you can go deeper with less people. The question is how many if we want to put it into a number.

Hey! I would say no more than 15-20, and that alone would take up a lot of time. I mean look at it this way, how many people, friends, can one have in their life before one starts to lose contact with them due to not enough free time, being busy, or simply other circumstances? Online, especially when we don't know the people in real life, these people require our effort to read and engage with their content very often, if not daily, and sadly, there simply isn't enough time in any of our lives to engage properly with more than 15-20 people on such a level. This is solely coming from my own experience on here and in life. However, I do think that we can have a bigger circle, consisting of a few close people, (the number I speak of) and then people whom we do engage with, but not on a level as deep as the others. And with this, a circle builds up, where in the middle are the minority, the 15-20, and then it just keeps growing: the size and number of people increases, as our engagement with them decreases.

Good way to look at it! It makes a lot of sense. Thank you for this comment! :)

I think 50-100 is appropriate. ...i belong to a whatsapp group of about 120 active members and i know almost everyone and we interact very well

Hey @amec, thx for the comment!

I think that number is possible as well. But Whatsapp is not quite the same as Steemit. I am not sure but I guess it is tought on STeemit since everyone is cluterred and you need to manually check up on everybody.

Am well aware of this @flauwy,i just used whatsapp to explain my views...interaction on steemit depends on the relationship you have with the people you follow or follow u...an example...whenever i log in to steemit,i always check the blogs of about 20 guys i know or maybe cox am a fan of their content...i know their usernames off hand and basic information about them. Like @surpassinggoogle ...i went to google and other sites to know more about him! .why? ?
Because i love his personality. ...in short what am trying to say is if u know personally know ur followers...lets say they are friends and family,u can easily and effectively manage a good relationship with all of them on steemit.

Dude im on the ssme page as you. But i feel youre barking on the wrong tree. Most of people herr are not to build relationships theyre posessed with money. For 3 months Im here I only found 2 good follower who really have the same thought. Others are basically just good job, well written kind of stuff. If youre lucky some wrote long reviews but then lost in contact. Everyone are so profit driven. Im also but i still want good relations. And its a precious gem to be found yet :(

I agree there are not so many followers which we have a real personal contact with. However, I find that the best chance to increase that chance is to have a smaller group of people which we follow and thus we have enough time to create a more interesting relationship than just "nice" "beautiful" .

Either way I understanf exactly What you are saying and I am on the same page as you. But I guess it's like they say - money talk. Sometimes unfortunately it talks the loudest ..

well let me see your blogs maybe i can be your next like minded friend ??

hah you're welcome :)

Yes... you are correct,we can make good one.

You seem no to be the only one according to others comments. I do the same. Mayb this IS the best strategy. Steemit should give a favourite feature like we have on busy.org. That helps to check up your friends.

Yes.....it's really difficult to manage and maintain all mates, we can keep a little touch with around 50 members per day.

As a power user or as a regular user?

i d't known about the different between power user and regular user, Give me the clear please.

A power user works all day on Steemit, posts every day, has usually high payouts and generally does a lot of strategies to be successful.

That's oddly specific for something I can at least do 50% of. And that sucks for me, because that sounds like the 50/50 power up and steem earnings mix, which I have NEVER DONE BEFORE - I always have my posts powered up, especially this early on in the game! But, alas, if high quality depends on channeled focus and attention, then no wonder these Steemians make so much on here, It DOES become their full time job eventually. As for me: videos, articles, coding, animation... no way, today! :(

I live mostly from Steemit so every move I make here is to provide for my family now and in the long run. The fact that I am having fun while doing so comes on top of it. :)

I would say I am getting payed for what I would like to do anyway.

Oh...Great,really i d't known before about it.Thank you @flauwy

great job @flauwy

Hahaha...this is one really funny animation

Haha, yeah I think so too. Only used it twice before but I tis already one of my favourite GIFs!

Naturally, the more followers the better – at first glance. So of course most Steemers are going to try to attract more and more followers. One way they will do so it to Follow as many people as possible.

Which is all fine. But for me, I'm more concerned with creating quality content, and then if someone finds my posts interesting or informative, then they will follow me.

(I've been active on Steemit only for 2 weeks now, and that is clearly what is happening; the more decent posts I make, the more followers I attract. The numbers aren't huge, but that's fine with me.)

As many respondents have noted, too many followers might not be the ideal for everybody. I've been trying to keep track of my followers, but even after attracting a limited number of followers, I realize that it could get a bit stressful (for me, anyway) to keep up with them.

Of course, they can follow me without my interaction, but I believe it's best for Steemit if Steemers do what they can to create an interacting community. That's rather difficult to do if you have 10,000 followers. :-)

Anyway, thanks for the post, and the "How to survive" vid on YouTube. Both were quite helpful, especially since I'm only 2 weeks into the aforementioned "survival" stage.

Fortunately, I love creating the content that I'm making, and I spend over 8 hours / day doing so. And I have more and more ideas for posts, as well as series of posts.

Full Steem Ahead.

What I usually have done after taking social media seriously for the first time ever in my life (alternative, not mainstream) is make a reality check if I really want to moderate how often I do certain things, with upvotes being a good enough example. On Steemit especially, IIRC upvoting for more than 27 posts and articles within one given day will eventually downgrade the empowering and/or funding effects of your clicking, so there's definitely a dynamic in play there. The problem, though, is that at least when I was audience engaging on Vidme and even Minds, Gab and BitChute, I almost never had to worry about not giving support to enough people because those that deserved it were easier to rationalize over time and dedication. Perhaps when I use Steemit at least a bit more often than I have lately, can I reap the results I desire for both the HARDwork and NETwork aspects of Steemian groups (yes, this clever ol' post is insisting for your upvote, @flauwy! I'm on a roll here!).

Hey @majes.tytyty, thank you for your comment. I think it is very good that you still have that drive. I have lost mine rather quickly on Steemit as I realized that long quality posts which I was used to create prior to Steemit will not create the reward I am hoping for. It takes too much time and Steemit doesn't honor timeless content. When Steemit changes it system I will change my style again but up until then I go on mass.

I try to become friends with 50 Steemers who I really like and have things in common or who I can learn from, like you. I actually write them down in my so called "Steemit Book" so that I try to check their posts every day and comment on them. I always comment on posts I like or that inspired me.
I think the best time to comment is right away or within no more than 9 hrs because usually, people don't respond to your comments, but I still comment even on couple days old posts, just because I like them. It seems that when I comment on new posts and new to me Steemers I get to get more followers and upvotes. But I still try to get a closer relationship with the 50 ones I have by commenting, which doesn't really seem to be very effective for my upvotes, but I just want them to get to know me and because I like their posts, because they inspire me or I can learn from them, then that works for me.
I just try my best that I can, I really enjoy Steemit, I learn from it, I make friends and of course I want to make money, but if I just keep loving what I do and be consistent with it, working hard at it, I know one day it will pay off.
Love your posts especially when you make videos because this way it is more personal and it feels like we can know you better.
Thanks @flauwy. Sorry for this long comment.

Hey @joalvaraz, Pura Vida from Costa Rica!

Thank you for this wonderful comment. I really think it is great that you manually check up on 50 people. It sounds like a really good strategy to me. I gotta do something similar myself but to be honest I find it a bit difficult and hard to motivate myself. I guess I have to change my attitude about this and see it as checking up on my friends. :)

Good to know you like my videos. Sometimes it feels like videos are underappreciated here.

Thank you for your awesome reply.
I personally would like to see more posts with videos, because like I said, you get to know that person way better than just reading the post. You can feel the emotions and what is in their hearts, and that speaks louder to me than just a write-up post.

Well, you can certainly expect MANY more videos from me. :D

Downsizing For Growth
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I agree, especially if you are just starting out, you need to strike a balance with quality and quantity to make solid relationships and put out good content on Steemit. The platform can be all consuming and tools to manage feed, bookmarks, favorites are not yet available. The real power players here seem to go all out all the time and don't show the balance, @papa-pepper for example. I believe they must be incredibly efficient multi-taskers. For instance @stackin responds to almost every comment, hundreds per day. He said that he accomplishes this by making replies during his morning workout when he is on the elliptical machine. Also, he has a lot of experience on social media and he has built a system. He is a great motivator and once everything is in place he can really take it to the next level with exponential growth. For small fries like me I believe the building blocks need to be put in place as a foundation for growth. Thanks for your great insights!

Had to jump in here because I totally agree with you @otage. I check @stackin and @papa-pepper daily because they do go all out every single time, and I respect them for that and at the same time, you can learn so much from them and they are amazing examples of how to be successful here on Steemit.

Awesome thanks for backing me up!

No problem, I just glad you said it because that is how I feel about those guys.

Amazing Comment!


Yes, some people seem to be able to go all out. Steemit does that to someone with enough fire. It is similar with me, I am constantly working here. But I am not yet as efficiant as @stacking or @papa-pepper seem to be. Which is great because it means there is still plenty of room to grow!

I am brand new at this. I appreciate any help I can get.

Check out my Steemy tutorials that I release every day. I have tons of cool stuff that is super useful for beginners!


This issue is quite important but hard to calculate the exact size of social group. I also agree that many number is not important. Close relationship would be much more important than the number of followers or something. Btw, If you are interested in life of exchange student in Denmark, then please visit my post :) I would like to post travel and some photos :)

True, an exact number is probably impossible to define.

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