Crypto Aid Venezuela | New year, new activities! "¡Nuevo año, nuevas actividades!"

in #venezuela5 years ago

2019 left many good memories and smiles full of happiness in a variety of communities which we support. However, we want this 2020 to be much better and we are starting it in a big way:

  • We have activated the process for registration as a legally constituted foundation in the country, which will allow us to contact national companies to request support as well as allowing us to open a legal account and the formation of the official project team in the country.
  • Soon we will start a crowdfunding project with monthly goals within @fundition to allow us to support one community per month in food issues.
  • On January 29th we will have our first activity of the year, and with this we start our activities and new support within the platform.

Recently we had the contact from a school located in the Municipality of Cristobal Rojas in the state of Miranda. This community supported us a few months ago when we carried out an activity in the community of "Las Brisas del Tuy", however today they are the ones who need our help.

The education sector in Venezuela is one of the worst paid and its infrastructure continues to decline with the increase in inflation and bad policies in this area. Most teachers in the country today can be said to work "for the love of art" rather than for the salary, where they even have to pay for their own materials to work with, such as markers, pens, among others.

This school, called Andrés Eloy Blanco, is celebrating its 60th anniversary and the director has been asking for support without any kind of response from the state in order to be able to entertain the teachers. That is why after receiving a letter addressed to the Crypto Aid Venezuela project we decided to look for a way to support them in this activity, for which we have the support of a new sponsor called Fox.

Fox was following the work of our project and recently contacted our founder @zaxan to learn more about what we do and decided to support us in our journey. Fox is also the founder of Foxden Studios.

"Fox Den was started by its founder "Fox" as a solution to the need for a fair, fun and quality giveaway/event process. We noticed that individuals from around the world were often being left out or the giveaway process itself was highly unorganized. All too often giveaways and events were vulnerable to cheaters and latency issues. With this in mind, Fox Den was created and since its launch has catered to those seeking an exhilarating and welcoming environment. Know more on

We have received a donation of $50 from you, which we hope will pay for part of this activity, and we have already bought materials for the cakes in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the school.

We will be reporting on the activity in future publications . We are grateful for the support everyone has given to keep this project going and hope that this new year will be full of great activities and even greater growth for everyone.

2019 dejo muchos buenos recuerdos y sonrisas llenas de felicidad en diversidad de comunidades las cuales apoyamos. Sin embargo queremos que esté 2020 sea mucho mejor y lo iniciamos a lo grande:

  • Hemos activado el proceso para el registro como fundación legalmente constituida en el país, lo cual nos permitirá poder contactar empresas nacionales para solicitar apoyo así como permitirnos la apertura de una cuenta jurídica y la conformación del equipo oficial del proyecto en el país.
  • Pronto iniciaremos un proyecto de crowdfunding con metas mensuales dentro de @fundition para permitirnos apoyar una comunidad al mes en temas alimenticios.
  • El próximo 29 de Enero tendremos nuestra primera actividad del año, y con esto damos inicio a nuestras actividades y a nuevos apoyos dentro de la plataforma.

Recientemente tuvimos el contacto de parte de una escuela ubicada en el Municipio Cristóbal Rojas del estado Miranda. Esta comunidad nos apoyó hace ya unos meses cuando realizamos una actividad en la comunidad de "Las Brisas del Tuy", sin embargo el día de hoy son ellos quienes necesitan nuestra ayuda.

El sector educativo en Venezuela es uno de los peores pagados y cuya infraestructura sigue decayendo con el aumento de la inflación y las malas políticas en esta materia. La mayoría de docentes en el país actualmente se puede decir que trabajan "por amor al arte" más que por el salario, en donde incluso son ellos quienes deben costear sus propios materiales para trabajar tales como marcadores, lapiceros, entre otros.

Esta escuela llamada Andrés Eloy Blanco, cumple 60 años de su fundación y el directivo estuvo solicitando apoyo sin ningún tipo de respuesta de parte del estado para poder agasajar al profesorado. Es por esto que tras recibir una carta dirigida al proyecto Crypto Aid Venezuela decidimos buscar la forma de apoyarles en la realización de esta actividad, para lo cual contamos con el apoyo de un nuevo patrocinador llamado Fox.

Fox estuvo siguiendo el trabajo de nuestro proyecto y recientemente se puso en contacto con nuestro fundador @zaxan para conocer más a fondo lo que hacemos y decidió apoyarnos en nuestra travesía. A su vez Fox es el fundador de Foxden Studios.

"Fox Den was started by its founder "Fox" as a solution to the need for a fair, fun and quality giveaway/event process. We noticed that individuals from around the world were often being left out or the giveaway process itself was highly unorganized. All Too often giveaways and events were vulnerable to cheaters and latency issues. With this in mind, Fox Den was created and since its launch has catered to those seeking an exhilarating and welcoming environment." Know more on

En tal sentido hemos recibido de su parte una donación de 50$ con lo cual esperamos costear parte de lo que será esta actividad y ya hemos comprado materiales para las tortas en conmemoración del 60 aniversario de la escuela.

Estaremos informando de la actividad en proximas publicaciones . Agradecemos el apoyo que todos han hecho para que este proyecto siga adelante y esperamos este nuevo año esté lleno de grandes actividades y un crecimiento aún mayor para todos.

As a project we want to continue working for the Venezuelan people and we have decided to continue the good work even against the adversities, price of the crypto currencies, country/economic situation and other problems that have stagnated the development of the project.

We thank you again for all your support and we hope to be able to count on you in this new opportunity.

 If you want to help us disseminate the project we invite you to use the following markdown at the end of your publications, with your help we will be making more and more people know about the project. Thank you very much. They will add a image + link to our mision as project!

If you are interested in supporting us we invite you to read our introductory post where you can learn more about us and some frequently asked questions:INTRODUCING AID VENEZUELA | CRYPTOCURRENCY HUMANITARIAN AID



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A fin de colaboración... Saludos!!! @tipu curate

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