Witness Testimonies of Multiple Shooters at the Bellagio, Planet Hollywood, etc., Illuminati Numerology, Gunship Helicopters in Vegas, Forensic acoustic proof, Judge orders stop destroying evidence, Crisis Actors, Passports MANDATORY for US travel by 2018

in #vegascover-up7 years ago (edited)

Please watch these videos and other postings and share.

Eye Witness Confirms Multiple Shooters - Rene Downs Interview - Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 17
by End Times News Report

Several eye witnesses have confirmed that there were multiple shooters during the Las Vegas shooting event. Rene Downs was at the Bellagio hotel when gunfire erupted, sending people into a panic. This is her story.

Local Reveals Details About Las Vegas Shooting and Gambling Scene - Part 18 by End Times News Report

An Uber driver named Mark with deep knowledge of the Las Vegas gambling scene reveals what he has heard and seen since the shooting on October 1st. Mark's blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/marksgamb...

Comment from a Viewer: “Jake, I don't know if you see all of these comments, but I think an independent investigator going by the pseudonym, Nick Falco, has blown up a lot of the narrative.
He got a room at Mandalay Bay and has documented that there are NO DOOR ALARMS, which destroys the official narrative that Campos was investigating an alarm! I think this piece of info is YUGE and needs to be talked about by all investigators.
Falco also documented on video how to access the service elevators and that they do indeed have cameras in them. More holes in the official narrative. You can read about his entire investigation and how MGM trespassed him for life on an article on SHTF plan.
There is also compelling, nearly irrefutable evidence dug up by 4chan investigators that proves that the steak house where Campos received his award from the SPFPA has long since been remodeled, meaning that the pics are fake and deliberate Disinfo. For what reason, I have no idea.
Jake, your diligent work finding these witnesses is so much appreciated. Thank you so much for getting the truth out there! If you ever need anything investigated or filmed in the long beach / Los Angeles area, please feel free to ask for my assistance. I know there might be some new revelations coming in Operation Broken Heart. I can't stand that I know these things are going on and I'm doing nothing about it except for trying to spread info on the internet. So, seriously. If I can help, PEASE let me know. Put me in, coach! Lol”

What Are We Seeing Over the Vegas Skyline in This New Footage?? by HighImpactFlix

GunShipHelicopters.com is non-military Gunship shooting experience.
This group is based in Las Vegas that is the first and open to the general public. Explains on Experience the Black Ops or First Person Shooter Video game fantasies in an Open Door Low Flight Helicopter Tour over 71-Acre Private Shooting Range through the Mojave Desert. “Choose a belt-fed M249S SAW or AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle.”

Comment from a Viewer: “That video of the "military grade quad-copter" isn't real. It was produced by a Youtuber called FPS Russia, and was a stunt set up by his team using computer enhancement. Look at the "muzzle flash" emanating from the vehicle. It's fake as shit. If you're going to try and make your case it might be a good idea to be upfront about the video clip you use.”

The One Thing People DESPERATELY NEED But Don't Desire! by HighImpactFlix

TRUTH will set you free.
Quad Military Drones via CGI.

Great video by A Call For An Uprising

Best comments: "I've seen better actors in sharknado 5.”
“Christless actors!!!”
"Craigslist is hiring these actors here in A.Z smh"
Comment By James Harken “u no what time is it Freemasons and Jesuits and shriners are fulfilling the Vatican's plan for totally world domination. I am rh negative and a persecuted saint. I have been stalked, poisoned, covertly implanted with bioapi microchips for torture, attempts made on my life. Search, " Masonic Gangstalking " on YouTube for more info.”
False flag = usually real dead/injured. Hoax = no real dead/injured (unless unintentional). I haven't made up my mind yet on LV and, yes, I've seen that hokey Liveleaks video."

Judge Orders Mandalay Bay to STOP DESTROYING Evidence by James Munder

Rachel Sheppard Shot 3 times in the chest walking around no problem. 58 funerals?
Deep State gave the Judge the license to do so. Distraction from the Truth.

Dupers Delight—Las Vegas

FUN Dupers Delight Las Vegas Shooting Video. God help these LIARS. I was/am one (I try not to lol) so lets just ask one to speak truth and forgive! CRISIS ACTORS.

Crisis Actors in Las Vegas by bobby sands

Showing three of the fake crisis actors from the Las Vegas false flag shooting along with a few other examples of crisis actors. The video then moves on to tackle the training movie that was filmed before the "shooting" had even taken place and is used as proof by the lying government. Please check out the "Anaconda maltliquor" channels.

Las Vegas Shooting Eyewitness Planet Hollywood by OroraMonroe

My experience in Las Vegas during the shooting event on 10-1-17. The gunshots that I heard occurred near the door to the strip from Planet Hollywood sometime between 10:00 and 10:15pm that evening. I will add the links that I stated to this description when I finish compiling them into a list, also, please excuse the audio when I am doing the screencast. The webcam mic is crackling.
Watch this lady and share we need we need to get these people out there and there's more like her who made video beginning the first night as the shooting!
“Thanks for posting this...I know exactly where you were. There is obviously a major cover-up going on, and I'm very unhappy with the way the Strip casinos imagine that it's their right to manage reality...they are losing my future business, for sure. There is no way that shots fired at Mandalay Bay could be heard at PH. Be aware that while people were killed or maimed, corporate media is showing a lot of staged/phony footage. There's a reason for this. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.”
This is crazy! Luxor hotel bomb threat!!! That's new info!

POLICE SCANNER TRANSCRIPT https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/eyewitness-report-of-shooting-at-the-tropicana-and-ny-ny/

Witness to Shooting at Planet Hollywood - Las Vegas Investigation Part 19 by End Times News Report

Orora Monroe heard shooting right outside Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. She is certain that there were multiple gunmen on the night of the infamous #1 October Las Vegas Shooting massacre.
This video also includes some information from 2015 about Sheriff Lombardo's past concern over the likelihood of a "lone gunmen" domestic terrorist attacking Las Vegas. The LVMPD had lost substantial funding from Homeland Security because there wasn't a sufficient "need" for federal funding for terrorism in Vegas. At least, that's the official story.

Comments From Viewers: “Bundys are good people and not to be feared. Hot news flash-That is ridiculous! He works for us.” “Now it sounds like there was a drill, but this time, it was a live drill, yet no one told the public. Esp if DHS was there. This just gets worse and worse, day by day. God bless all those brothers and sisters that were fired on and lied to and of course the victims and families. Smh.”
“Podesta's son-in-law is named Gordon Rouse, and though he also works for the FBI, he's not the dude with the evil eye standing by the sheriff. That agent's name is Aaron Rouse. He's very creepy...”
“So that's 5 hotels? Planet Hollywood, New York- New York, Bellagio, Caesars, Mandalay Bay...”

Gio Rios and his Girlfriend shot at In many different locations beginning with the Route 91 festival. PLEASE LISTEN TO HIM. He recounts shots fired and also crossfire situations during his long night!!!

Las Vegas Shooting - Detailed Analysis of Helicopter Flights - Vegas Investigation Part 20

This video presents FAA transponder data showing the exact movements of all helicopters during the Las Vegas Shooting... including information on the "mystery helicopter" that many people caught on video.

Comment from Viewers: “BLACK OPS DON'T FOLLOW F.A.A. RULES RIGHT?”

“What does a military RADAR operator see on his screen?
That depends on what kind of RADAR he has selected:
If he is using his primary/transponder set switched to show only transponders, he will see only the aircraft with transponders. They will all be identified.
If he is using his primary/transponder RADAR, he will see all of the aircraft with transponders showing their identification, and he will see all other aircraft as unidentified blips.
If he is using his primary/transponder RADAR set switched to show only primary returns, he will see all aircraft as unidentified blips.
When transponder data are displayed, the aircraft's altitude is shown.
If the set has a height finder, the aircraft's altitude is shown whether or not the aircraft has a transponder.”

What the Hell is Happening Here at Hooters/Las Vegas on Oct. 1st (NEW VIDEO) by High Impact Flix

Benjamin Franks posted a video titled "Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath perspective from MGM Grand"
Across the street from Hooters is facing South. Concert event facing South West.
Tons of Ambulances parked there carrying out bodies?

How Did D-Y-I-N-G Folks Make it This Far in V.e.G.a-$ ?!? by High Impact Flix

** Correction...I made a measurement mistake. 650 yards is more than 6 FOOTBALL field lengths (not 2) Thanks for the correction you guys!) (was thinking in feet and applying it to yards). This distance makes it even WORSE for this story that mortally wounded people made it from the concert venue to Hooters and then supposedly died!
You know you live in restrictive times when I feel like I have to hyphenate and code words in titles to keep thought police from throwing it to the bottom of the stack. I'm sure it's a vain attempt (web crawlers are smart), but I'll keep trying.
From the center of the concert venue to the center of Hooters is approx 1840 feet or 650 yards. I was applying 300 feet to a football field and transferring it to yards. I hate those kinds of mess ups. Thanks for watching.

Comment from Viewers: “Hooters must have a special half off on wings during a crisis!” “Crisis actors storm Hooters” “Hooters should release CT cam footage!!”

Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre by The Health Ranger

In essence, because of the differences in the speed of sound vs. the speed of the bullets from a known cartridge (.223 Remington, in this case), the time lag between the last bullet hitting the pavement and the last audible report of the rifle muzzle can be used to very accurately calculate the range of the shooter.
More importantly, when the audio from the Las Vegas shooting is analyzed, it reveals TWO shooters operating at the same time, not just one shooter. Shooter #1 is operating at 425 – 475 yards, which is consistent with the Mandalay Bay hotel, but shooter #2 is operating at approximately 250 – 270 yards.
Speed of sound 20% humidity 345 m/s
Speed of 55 gr .223 rifle round= 975 m/s
Flight time to 366 m (400 y)=(.528 s)
Bullets arrive first!
High Frequency Sound Spectra to Low Frequency Sound Spectra
End Of Pavements Hits to End of Rifle Report.
Lag Time Tells you Range.
Distance (Y) LAG Times
100 Y=.164 LAG Time 200 (Y)=.311 LAG Time
300 (Y)=.434 LAG Time 400 (Y)=.528 LAG Time
500 (Y)=.584 LAG Time 600 (Y)=.597 LAG Time
Two Shooters Identified so far. Shooter #1=425-475 Y’s Mandalay Bay .559 s=425 +yrds
Shooter #2=250-275 Y’s Mandalay Bay .374s=250 yrds
FBI can Triangulate from videos, and evidence of where they intersect.
Forensics Acoustic Analysis.
Comments from Viewers: “FBI knows who did what. Now they are back peddling because they know they did a sloppy job with this false flag.”
“The false flags are getting sloppier every time. It almost seems like they're not even trying to hide it anymore bc there are still so many Americans that still believe that our a govt would not kill it's own people.” “Math & science doesn't lie but the FBI & law enforcement do.”

Illuminati Whistleblower Discusses Numerology in the LV Disaster by Victurus Libertas

See this in depth analysis of the Las Vegas shooting by a woman who has lived her whole life according to these rituals and numerology, Cheryl Hersha.


End Times- SRA Survivor Illuminati Whistleblower Cheryl Hersha Interview Part 2 by Victurus Libertas

MUST WATCH !!! Part 2 of our latest interview with Illuminati whislteblower and SRA Survivor Cheryl Hersha. Another very informative mind blowing discussion from a very courageous woman.

Comment from a Viewer: “I agree with her about the fallen ones being in Antarctica. I read something about Gog and Magog in the Koran I think that said something about the fallen ones trying to get out of a giant ice shelf wall and how it kept freezing over and then someday they will get out and the Gog and Magog war starts.”

Secret Service Guy Now Skeptical, 1851 by The Still Report

"Tucker Carlson had Dan Bongino, former NYPD and Secret Service agent on last night to discuss the latest with the Oct. 1 incident."

Passports Could Become MANDATORY For Traveling INSIDE THE U.S. BY 2018!!! by TruthUnveiled777

U.S. Const. died in 1871 is a US Corporation
Martial Law never lifted after proc 113
The powers that should be are pushing for everyone to have Real ID, which is more than a regular ID for Drivers License, etc.
What this video shows the ID is mandatory for Airline travel, shows who, what, where, and why, the states applied, etc.
Eventually they are going to apply this ID not just airline travel, but for by train, car, boat, ship, etc.
Eventually deters people from traveling and control of people in controlled cities where the corporations and jobs are. Then, Police State mirrored to Minority Report and The Truman Show, then, Martial Law.
It's all by design, by the powers that shouldn't be are pushing for NWO Agenda. World's A Stage.

Previous posts. Other postings within as well.

Jesus Campos real MKULTRA? or doppelganger appears on the Ellen Degenerate Show, plus Kymberley Suchomel LV witness believed media covering up multiple shooters, found dead, planned to organize a survivors group to piece together what happened & why. https://steemit.com/vegascover-up/@redpilljen2020/jesus-campos-real-mkultra-or-doppledanger-appears-on-the-ellen-degenerate-show-plus-kymberley-suchomel-lv-witness-believed-media

Where in the world is Jesus Campos? First Witness Interviewed in Las Vegas is Credible Witness, Soros's $18 billion Transfer to his foundation, Scott Binsack spreads disinformation & con man infiltrates Las Vegas Investigation is Exposed https://steemit.com/vegascover-up/@redpilljen2020/where-in-the-world-is-jesus-campos-first-witness-interviewed-in-las-vegas-is-credible-witness-soros-s-usd18-billion-transfer-to

Las Vegas Updates with follow the money, cui bono, Jesus Campos not security guard? Helicopter footage used in Illuminati blood sacrifice, crisis actors, witnesses report multiple witnesses, me and my money Illuminati references https://steemit.com/lasvegasshooting/@redpilljen2020/las-vegas-updates-with-follow-the-money-cui-bono-jesus-campos-not-security-guard-helicopter-footage-used-in-illuminati-blood

Eminem awkward anti-Trump rant is distraction from real events behind the scenes, responses, Archie Bunker tried to warn us, bonus Illuminati connections with Blade Runner and Las Vegas False Flag Event https://steemit.com/eminem/@redpilljen2020/eminem-awkward-anti-trump-rant-is-distraction-from-real-events-behind-the-scenes-responses-archie-bunker-tried-to-warn-us-bonus

Las Vegas Shooting Investigation with attempt to blow the fuel tanks and CIA Black Ops with Amerithrax 2001 vs Las Vegas 2017 https://steemit.com/lasvegasshooting/@redpilljen2020/las-vegas-shooting-investigation-with-attempt-to-blow-the-fuel-tanks-and-cia-black-ops-with-amerithrax-2001-vs-las-vegas-2017

Las Vegas updates with testimony and forensic acoustic proof of multiple shooters, Inside Job, Official Story is BS, 200 bullets hit security guard in leg yeah right, Podesta's son-in-law's brother as FBI Agent in charge of Vegas Shooting

Las Vegas updates, petition, shooting at Bellagio hotel, proof of multiple shooters, key witness kills himself & daughter following FBI raid, crisis actors moving arms & no swelling, bruising, automatic rapid gun fire mirrored to Aliens film https://steemit.com/lasvegas/@redpilljen2020/las-vegas-updates-petition-shooting-at-bellagio-hotel-proof-of-multiple-shooters-key-witness-kills-himself-and-daughter

Updates with Las Vegas, possible Paddock look alike video aftermath, Dan Bilzerian satanic vampire exposed, muzzle flash debunked 4th floor, analyzes and geoengineering https://steemit.com/lasvegas/@redpilljen2020/updates-with-las-vegas-possible-paddock-look-alike-video-aftermath-dan-bilzerian-satanic-vampire-exposed-muzzle-flash-debunked

Predictive Programming with Las Vegas Shooting as Illuminati False Flag mirrored to The Accountant, Jason Bourne, and Minority Report https://steemit.com/lasvegas/@redpilljen2020/predictive-programming-with-las-vegas-shooting-as-illuminati-false-flag-mirrored-to-the-accountant-jason-bourne-and-minority

Video by The Black Child: Hand in Hand: ILLUMINATi Hollywood raise money for CHARITY??/ Hurricane Harvey-IRMA (Agenda 21?) https://steemit.com/illuminati/@redpilljen2020/video-by-the-black-child-hand-in-hand-illuminati-hollywood-raise-money-for-charity-hurricane-harvey-irma-agenda-21

HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed https://steemit.com/freemason/@redpilljen2020/how-they-speak-in-sign-language-education-2017-freemason-hidden-hand-revealed




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