Predictive Programming with Las Vegas Shooting as Illuminati False Flag mirrored to The Accountant, Jason Bourne, and Minority Report

in #lasvegas7 years ago

Video by The Black Child, please watch and share. All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for further control of society as NWO Agenda with Gun Control, Body Scanners, Police State. Beta test for other events. Scary times. World's Stage.
Las Vegas Shooting: Illuminati FALSE FLAG?/Retired "Accountant"?/FREEMASON GUN CONTROL

From what was said in the video.
"The Las Vegas Shooting: Shooting, Chaos, Dan Blizerian; "lone wolf" or Programmed Shooter?/FREEMASON GUN CONTROL/What a "gun- less society looks like.
TruthStreamMedia’s comment: “1:37 ... Are those two in the hats posing for a sad country western wear photo shoot? What is that? Could they look more posed for the cameras if they tried?”

Dan Bilzerian, social media “star” and proud devil worshipper was in attendance of the concert and films himself running away during the shooting.
This was seen as a major contradiction for Dan’s social media profile as he constantly shows of how “tough” and “rugged” and “macho” he is. Not only did the Navy Seal reject expose himself, it also seems as if he was exaggerating some of his claims.
So if Dan Bilzerian was standing behind the stage with the other country singers, he did he see a girl get her brains shot out in front of him?
Jake Owen, country singer never mentions seeing a girl’s brains get shot out in front of him. Trump calls the attack “Evil” instead of Terrorism, which is what it was.

As usual, Freemason Media lecturing the public on why you should ONLY should listen to them for so called “credible/legitimate info.

Girl at the 6 min. 30 mark was the Narcissist on the Dr. Phil Show.
“Here’s something interesting I found. The very same girl was on a Dr. Phil show talking about her narcissism and she is there at the shooting covered in blood and gets interviewed by CNN about the shooting! I know it’s bizarre but listen to her story. She said there multiple shooters and seem to think some might have been at ground level.

Here’s 25 year old Corrine who was on Dr. Phil about Narcissism!

Here’s Corrine being interviewed on CNN about the shooting! Strange but she backs up there were multiple shooters.”

Over many months of buying 40-50 guns he was programmed or under MKULTRA program. Films such as Jason Bourne depict MKULTRA, alternative personality carrying out orders from Deep State as suicide attackers and assassins. Vegas reference.

Other film refers to The Accountant mirrored to Paddock’s profession.
It should be noted that both CIA Operative/Assets Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s movies “The Accountant” and “Jason Bourne” were both released last year in 2016, being released exactly 95 days apart, which would mean 3 months, 3 days, on a side note.

Megyn Kelley all I can see are those protruding brow bones. (Austin Powers voice). That's a man baby, yeah!
Every night, this Illuminati Puppet such as Jimmy Kimmel and others broadcasts live from the masonic lodge. Wonder if Jimmy cries the same way about the Satanic rituals he’s witnessed in this building. Wearing an Illuminati blood sacrifice ring.
Again, Jimmy used his rehearsed NWO tears to push for NOW restrictions/initiatives. Jimmy attacks Trump for “making it easier” for people with Mental Illness to get guns legally, but as we know now, that would not have stopped this “gunman” even if it were in effect. Pushing restrictions on average tax paying, law abiding citizen.

What is very interesting about the timing of the shooting in Vegas was this happened on the eve of an ISIS terrorists’ trial here in New York. The Chelsea Bombing on 09/17/2016

Whether the Gunman in Vegas was a so-called “lone-wolf”, or if this was a false flag, the public really needs to decide what they are willing to give up for their so called “safety”. Sometimes the more freedoms you give you the LESS safe you become.
It is my opinion that this incident won’t only be used for “gun control” but will also be used for “PRE-CRIME” Predictive Policing= MINORITY REPORT."

Please read and watch videos, other postings and share.
Las Vegas was a FEMA drill, Gun Trafficking Gone Wrong, 2 Shooters, Paddock's girlfriend FBI Informant, former CIA Agent, and latest updates

Las Vegas False Flag event leads to Minority Report...Cui Bono? Loss of Freedom, Police State, Body Scanners like Minority Report

Las Vegas Shooter's name was posted 4 days before WTF? Proof Las Vegas shooting was done by two shooters at different locations

Las Vegas Shooting What's Next? Crisis Actors Complication, Hegelian Dialectic, Distraction from Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria

Updates with Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Subliminal Messages, Muzzle Flashes, False Flag for next one


You are ACES! I am posting this on twitter and then I am going to go through it line by line! Thanks for putting this information up! Bravo!

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