Las Vegas Shooting Investigation with attempt to blow the fuel tanks and CIA Black Ops with Amerithrax 2001 vs Las Vegas 2017

in #lasvegasshooting7 years ago (edited)

Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13 by End Times News Report

"FBI says they recovered the bullets that hit the tanks. Of course, they could be lying. It's possible that there would have been no chance of the round penetrating well enough to ignite the fuel. And, as some point out, jet fuel is more like less-flammable kerosene than gasoline. But, I did look at the bullet holes myself... and they are large. So somebody tried to do SOMETHING... if for no other reason than to have a good "scare" story. Then again, perhaps those tanks could have blown. I'm not well-versed enough on that to know without doing more research. If anyone has expertise in this area, make sure to share your ideas."

Comments from Viewers:
"I truly believe this was an orchestrated perfect storm: five events combined. 1) active shooter drill, 2) arms deal gone bad, 3) false flag gun + liberty grab, 4) jihadi sting operation, 5) black psyop. That's why no one will ever solve it, including LVPD, because all possibilities are probably true.

One could believe quite easily that the maestro for such a perfect storm as this would be any number of alphabet agencies. Deep state and hidden hand hate us just that much."

"shooter was firing between 9 and 11 minutes, and there are 2 cement pillars (towers) between hotel and tanks. 9/11 symbolism."

CIA BLACK OPS: Amerithrax 2001 vs Las Vegas 2017 - Las Vegas Investigation Part 12

"CIA operations have distinct "fingerprints" to them. To help you understand the 2017 Vegas event in the context of a CIA op, I'm going to talk about one of their botched operations back in 2001.

If you saw Part 1 previously but not Part 2 (the part that YouTube removed) then skip to minute: 34:00."

The Mail Isolation Control and Tracking Program Hidden from American people until 2013 when it was disclosed in Court case.
Every mail is digitally scanned and recorded in government database.
Court case started in 2001-2012
160 billion pieces of mail was scanned and recorded. Newsweek talked about it in 2014 article.
Some local/federal agencies, etc. can file a request to see what is inside the mail.
To fish ideas to build case for warrant, eventually arrest and indictment, violates 4th Amendment Search and Seizure.
New York Times filed Freedom of Information Request to find out if this is true.
CIA is private mercenary corporation doing the bidding of the Illuminati and the Bankers.
Genie Oil in New Jersey is a subsidiary of an oil and energy corporation in Israel in the Golan Heights that belongs to Syria, not Israel, who stole it in 1967.
Those on the board of Genie Oil are James Woolsey, Former CIA Director, Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild.
CIA uses Military as foot soldiers. Some protect Poppy fields for Big Pharma, Opium, PetroDollar, minerals, other resources, ancient technology, etc. Raping countries for resources, regime changes, Rothschild central banks.

US Military secretly moved into Jordan and border in Syria to prevent Assad from retaking Golan Heights.
Deep State/Illuminati are in control of United States. Politicians are figure heads, Illuminati puppets. Neocon Zionists CFR (Council on Foreign Relations began in 1920) that influence the State Department. Every member of the Secretary of State, except for two members, the rest are members of the CFR. Clips of Hillary Clinton stating that we don't have to go far in DC to get their marching orders from the CFR.

Government is Corrupt to the core. Those who accept the Illuminati's deal for climbing the corporate ladder there for personal gain, power, wealth, and worldly things at all costs including their souls for eternal damnation.
The Bible speaks of those who are more concerned with losing worldly possessions/things have the most to lose.

Stephen Paddock's Mysterious Trip to Phoenix - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 14

Before the Las Vegas Shooting, Stephen Paddock traveled to Phoenix where he rented a car and drove back to Las Vegas. What was he doing in Phoenix? Did it have anything to do with the ATF gun running operations?

Other previous postings within this one. Please review and share.
Las Vegas updates with testimony and forensic acoustic proof of multiple shooters, Inside Job, Official Story is BS, 200 bullets hit security guard in leg yeah right, Podesta's son-in-law's brother as FBI Agent in charge of Vegas Shooting

Eminem awkward anti-Trump rant is distraction from real events behind the scenes, responses, Archie Bunker tried to warn us, bonus Illuminati connections with Blade Runner and Las Vegas False Flag Event

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