Vegan Wednesday Contest Entry from at @heart-to-heart ~ What Vegan Means to Me 🍅

What vegan means to me.


It means that when I look at what my weekly meals will be for my family, I think of how nutritionally dense I can make them.

It means that when I'm at the store, I read ingredient labels to make sure that eggs and dairy have been left out.

It means that snacking looks different now, and we eat raw fruits and veg, with a variety of nuts. And I actually like the flavors!

It means that we focus on a huge garden on our homestead, and have removed selling animals for meat.

It means that we started a spiritual journey we didn't even know existed.

It means that we've connected to the earth in such a way that we irrevocably changed, and value all life God has given in a new way.

It means that when we first got married and my father-in-all almost died of a heart attack and stroke, and I prayed my husband wouldn't have the same fate...that the Lord gave us a different path. He gave us a way to learn how to heal our bodies through the food He provides, and we can rest fully in Him on new level.

It means that as we grow old, our bodies don't have to age so harshly, and maybe we can be active well past our prime.

And it also means, that as I prepare the meals I carefully planned, that my Yeti husband will sneak attack a huge bite of cucumber!

I was standing right did I not see it?!

I know one thing is for certain, I may not be 100% vegan, 100% of the time...but I do feel 100% better than I have ever felt in my life.

Thanks for reading! This was a contest @heart-to-heart has put on to share in the vegan community! You can check it out here!

With much love,
Stacie D


Hi @freedomtowrite, how wonderful it is to see how changing your diet was able to positively help your family's health. That is the driving force for me in this movement! Thank you for sharing this inspiration <3

Yes! It is great to see how far we've come, and I'm sure you can relate! Thank you for the comment, it's nice to share something in common!

Following you path!
Have you turned that Yeti bitten cuke over to scientists? I am sure they are looking for evidence! Haha.

Great post...we all have reasons behind our actions...many folks could benefit from taking a deeper look at the why they do what they do... Understanding oneself is a great adventure.


You are right! I think it's so important to know why you do something, or you'll end up living a life a certain way, never changing, never growing, and only using the phrase, "Well, that's just the way I've always done it." to explain actions...that's potentially my worst nightmare haha

As far as the bitten cuke goes...I'm trying to hold the scientists at bay, but they are getting persistant! Haha

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