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RE: Why I am vegan and the reasons I don't agree with or get along with most other vegans.

in #veganism8 years ago

Very nice!

Personally, I lean towards vegetablism + fruitism, but I'm really trying to focus on food combining.

As humans, we are omnivores and can survive on eating just about anything that isn't overly poisonous to us, as made clear by the fact that most people live off of packaged foods that generally have a nutritional value of something less than the nutritional value of the box it is packaged in.

Yes, we can eat other creatures flesh.
Yes, we can eat vegetables.
Yes, we can eat fruits.

But digestion takes a ton of energy... and whatever you eat, if you avoid eating things that are on opposite sides of the basic|acidic scale together, you can seriously limit require digestive energy, giving your own system more energy with which to grow stronger and take care of problems.

While we can eat just about anything... eating what we are told to eat is about as far from healthy as we can get.


I very much agree. I am not sure where you live but I am in the US and diets are definitely generally very unhealthy. I myself need to make an effort to clean up my diet more. I was doing really well in the past but lately have been relying on fake meats and stuff too much. D: So, I am working on eating cleaner again. :)

I hear that. My main problem is getting stuck in the trenches of past routine. Fortunately, I'm making some serious headway and have gone from a size 36 waist to a size 30 waist in about 2 months due to doing what I know I should be doing rather than just doing what I'm used to doing.

I have expanded recently. haha. I have an exercise bike I bought still in the box in my room. I really need to get back to my prime. XD

I do have a problem with tending to want to eat the same things over and over, I need to diversify my diet more.

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