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RE: Why I am vegan and the reasons I don't agree with or get along with most other vegans.

in #veganism8 years ago

Thank you for the very thorough post!
This post hits on a LOT of points that I find to be very important and talk about regularly. As I have not yet made a Steemit post about it I shall invest some time here to touch on these points.
#1 OBVIOUSLY humans do not NEED cow milk! hahahahahhahaha
I won't even go into more detail about that as anyone who actually things one needs cows milk to be healthy is so far from ready to be real its not worth even addressing!
What I would like to point out about that topic is that while it is possible other animals milk can be healthy for humans if it is to be it must be RAW un pasteurized milk. This is a major topi of importance because not only is almost all milk these days pasteurized but its actually illegal to sell unpsasturized milk..People are not even allowed to make their own choice as to if they buy raw milk or not....The implications of this are profound...How can one POSSIBLY think that America is "the land of the free"???
If one were to do research one would find that pasteurization comes from the name of a man named Louis Pasteur who was pushing the pasteurization standards. Yet you will also find that after pasteurization became standard practice he admitted that he was wrong and that RAW milk was actually FAR healthier than pasteurized milk. So thats case closed right there.
People in America are more sick and unhealthy than EVER. Despite the trillions of dollars in western medicine and all the "advanced technology" used to treat the many unhealthy manifestations of modern humans. They just continue to get weaker and more obese. Now of course this is a generalization and all generalizations have examples that defy it. I am aware of this and am aware that there are people "saved" by western medicine. This does not mean there is not alternatives and much better ways. There are.
So I could go into much more depth there and probably will write a whole post about it soon!
#2 You are right that most vegans are stuck up and judgmental. They use it as a way to feel superior to other people. Again this is a generalization and obviously as you are an example this is NOT always the case.
What I want to say to that is very simple. Is a cat wrong for eating a mouse? Is an eagle EVIL for eating a fish? Of course not. So the POINT is proven that eating meat is NOT wrong nor bad.
With that being said, if there is ANYTHING wrong it is factory farming as anyone who does research will find nothing more disgusting than the conditions animals are in due to factory/mass production farming. Totally disgusting.
So while I do not judge people for eating meat I also MUST say that to participate in such a thing KNOWING what is happening is very very far from honorable. Because every single time you but/eat that meat you are VOTING for it to continue with your funding!
So I hope people without guilt seriously consider supporting such horrific realities.
The next thing I want to point out is that a vegan who buys an organic banana is responsible for killing FAR more animals than a man who goes out into the forest and hunts and kills a rabbit.
This is a VERY important point that most people especially vegans do not even consider. Just because you are not eating an animal does not mean you are not killing them.
So for anyone who has not already connected the dots on this one let me explain: A banana at a grocery store was grown on a corporate owned farm of which was once upon a time a wild eco system. That entire plot was burned or bulldozed to the ground and then mono crops were planted. So every creature in that NATURAL ecosystem was displaced or killed.
On top of that These mono crops require pesticides to keep bugs away, herbicides to keep away any other plants and fertilizers to boost depleted soils. All these chemicals directly killing creatures as is their intended purpose on the crops but are also leaching into rivers and lakes and oceans. These chemicals are then killing far more unintended creatures.
This is only the beginning folks....These crops are then harvested using machines running on petroleum. Do you know how many animals have died because of petroleum spills? BILLIONS! These crops are then packaged in plastic (more petroleum) if you don't know the effects of petroleum do some quick research.
These crops in plastic bags are then shipped on more machines running on petroleum....They then get put on more machines running on patrolled and shipped again, and again, and again....
Then they go to a store running mass amounts of electricity created by PETROLEUM! These stores are all run by global elite mega corps and when you buy it you pay them to continue their world devastating practices.
So I could go on and on about this also....
The last point I want to make is that I don't believe in judgement. It helps not. I only want everyone to be happy and healthy. Yet I also don't pretend. I will not pretend that these things are not happening nor that they are not dishonorable. I will also not pretend that people are not participating in them when they are.
What you all do with that is up to you. I wish you all the best~


Wow what an in depth response. I actually respect the type of people that hunt and then eat just that animal. They are doing so much less harm than the average American in doing so. I even once dated a guy who did this. I did tell him I wouldn't want to like see the corpse but I didn't try to change him or tell him he's a bad person.

Also, I recently found out about many different things that cause so much harm that I was unaware of, one is quinoa, and one is coconut oil. Quinoa I found out, I forget where now, is harvested mainly from some third-world country where people were relying on this food to survive and now they are harvesting it and sending it to us, in America, where we have access to tons of food with nutrients and do no NEED quinoa to survive. Also apparently primates are being chained up and trained to harvest coconuts. >_<

It is literally impossible to live in society and shop at regular stores and not somehow inflict damage/cause suffering and it WILL drive you crazy to try to eliminate it all. I know, I have tried. This is a big part of why I don't judge others. The computer I am using likely caused INCREDIBLE suffering to some poor kid in another country. Same with phones. There is actually a documentary called "No Impact Man" that I think illustrates this perfectly. So, while I feel personally better not eating animals I know I am still causing suffering to other beings just by living in society and spending my money on items. I would need to entirely leave society and live off the grid and grow all my own food to not make some negative impact....

So yeah, we all have our own ideals and set of moral standards and different areas that we may be super passionate about but ripping someone apart for feeling differently than you does no good whatsoever.

Of course attacking someone is no way to bring about a happier world. Yet at the same time settling for and participating in standards we KNOW to be dishonorable or unsustainable is not either.
That is why I founded @gardenofeden it is one of the most sustainable communities in the world now. Yet I would not have found it if I were not aware of the atrocity of humanities footprint and a desire to not be a part of it.
I hope you check out some of my posts to give you an idea of what I have achieved, why and how. There is much of great value for anyone who cares about living consciously.
Wish you the best and I will keep tuning to what you are sharing here.

Following and will go check out the posts later. :)

I hope to be able to provide content you find valuable and help improve your ever improving life!
I look forward to your feedback and participation!

Oh wow, neat I will definitely look into it. And I agree that something should be done. I don't like contributing to these things I just feel helpless. I will definitely be checking out your posts now.

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