Life Hack: Dessert for Breakfast! ☕(Vegan+GF)

in #vegan6 years ago

Coffee means breakfast right? I figure I've hacked the best breakfast ever, but I'll let you be the judge! 💖

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day they say but most breakfasts are just too boring. Oatmeal... smoothie... bacon and eggs (woah, that's not vegan!) so I decided to AMP IT UP for you...

Coffee... nuts... and coconut milk. That sounds breakfast-y to me! Life = hacked! (Ya, I know, I'mma genius, you can thank me later!) 💖

You know by now that I am completely, irresistibly addicted to desserts right? Would it surprise you to know that this only happened after I changed my diet?

I was never one for sweets and certainly wasn't about to order a dessert after dinner. I turned down chocolate bunnies at Easter, candies at Halloween and cakes at birthdays. (Weirdo, right?)

Funny, now desserts are my life! I LOVE making treats as healthy and good for you as possible! See, I just don't like all the not-so-good-stuff-for-you in there so it's my mission to take all that out and leave you with delicious, nutritious options that give you energy and happy tummies! (It's a fun job!)

That being said, cheesecake is a big favorite on the list of what people order after their dinners so here's my take! Mocha-chocolata-ya-ya 'cheesecake' (inspired by the Lady Marmalade song!). You better be ready for a party in your mouth because it's on it's way over!

Let's get it goin' on!

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What you need:


  • 2 cups almonds (soak 'em overnight)
  • 1 cup cacao powder
  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 1 tbsp sea salt

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  • 2 cups cashews (soaked overnight with those almonds!)
  • 2 cups coconut cream (you can make your own with coconut meat and coconut water like I did!)
  • 1/2 cup coffee (organic grinds)
  • 1/4 cup maca root powder (just for an extra kick!)
  • 1/4 cup lucuma powder (I like this fancy stuff, it's super good for you!)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup (I'm Canadian)
  • 1 tsp vanilla (or a small bit of a bean)

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I'm going to let ya'll go wild on this one. You can just take chocolate and smack it all over the place. Need inspiration?

  • Vegan chocolate bar/chunks/chips
  • I made mine from my own chocolate recipe which is basically cacao powder, coconut oil and some extra yumminess that I can share with you another time!

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What to do:


  • Put almonds, cacao powder, dates and sea salt into a food processor.
  • Pulse ingredients together until they become a sticky consistency like they like being together.
  • Press that flavor party into a ready for action baking dish. (Rub it down with some coconut oil first!)

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  • Combine soaked cashews, coconut milk, coffee, vanilla, maple syrup, lucuma and maca together in a food processor.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Pour a bunch of chocolate chunks into the mixture and stir them around. The more the better IMO!

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  • Pour the creamy mixture over the base evenly.


  • If you love chocolate like yours truly, add another layer on top for good measure (or two, I'm not against it!)
  • Place in freezer to set (think of it like vodka, you want it to cool down before you put it down the hatch!)

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I know it's hard to wait. I felt like a virgin on prom night while these were forming in the freezer... Wait. What? (shake my head...)


I'm impatient.

Anyways, they'll be ready to go in about half an hour to an hour depending on your settings so it's not terrible! Of course you can just stuff 'em in the pie hole without them freezing and being all beautiful. I'm not going to judge you!

If you can occupy your tummy with something else for long enough to let them hit the recipe status, they'll be these perfect little bite sized bursts of energy and you will LOVE them!

Enjoy! PS: Cover them if you don't eat them at all so the freezer doesn't go and burn them! The ice likes to eat them too! Who can blame it? They're delicious!
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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!
Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! 💖

Until next time!

Sending you love through food,

While you're here, check out some other great recipes!
Lucky Leprechaun Mint Choco Nice Cream Bites
Delicious Vegan Cheese Spread
Easy + Healthy Chocolate Pancakes
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Whatever it is, I just want to eat it as soon as possible if it is in front of me... it looks so yummy. I love it...

It's Mocha-Chocolate Cheesecake ;) Vegan, gluten-free andddd delicious <3

Yup! This needs to be in my face! Gorgeous.

WoW Excellent Post and excellent recipe and preparation! Thanks for sharing, you are my favorite! From Venezuela @ heart

Awww that is so sweet! Thank you :) I have plenty more of this where that came from! I love making delicious, good for you treats ♥

oh hi there; : )

Hahahahaha desert for breakfast is the secret of success. Although it seemed your mind was a little naughty when writing/waiting for these to freeze. Lol, that was sooo funny! I can picture you singing and dancing in the morning while making your master piece :)

Hahaha well I sure think so! You seem to be right about that my dear! Did I really write that? Wowsers ;) 💖

You are good! This is amazing. I wish to have this special treat when i spend my first morning in that apartment with you. Yaaaaay! I don't want to wake up to breakfast, i want to watch you make it, then surprise you with it, one morning. Haha. Well done my val. Totally love this.

Haha awww my Valentine! I have a big house! Plenty of room for you :) It takes me a while to make because I play while I cook :) You'll see! Have a great weekend 💖

Haha i like that; "you'll see", meaning you are ready for me. Yessss! It would be really amazing. Thank you my adorable val. I enjoy watching you smile in your pictures.

Desset for breakfast is everything 😍🙌 plus it's even better when it includes coffee 👌🏻

I know! It is totally breakfast if it comes with coffee ;) 💖

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