"Off, in other words, is the direction I would like you [to] f*ck" 😲😲

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

I'm a part of a couple vegan groups on the bookface, mostly to see all the local food options. And also you never know when a cool person might slide into your digital life.

I'm not really there for the debate and discussions, but sometimes they show up and it's hard to look away.

Being vegan is the rational, caring, healthy way. I don't want to suggest anything to the contrary. But a lot seem to get there accidentally, lol.


Oh, you were under the impression that we were all batshit control-freak loons? Sorry about that.

That post is just so good to me. There's so much projection and so many layers of ridiculous wrapped into one thing.

I don't know the whole backstory of the plastic straws and who said what. I didn't even know straws were a hot topic. But basically seems like:

He believes an absurd thing (that we should "ban" the use of plastic straws), and then it's shocking to him that there are people out there who disagree.

(Or whatever, we don't have to call it "absurd". We can ignore the truthiness and the merit of the belief. But either way it's certainly fringe, and as a person who is alive in the world and presumably has from time to time noticed what other people believe, you shouldn't expect that all thousands of these people in the group will think that way.)

I can say things that I'm sure are right and totally normal, and still I fully expect that some people will disagree.

So it's not enough that they want to be control freaks and believe in banning a particular shape of plastic; apparently it's shocking to them and an offense and a mark of being not so "cool" should any person not also think that.

It must be a coordinated right-wing plot to break up our veganism 😆😆

Couldn't possibly be that you said something kind of loopy and people naturally disagreed with it.

The thread began innocuously enough, with Tariq C coming in a grade or two above fortune cookie level.

And then it's unclear if OP Glen intends his comment as a reply to Tariq, or just a quick addendum in its own right, but clearly he's bothered by what the people said to him in the other thread.

Popcorn is flying in my mind, and I promised myself to try really hard not to comment.

(Once you break down the 4th wall and get involved, it can get much less fun. Now you're fielding replies to your comment and you feel bad if you trigger them and all that. Often I prefer to watch it run without me.)

Jae-won W did the "look at me, I'm above the fray and don't care about this but hypocritically am commenting anyways" thing.

And off was the direction that Glen asked him to fuck.

Glen's outburst here drew this reaction from Shannon G:

Funny, I was thinking he seemed like kind of a douche, but that this particular comment tree was kind of fair of him.

(He's emotional and absurd and should just not engage the comment, but he's correct that Jae-won's comment isn't constructive at all, that you shouldn't just change the topic to what you want it to be about.)

Jae-won is likely trolling, but there's nothing to actually defend about him here. The real way to be above the fray is to say nothing and screenshot the highlights onto Steemit.

I didn't completely live up to that tho. I actually DID break my silence, but only because I saw a comment that seemed spot on and I wanted to support them.


I actually mis-read it, lol.

That's what happens when I'm tired and smoky.

Something about the tone made it seem like they were disagreeing with OP, and I bobbled what they were saying in my mind.

I was so happy that someone in that group saw it clearly and understood that bossing fellow humans around isn't compassionate or consistent with the vegan ethos. But no, I read it wrong, lol.

It's a sick reply from me either way. It gets right to the heart of how insane this concern of theirs is. Meat and dairy farming is generally considered a huge carbon footprint (much bigger than straws, lol). And of course should be attractive to vegans for animal reasons even on top of that.

If you want the government to do something for the climate, there's plentttyyyyyyyyy of things they could just stop doing. War is another big one.

And these would both (1) actually matter and (2) be peaceful and not invasive and weird.

And (3) be good in general even outside of climate.


plastic straws, right? That's an important thing to push for.

It's important to them because it satisfies their need to be a busybody. If they actually cared about the planet (and about their vegan ethos), they'd never stop to be concerned about straws when wars and subsidies to cattle farmers are happening.

They wouldn't think that controlling people is okay, while they claim to be vegan and compassionate.

They're more concerned that the government isn't stopping a footprint issue whose impact is relatively trivial than they are that it's actively causing far bigger ones.

Pure, unfettered bonkers. (Unless you admit that being a busybody and a control freak is the point.)

And apparently it ended in ruin:

Way to carry the torch, Mrs. Glen.


Love it, it's like a blow by blow account!

I am so glad I hardly use Facebook anymore. We only have a limited amount of time, so I try and use that to engage with people I can learn from.

With so much information, so easily available, the level ignorance around these days is a personal choice for many. As they say, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink

ya, I try to tell myself that this Facebook group doesn't represent vegans, it just represents Facebook groups 😂

the smart ones stay away, and are less likely to comment when they do notice.

I tried dude, I really did. A couple of parts were a little too embarrassing for me to handle. I don't understand? I hope they read it after they write it..................

Haha. It's a good question. I wonder if people like that ever pause and re-read the things they write.

I think they just fire. Like it probably doesn't dawn on them to consider their word choice and how well they expressed their points and all that. Other people are supposed to agree with them "just because". Just because they'll get upset if you don't. So they aren't really in the business of thinking about their end of it and how they could improve.

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