Convince Me Challenge Results and Anti-Vegan ArgumentssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)


Dear readers,

A little over a week ago, I came up with a challenge which resulted to be a monumental failure.

I don’t think that it was because of the payout, because 5 SBD for the winner and 3 SBD for the second place seemed like an attractive bounty to me. So that only leaves the fact that it was a bit of a sensitive topic, as it involved an argument about ethics, and more specifically, it involved thinking about our behavior and evaluate whether it is right or wrong.

I know that this challenge probably wasn’t as appealing as talking about our bucket list or a funny memes challenges, but I hoped that it would spark an interesting debate nonetheless.

This challenge was an attempt at raising awareness about animal cruelty in the meat industry.

Unfortunately, none of the participants answered the question, and I was unable to pay out the reward. I will keep those SBD handy for anther contest I’ll organize in the future, which will probably be less philosophical (I really want to pay you guys!).

I personally love debating, because I think it’s a healthy exercise for the mind to come up with valid arguments to defend a point. Debating is a positive thing, and should not be confused with fighting or arguing.

When I was at University, my classmates and I were put in debate situations quite often, and we had to defend or condemn topics like the Hiroshima bombing on a regular basis. The exercise was not meant to just defend our opinion, we had to be able to argue for both sides, even if we didn’t agree with them. I believe that this exercise of “putting ourselves in the other party’s shoes” develops our critical thinking.

That's what I'm hoping to achieve here, only that I'm asking you to put yourself in an animal's "shoes" instead.

Thankfully, a good amount of steemians did participate, and exposed some interesting arguments about why they still eat meat, or think humans in general should eat meat. Some of these arguments I had heard before, but others were a complete surprise to me. Please allow me to respond to some of the arguments I’ve come across, and maybe we can keep discussing (not arguing!) this topic in the comment section =)

Argument 1: Plants feel pain too

Dear non-vegans, I’m starting with this one, because it’s my least favorite argument I hear from carnists.

Usually the conversation goes like this:

  • VEGAN: You should stop eating animal products to prevent animals from suffering a torturous life and horrendous living conditions
  • NON-VEGAN: Well plants feel pain too! You won’t have anything to eat if you think like that

First of all, bringing up one problem to neutralize another doesn’t work. You’ve just given me a totally different subject of discussion, which is entirely unrelated to the first one, meaning animal suffering. One species’ suffering cannot justify another.

It would be the equivalent of saying “what Hitler did to the Jews was horrible, we should fight antisemitism”, and someone answering “well the Tutsi in Rwanda suffered too”.

Now, I’m not comparing the Tutsi to plants, but I’m trying to make you see how this response doesn’t really make sense. I’m not saying that plants cannot feel pain (who knows!), but we’re talking about mammals here, who can cry, scream, play, communicate, be affectionate, and are intelligent sentient beings.


Argument 2: Humans have been eating meat for centuries

This wasn’t a history debate, and I honestly don’t know what humans ate hundreds of years ago. I also don’t care because many aspects have changed for the better for humanity since then.

We’ve made progress with regards to technology, medicine, nutrition and science in general. We live longer, we have toilets, showers, cars, basic human rights in most countries, and we generally treat our people and animals better today than we did hundreds of years ago. We now have animal rights associations and even animal protection laws in place, which did not exist “centuries ago” . Today you can actually go to prison for harming a domestic animal. Now we just need to take it a step further, and also include farm animals in these laws.

More importantly, we did not mass produce meat for centuries, that’s just something we’ve decided to do recently for profit. Therefore, what happened before doesn't justify how we live today, and it is something that can and should be changed.


Argument 3: Protein

I will not go into much detail about this one, because it’s basic mathematics. Google different plants and grains, check how many grams of protein they contain, and make sure to have your daily recommended value. It’s that simple. There are plenty of high level athletes who live on a plant based diet and are killing it, so there’s absolutely no reason to question the fact that they have all the nutrients the body needs, and more.

If you need to take a supplement for something (say B12 for instance), that’s no biggie. Most of us already took supplements before changing our diet, so I consider this to be a non-issue.


Argument 4: Farm animals would not exist if we didn’t eat them!

Ok, so this one truly baffled me. Not one, but several people have told me that they believed that it is still better for an animal to be born for a purpose which is to die miserably, than not being born at all.

Now I'm trying really hard take this one seriously, but it’s difficult.

  • Do you think that a cow who has not been born knows that it has never been born?
  • Do you think that the cow who has never lived is sad that it couldn’t live?
  • Do you think that one can think if one has not ever had a brain to think?

confused emoji.jpg

Argument 5: Humans are born carnivores, like lions!

I have 4 cats, and as much as I love them, I do not see any similarities between myself and my feline friends. They are furry, have extremely pointy teeth and sharp nails. They also walk on all fours, and have a tail, and if you put a vegetable in front of them, they’ll give you the stink eye.

Humans, however, look more like gorillas who are 100% vegan, since we're playing the game of comparing humans to animals. Humans may eat meat, but also eat their fruits and veggies. Gorillas or apes in general may not be good looking according to human standards, but the physical and behavioral similarities are undeniable.

You can also not discount the importance of basic instincts in order to determine whether we are more like lions or gorillas. Any child would want to pet an animal, and be reluctant to kill it, if asked. That's because we don't have that killer instinct in us. We just learn that eating meat is normal, and aside from hobby hunters, I don't think any human being would be capable of slaughtering an animal unless their life depended on it.

As Harvey Diamond brilliantly put it “You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car.”

Finally, unlike lions, humans can choose whether or not they eat meat, whereas a lion would die without it. The reality is we like the taste of meat, and that's about it.


These are the most common arguments vegans hear on a regular basis, and I’m sure there are plenty of memes to be found to ridicule us. I realize that this post will probably attract many haters, and that is not the goal. I hope that you can take this with a sense of humor. But if you want to debate about it, I'm all ears. Just remember, vegans are not the enemy. We're just a bunch of idealistic people trying to achieve justice for those who don't have a voice.

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Your arguments are very well put. I particularly like the first one and I feel like it is used a lot in discussions ie. the justification that something is done and is ok because something else awful is done, drives me nuts.

yes it's off topic and drives me equally nuts LOL

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eating meat is delicious and delicious, but I do not like it, I prefer to eat the same side dishes of vegetables. why I do not like meat because it can make our heart hard, hard in the sense of not being able to soften the heart towards the good, tend to be quick to get angry if many eat meat. that is my opinion as a layman.
thank you

For now I haven't eaten meat for three weeks. And I feel better as I notice that my stress level went down and my toilet visits went up :D
My reason for abandoning meat? Too many meat scandals going on on the area (Veviba in Bastogne the latest to mention), so I did some research and after watching "What the health", "Food Inc." and "Fast food nation" all combined with withnesses in the sport field (mainly basketball athletes) I decided to give it a try. No regrets so far and I am not missing the meat so far. I consider it as manipulated and not needed from what I have seen.
First reactions I received were my from my family like "what about your iron level?" and "we humans are carnivores".
I am not sure if I will go fully vegan as I believe that not all animal products are that bad, like the eggs from your own chicken.
But as said, I am currently investigating my path and it will take some time :D

I agree with you! I'm not 100% vegan either according to the definition, because I also eat cruelty free eggs from time to time. It's the only animal product I eat. That's why I prefer to say cruelty free =) I'm glad to hear that you feel good, and I hadn't hear about that latest scandal in Bastogne...but yes it's very scary!

About Bastogne, if you type "Veviba" in each Belgian newspaper, you will find the whole story.
And yes... it is scary and somehow makes me laugh as beef is supposed to be THE meat to eat for a real Belgian / Belgatarian. At least, that's how it is promoted, but the boomerang returns :)

OMG! Am I listening to some fairy tale! What are these cruelty-free eggs? Would you like to explain it to me? Is it something like a mock-meat?

Sure! They're just eggs from happy chickens =). The owner of the property where I live has a lot of chickens and sometimes we get eggs from them. They are completely free and are not slaughtered for meat (just in case!) =)

I dunno what you're saying. You probably know that the term "eggs from happy chickens" is a misnomer. Just think from where did the owner get the layers in the first place? Obviously, some hatchery. And hatcheries always slaughter all the male chicks as they can never lay eggs and are considered "industrial waste".

And what do your vendor do with the spent hens? Hens have an average life pan of 7 years but are generally spent within a couple of years. So do you think they die a natural death?

Apart from severe sufferings of the mothers of layers in the commercial hatcheries, free-range hens too are over-exhausted with over-production of eggs. In nature, a wild hen will lay only about 15-20 eggs a year. Check with your neighbour, how many eggs do they get from their hens in a year.

Finally, hens don't get to hatch their own eggs and all those eggs are stolen for human consumption.

Many small farmers too use artificial insemination for improving the fertility rate and to get more eggs.

In case you say that layers are never purchased from hatcheries, then these farms need to hatch some chicks from their eggs too. So what happens with male chicks is anybody's guess.

Even if chicks are not slaughtered (though it's difficult to believe as it will make about 80% of the chicks non-productive over a period of time and will raise the cost of raising them manifold over), it doesn't grant us any right to steal their eggs. How can it be called cruelty-free is beyond me!

If the only purpose you buy them under the guise of those being cruelty-free is either taste, convenience or nutrition then you must be aware that these days there are so many alternative recipes available on the internet to receive all these benefits and pleasures from plant-based dishes too. However less you may be consuming those eggs, we shouldn't term them as cruelty-free and strive to eliminate their consumption at a personal level. Would like to know your reason to consume eggs.

I was expecting that comment =). My whole diet is plant based aside from the occasional egg.

I live on a remote island in Panama, and there are no hatcheries here, and chickens are not commercialized. All is very rural. The chickens roam free and die from natural causes in the jungle (aka snakes and other predators, or disease etc). They also reproduce freely. Of course I realize my situation is not mainstream, and that it's not the case for most people.

Chickens lay eggs regardless of whether there is a rooster or not (technically eggs are the period of the chicken!), so the unfertilized eggs would go to waste otherwise. I've seen this first hand finding rotten eggs lying around. If my scenario were any different I would not do it. I hope that explains it =)

Interesting to hear that. You live in a beautiful place ...right in the laps of Nature herself..

Nevertheless, I still don't agree with the cruelty-free part.

Almost all industries start in a similar fashion. Initially, there wasn't any cruelty involved in the dairy or wool industry too, from that perspective.

But the truth is that since everyone can't access such "cruelty-free" produce everytime and everywhere, the seed is sown for the commercialization of animal farming. Even Panama is continuously seeing an increase in demand during past years and is currently importing poultry, eggs and other animal products, feed etc. to meet its rising demand. The next step is to set up commercial farms and the Government there is already helping to make this happen soon with several subsidies and improvement in infrastructure.

So even if you think that your consumption of animal products is benign, it doesn't set a good precedence for others. And when something is short in quantity, it becomes a luxury. And when it gains the status of luxury, prices gets higher and commercial farming becomes a profitable opportunity.

By the way, how do you recognize an unfertilized egg from a fertilized egg since both looks the same? In fact, even birds can't recognize the one from the other.

Actually, if you will look into the history of chickens in your area, you will probably find that they are not natural breed but these breeds were manipulated to produce unfertilized eggs by humans. Birds in wild rarely lay any unfertilized eggs. Bird would lay eggs only in their respective breeding season.

Unfortunately, because of human manipulations, these domesticated breeds of hens are forced to produce huge quantity of unfertilized eggs which is not natural and not good for their bodies in the long run. So cruelty is intrinsic in the production of eggs. Over time humans will keep devising ways to increase their harvest from these birds.

Beside this, all birds and animals should live "free" from the subservience of the humans in any way. Why should we need to dominate upon these beings? Let them live their life independent of humans in the wild.

Currently, I can guess that it must be a very small percentage of incidents of chicks being killed by a snake or a predator because its "owner" won't like it to happen. It's a loss to him / her. So every effort to protect them will be made by the owner.These living beings are considered as a personal property with a sense of ownership. That's where exploitation begins.

I'd like to write a few more things here but I know you know it all and this reply too is on expected lines. So no point in going on further 😊.

So tell me how's like living on an island? Isn't fishing in a sustainable way considered human? Fish must be a prominent part of the diet there. How do you deal with such a scenario on a day to day basis?

Wow much to say about this =) We could chat in discord, but just real quick, I do not agree with fishing and for me, the killing of animals is never humane or acceptable even if it's "sustainable" in my opinion.

IMHO, this contest is an excellent idea to peep into the logical minds of meat-eaters. You should keep rolling over this contest week after week irrespective of receiving any valid entry to it.

thanks LOL. It's exhausting TBH because people just want to argue and are not very logical most of the time...

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Good, very well put arguments. When the millions of people supported by the karmic necessity of working for a living in the various meat industries are offered an alternative equally comfort providing career, then it will become de rigour to be vegan. But since your ideal presents so very many difficulties in a karma bound society that would Not yet have enough food for everyone's comfort, then as you yourself said, it is idealistic. It would be grand if we were all vegan. It would be grand if we were all peaceful. It would be grand if we were all in heaven¿ We are all here to learn our own karmic state. There are better ways of changing harmful animal cruelty than railing at full who couldn't afford to do anything but agree intellectually, and continue their way if life economically. You do realise how very lucky and privileged you are to have choice and to be able to be vegan? I do not condone the industry of providing meat to my table, but am pretty sure the society I live in would not condone the methods I was trained in if I should not buy my meat in a shop, but go hunting it. 😇 It is more about convenience and economics than actually choice of vegan or non-vegan. I had a girlfriend tears ago, now, who prepared food for my sustenance while I was at work. Great food, fantastic! Vegan diet, on the table. But time, and economics, after we split, and my lack of interest in mathes for calories, and money for wastage, and time for knowledge not on curriculum ever, meant I could get a little meat with various vegies to fill the stew, and provide five days food in one pot, and get on with my very busy life. My father's father's father's father's father's, back to our ancestor's god's ate cow-beast. It is the first letter of one of my peoples alphabets. Rustling was a way if staying alive thousands of years before whites ever saw the American west. Today there is still a common saying in the bush that the best food from That side of the fence (meaning your neighbour's cow tastes better),not that thieving is a good thing, but make me six good friends who all righteously pay gov't taxes on time and without grumble. Everyone, has not the betterment of an ideal to apply their passion to.
I neither condemn nor condone, but live my lot as it has been given to me most gratefully. So the way to change the industry is to get a speaker with powerful adherents in to gov't. Haranguing public who do not have the luxury to afford your ideal is not conducive to change.
But, hey, that's all opinion. I could be wrong or right, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that each understand their balance of karma and how they may effect change upon themselves. I cannot afford your ideal. I am sorry, would you like to cook for me, while I barter that with you for some skill I have.?? 😃

thanks for your reply =) May I ask, why is it more expensive for you to be vegan?

Clean fresh food cannot be bought at one meal or one day's meals in sizes that do not waste. And nor sizes that are affordable. I live often without the expense of air-conditioner, do Vegans? Meaning, I do not have a freezer. Bread is not bread, but made with water and sugar and preservatives. No freezer. I buy a little meat and cook it once a week. That is savoury with steamed veg. Salad is not eaten often because I've neither garden, pots, not green fingers. Fruit I can get in abundance, old 'fresh' from supermkt, or off the local farm, if someone is passing them. I don't drive most days. And farming farms are over five miles away, so they are not that readily available. Sometimes salads are available if one of the retirees gives me over abundance from his allotment. To buy bananas for instance, when they are grown in the region can be done from farmgate but not outside farmgate unless in shop, where they have been cold stored for 'how' long¿ and still not edible for up to three days after buying. In my locale, raspberries are available all year round, but not necessarily without great time and expense. I cannot do the mathes to eat balanced meals, and therefore cannot buy a day's worth. I live healthily Thank-you. I've on walkabout, eaten worms, grubs, lizards, frogs, birds, crocodile, camel, cow, goat, donkey, horse, Kangaroo, snake, and things I don't want to think about, that I am assured had active ingredients and/or protein. My ancestors bred and stole cattle since we were gods, before the dawn of our present history. If you want to be Vegan, that's grand, more meat for my family. If you want to prepare meals for my family, what would you take in barter? 😇
If your wish, your ideal came to pass, abreq ad habra, half the world would starve, mostly not because the world lacks food, but having taken their usual food and their livelihood, you have begun a war, and the aftermath of war is death and famine and disease. So wishes have to be approached objectively. The rich, lazy westerners will not countenance your taking their livelihood nor their meat. So get an educated politician ( oxymoron, I know, but) and raise awareness of all vegetarians to join with all vegans, to apply pressure via gov't. Absolutely no good trying to apply your ideal to more than one individual at a time at this level, because their unbalanced karma is such they mostly cannot afford monetarily or time-wise to apply your principles. Perhaps get together with like minds and begin a cheap and inexpensive vegan and vegetarian restaurant with cafe and savoury take-aways that are cheaper and less expensive for an individual than shopping and preparing themselves. Today, economics and convenience rule, ok

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