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RE: Steemit and Content that "Adds Value:" What it IS, and Why it MATTERS

in #value7 years ago

Value seems to be objective in my opinion. What one person finds a valuable post another my think is crap.

I've been contemplating this very topic recently as I've seen an increase, real or perceived I can't say for sure, in posts I am not particularly interested in. Many are from people who have been around the block here and are interested in the future of Steemit as an investment.

There is nothing wrong with taking a picture and posting it, but I fail to see how that adds value to the platform itself. Although I will admit someone who values art as a whole might see it differently.

The unfortunate thing I've seen and wondered about is when flagging enters the picture. Someone flags someone because they don't think the post is worth the reward value it's being given, yet there were 10 other people who did think it provided value, or at least trusted a trail leader to find value.

I just don't know if there is or can be a clear delineation in something that seems so subjective.


One of the things I didn't really touch on in this post is the reality that Steemit represents the "gamification" of social media... due to the rewards. And just like most games, some people play because they have a really good time, and some people play ONLY "to win."

On Steemit, we could experience that as two primary "factions:" The content creators and the money makers. Don't get me wrong, we're pretty much ALL here to earn rewards... but what's our "lead play?"

My lead play is "creating content" and the rewards will simply follow as a consequence. Or not. For those who are here to "make money," first... the content is more formulaic and simply "what they have to do" in order to get their rewards. If the paradigm changed tomorrow and the site became about "making tacos," they'd switch their strategy to making tacos in a heartbeat... while the content creators would probably just leave.

Flags are tricky and personal. I only use them on spam, plagiarism and fraud (like ID theft, fake accounts) because those are things I disagree with.

Gamefication, that’s good, says a lot in a little package.

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