The Anti-Vaccine Movement Is Winning. I'll Tell You Why :)

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)


Allow Me To Give You Some Hope ~ We Are Winning The Information War About Vaccine Dangers.

Do your research and refuse to be bullied...

And remember, we are the many, they are the few. Keep on pushing the truth, many are waking up because of everyone's tireless efforts!


Hey, watched this a month ago and thought about it when I was working in the field and this is what I have been meaning to write:

The real winners are the children who have parents who are not willing to accept the status quo, parents who do their due diligence and research and not just accept what society shoves at them. I think it's less important whether or not they are vaccinated in the end and more important that they have parents who are real advocates for them and really decide with their own brains what is best for the health and well-being of their own children.

The important thing, to me, is that parents are well-informed and get to make their own decision and that it is not forced upon them by governments or corporations. If a parent chooses to vaccinate their child once they have all the information, I think that's fine. The problem is blind subservience to the "authorities" who tell you that this is what you need to keep your child safe.

Look into it for yourself. Your child's life is worth it!

Brilliantly said @anarchrysalis! Thank you so much, your understanding and empathy have brought a bit of a tear to my eye.

Thank you Lyndsay! I really love your blog. I gotta get a jam out there for you! I've been really focused on the crypto markets in the evening and educating myself about some financial things....Wow, what a crazy world. All this stuff and I think most people simply want to be happy and healthy and safe and why are there so many barriers to these fundamental needs? Keep on fighting the good fight!

Ah, that sounds awesome and like you've been really busy! I can wait for the jam, it'll come when it comes <3 <3 <3

Yes, you are 100% right, we just want to be happy and healthy, and there are so many barriers to just meeting our most basic needs. Hopefully blockchain and crypto can help to free us!

I sure hope it can help us and I think it can if we are willing to help ourselves. You've got to check out this series of videos called The Hidden Secrets of Money with Mike Maloney on youtube, if you haven't seen them. It will blow your mind when this guy lays out the world economy and financial system. He makes it very easy to understand.

I will check it out, thank you Very much my cool buddy!

For sure my Nova Scotian pal!

@ lyndsaybowes The purpose of my comment is to augment and give teeth towards your intent. In 1985, I came to Maryland in the U.S. for a visit and had essentially been based there since, give or take dozens of extended trips, etc. Shortly thereafter, I was assisting someone with a custody battle. To prevent involuntary vaccinations of her boys, I ordered the-then-out-of-print-work, Vaccine and Serum Evils by Herbert M. Shelton.

Enemies of the Truth favor demonizing the messengers. Mr. Shelton certainly had many flaws. However, the documentation inside of the cited work was and is still irrefutable. Armed with the knowledge that was gained in this education, ALL families, and individuals who were part of a loose, but tightly-knit community rejected the dangerous and sometimes deadly concept of vaccines.

Along the way, one of my customers, who was agnostic, informed me that he was able to secure a “religious exemption” for his son against any vaccinations. This man was highly knowledgeable about health and diet. I have used the Spiritual Exemption for folks ever since. It sidesteps the health debates.

During this same period of time, I was an advocate of non-radiated foods. Spices were a big problem, in particular. Then, I fought against hydrogenated oils. The lamestream media is comprised of massive corporations. Their key people have memberships in the Council of Foreign Relations. The lamestream media is anti-free-speech. The feral gumit, the media, and all their lackeys use words of art. Eric Blair (George Orwell) boasted of this with the term, Newspeak.

We lost both battles with the media as well as a few years ago with GMO labeling. However, we won the war in the marketplace. For example, McCormick, a two-front resistor now produces organic, non-GMO spices; even eschewing corn syrup.

Back to the media and the like: they try to define the terms and the cubbyholes. Beat them at their own game. Instead of being labeled “anti-vaccine,” use pro-immune system. Call the media: anti-free speech. Recently, the Man-Satan (Monsanto) got caught having an army of shills and ghost-writing “scientific studies.” Lay the blame on the anti-free speech advocates. The same applications go against the fraudulent “safe-vaccines” studies.

Thank you so much for this top caliber comment. You make such good points and I really like "Pro-Immune System" I'm going to use that! The mainstream media is most certainly "anti-free speech". Thank you for adding to my verbal arsenal, I will spread these terms around as much as I can. I'm grateful we met @aedroberts!

Great comment @aedroberts. Definitely a top caliber comment @lyndsaybowes .I've done a considerable amount of research myself on vaccination but I certainly need to do more to become more knowledgeable. Please forgive me if this question has been answered in a documentary or book but....I've always wondered why scientists and creators of vaccines could not come up with a delivery system that is devoid of mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, aborted human & pig embryo cells and various other elements that are toxic to the human body. I would be more amenable to listening to the pro-vaccine side if there were a somewhat healthy less toxic vaccine. What is the argument...that those elements are necessary as a delivery system to carry the disease? Human beings are extraordinarily intelligent. Can we not find a better delivery system than the toxic one that currently exists? Can we not find a better option?

@josephmcconnell If one listens to or reads Len Horowitz, he even states that he is not "anti-vaccine." What is the salient point for him is the irresponsible lab industry. Contamination has been perpetuated for decades. LH stated what let Robert Gallo, the creator of AIDS, off of the hook was the massive paper trail. The cover-up was by the government and others in the aftermath, in the interest of national defense, etc. When LH spoke before a group of retrovirologists and reported his research, they viewed Gallo as a Dr. Frankenstein. Billy Jeff (Clinton) would go on to pardon him.

As Dr. Horowitz has pointed out, those in favor of massive population reduction have circled the wagons around vaccines to do the trick. It's whack jobs, like us, who have largely kept this from happening.

Great information. I will do some research on Len Horowitz's works. So...I guess the answer to my question is, Yes. A safe, non-toxic vaccine could be created but that would go against the agenda of profits & depopulation.

@lyndsaybowes What an excellent and hope filled post! I really think they overstepped the mark with the HPV vaccine, previously the damage was caused to babies and children who have no voice. Now it's happening to healthy teenage girls that are able to speak out hence many more are beginning to listen. Again thanks for sharing such an uplifting and inspirational post .. keep up the great work!

Yes, you make a really good point there about the HPV vaccine! The tide is definitely turning. I feel so sad thinking about all those girls...and boys who will suffer injuries from that shot, least they can speak out.

Thank you so much for being a voice of reason and hope in this crazy field. I hate...HATE the media portrayal of "anti-vaxxers" like we're a crazy bunch of uneducated, ignorant "hippy folks" who have not done the hours and hours of research that we've actually done. Thank you for continuing to spread the word. Thank you for being one of the MANY voices of reason who see that the Big Pharma information that we are spoon-fed is questionable at best.

And thank you for staying persistent even though it feels like the whole world is against you/us. You are so strong, and together we will make it through :)

How did I miss this for 3 days?!
Great work and a great message babe, you know how I feel about the scumbags at big Pharma.
One days these dirtbags and their bought and paid for politicians need to be dragged into court on assault and manslaughter charges for the damage they have done and continue to do. If someone dies as a result of these forced vaccination programs and they knew the dangers they should be charged with murder and fried!
Makes my blood boil.
Good on ya babe.

You've got that right. There needs to be Nuremberg style trials for these fuckers.

Great Video. The key difference between most "anti-vax" and "pro-vax" people is that one actually did a ton of research to come to their decision. The other takes the word of an organization that has been killing and lying to people since its existence and, for some reason, thinks they aren't lying to them or killing them this time.

What a breath of fresh air you are Stephen King, I appreciate your use of logic and reason. :) Yes, this is the time the proven compulsive liars are not lying to us...LOL!

I think anyone that does even a small amount of digging they will find the dangers of vaccines. Anytime I bring this up to a medical professional it is quickly dismissed! Our pediatrician was actually aggravated but the subject being brought up, as if it was total nonsense. Well all he did was flush a 10 year relationship because I didn't trust or respect him after that. I think more and more people are waking up though, talking to 'normal' people about this I generally find people open to hearing about things.

Way to go for being so blunt with your paediatrician and refusing to be bullied or even swayed by him. I'm also grateful that you bring the dangers of vaccines up with people that you meet. It's folks like you who are really helping change this paradigm. Thank you so much.

The big pharma people know what they're doing, and they're doing it on purpose. They're making life long customers for their various products. They don't care about human life, they only care about continuing profits. This is an example of unregulated capitalism. It's all about the profit margin.

Go Lyndsay! It's working! Yeah. 🐓🐓

It sure is Mother2Chicks!

*Commences happy dance!!

You have worked so diligently on the vaccine movement. I am doing the happy dance too! 🐓🐓

Awwwwwwwwesome! And those cute little chickens you always send me sure make me smile...been great knowing you, and your little GodChicken Don King, is doing well and asks me about you often... hehehee

Tell Don King the girls say hello. Any idea if it's Don or Dawn yet? We still laugh about those pictures you posted. 🐓🐓

:) Hoping for a Dawn! Haven't seen her mating anyone yet, or trying to cockle-doodle-doo so fingers crossed!! A lot of the other birds who were born around the same time as her are beginning to show their Rooster signs, shan't be long now :) :) :)

You know Mr. Pendock is hoping it's Dawn King.

This thread has gotten way off topic!

We don't vaccinate our chickens either :) There, back on topic haha. Mr. Pendock tips his tiny top hat to you @Anarchrysalis! :)

Let's hope Don doesn't try shaggin the chikens. Haha!🐓🐓

Fingers, toes, and beaks crossed!!

I am curious, where can I find more information? Thanks Lyndsey.

if you go on youtube watch the lectures by dr. suzanne humphries. She is a highly educated nephrologist who left conventional medicine to start her own practice after learning about vaccines

Thanks I will be sure to check it out ;)

And on Steemit, be sure to follow, and look through the blog of @Canadian-Coconut!

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