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in #vaccines7 years ago

Rima E. Laibow: "Vaccines Are A Complete Fraud. Don't Poison Your Child!"




So far I've only listened to the first 10 minutes, but just wanna say - I love this woman!!

She's brilliant, isn't she? She's the one who brought it to my attention that mandatory vaccination is in violation of the Nuremberg code.

I haven't finished listening. but its on my list for later today.

Still more to come. This is a two year old interview. I thought I would start in the more distant past and move forward.

Not only no but Hell NO!
Do you drink sewage?
Same thing.

If I were you I'd stop airing my ignorance in public. This record is quasi-permanent, and anyone here can see it. If you don't believe something, it is usually better to use reason, logic, and data to back up your argument, than to call names or answer with absurdities. It would be as useful to, if you didn't believe in electricity, to stand and shout 'bogus' at an electrical outlet. It's not an argument that holds water.

your logical fallacy for the day is strawman (and others but you know that.
And I didn't call anyone anything.
I think you did.
take your own advice.

I think you'd better look at the structure of your own non-argument, and see the 'drink sewage' straw man, and the 'bogus' a priori statement, which does not even rise to the level of argument, and in the realm of argument can be rejected outright without even addressing it as a valid assertion. There was no evidence presented in your unfounded assertion, therefore it has no merit whatsoever. A fallacy would at least have enough merit to deserve refutation. "Bogus' has none.

If I'm so wrong and you are so right why do you bother with me?
Have I touched a nerve?

You know what? Your right, I have other things I could be doing.

I agree about the sewage and TV. Usually people who follow the mainstream narrative are watching TV, which led me to ask that.

yup...TV is meant to control what you think. They've admitted it.

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