Boycott Blue Cross Blue Shield! Doctors make as much as $80,000 bonus for fully vaccinating children.

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)


Doctors make as much as $80,000 bonus for fully vaccinating children.

In case you missed it, here is the link to my last post regarding vaccines...

If this doesn't make your blood fucking boil then I don't know what will! This is sick! FUCKING SICK!

I don't know about you but I'm ready to start lynching some of these fuckers around here. I live in Arkansas so as founder of the TRUTH Party I'm bringing back Judge Parker!

We have 80 million armed Americans in this country so why haven't we done something about this!? HELLO!!!!


Pan Ran...

See how these tyrants run like cowards when we confront them!? Yet 80 million armed Americans can't put a stop to this sick shit going on in our country right now!? You let these sick and depraved evil people just sit back and do this! SMH

I hope every fucking doctor in this country who is not speaking up about this gets sent to the guillotine! If you can actually sit back and tell me that you can make the conscious decision to choose your own career, your own greed, over the lives of our children giving them all a genocidal death sentence... Oh It's JUDGEMENT DAY!!!

Just like all the good cops sitting back and not saying anything about bad cops killing and tazering people. There are NO good cops! There are no good lawyers! There are no good doctors! The "gray man" philosophy is FAKE ACTIVISM!

The few good doctors we have are being assassinated. How many holistic natural pathic doctors have been killed mysteriously in the last decade? TONS! Almost 100 now I think. WHY!? Because they don't push these evil vaccines. They are curing the diseases, the autism, that these vaccines are causing. The same way they are curing cancer. They have been suppressing cancer cures and killing hollistic doctors for almost 100 years now. Think about it: Dr. Royal Rife, Edgar Casey, Wilhelm Reich, Harry Hoxey, Max Gerson. BIG PHARMA put a stop to those great hero's! We can't have cures now can we!? NO! That doesn't make the BIG PHARMA killers money does it? And now BIG PHARMA owns Monsanto so they can give you cancer and force you to buy the treatment for it. Giving them even MORE money! This is how sick this shit is folks! Am I overreacting!?

Don't judge my actions before knowing my reasons...

Long story short, Corporate Fascist America has declared war on us. This is out back lawless Nazi Eugenics taking place here in America today. I don't know about you but these are the kind of people I'm going after once SHTF. When we rise up and finally put a stop to this is when I will start celebrating the 4th of July again.

If anything, I hope you learned something from my ranting. If not, get a good laugh. SMH

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
rainbow sheriff3.jpg


For those who don't know... The CDC is a private company and NOT at all affiliated with the US Government. They have a patent on 57 vaccines. It is a Nazi Eugenics SCAM!!!

howdy there @hippie-witha-gun! wow, I did not know that the CDC was a private company. My wife's hairstylist had a healthy grandson, then the day after he was vaccinated he instantly became autistic. such a money-sucking scam.
totally agree with you Rainbow Man but I'm charging my vote today, will catch ya later!

Howdy Jonboy! Thanks for your support. Sorry to hear about your wife's friend's grandson.

thank you sir, keep pumping out the truth!


A good thing to state here is who is deciding the legal determinstion here if one does not consent here?

Judges, HAVE to rule on the side of the constitution (you), for vaccination schedules are usually provisioned at the state level.

This goes hand in hand with what I wrote today about CPS. Marbury v Madison.

If a portion of the law is unconstitutional, the whole "law,provision,statute" is unconstitutional.

No fear my radical friend! Thousands of men and women agree with us.

Rainbow hats off to you my friend!

You just keep on ranting my friend. You know where I stand on this. We must all practice the words, "No thank you". This applies to just about everything offered to us by our overlords. Just politely smile and say "No thank you" and then calmly walk away. This is what I do. If that doesn't work because they insist or want to argue I ask them for the password. I then tell them I can not discuss the matter further unless they have the password. They then think I'm nuts and leave me alone. I don't care what they think, I didn't become the next victim of whatever harmful bs being peddled. You just keep on screaming the truth my friend.

Thanks for your support Squirrel Bait! What's the password??? HA HA Funny shit!

Thanks for your support
Squirrel Bait! What's the password???
HA HA Funny shit!

                 - hippie-witha-gun

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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