Vaccines Promote Cancer Growth -- Artificial Suppression of TGF-beta signallingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

The Vaccine Package Insert of every vaccine says that it Has Not Been Evaluated For Carcinogenesis.

This means that the vaccines they are injecting into your baby could cause cancer at some point in their life, but the Pharmaceutical Companies don't want to bother looking into it.

The rise of cancer in children in our modern day is very alarming.

A Study done by the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 2005, Duel nature of TGF-beta signaling: tumor suppressor vs. tumor promoter, shows how there is both a positive and a negative effect on cancer tumors from suppression of TGF(Transforming Growth Factor)-beta signaling.

Vaccine scientists seem to assume that suppression of the body's natural signaling mechanisms (TGF-beta) benefits immunity ...

... because it suppresses the protein that inhibits natural killer cell production;

however, this artificial blocking of the TGF-beta signalling actually causes tumors to grow!

As the Study above showed, TGF-beta signaling has a Duel Nature.

Suppression of TGF-beta ALSO prevents immune surveillance of the developing tumor.

Vaccine Scientists have focused only on the positive effect and not investigated the negative effect.

I wrote an article here on Steemit a few weeks back, on how Pharmaceuticals Work By Telling Your Body LIES and how those lies eventually cause harm.

In the case of vaccines (which are a pharmaceutical) TGF-beta signalling is artificially blocked (on purpose) by vaccination in an attempt to build better immunity to the virus ... but we now find out that the artificial suppression inadvertently allows cancer tumors to grow.

Read the article below by Dr. Dave Mihalovic for the full medical and scientific details of this process and the University Study:

Why Infants Need Natural Immunity: How Vaccines Actually Promote Cancer Growth

Further Reading Below about Vaccination & Cancer:

Do Vaccines Cause Cancer by Fearless Parent

Testimony of Raphaele Moreau-Horwin & Michael Horwin

For More Stories Like This One, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

Great article, this info needs to be passed around to as many people as is possible.

Thats crazy and interesting upvoted.

Interesting .. What do you think about the possible link between vaccines Nagalase and cancer?

I'm sure that Nagalase causes cancer and it seems that some vaccines are contaminated with it (probably not on purpose.) And what I didn't talk about in this article yet, is that common vaccine ingredients themselves are known to cause cancer, like formaldehyde.
... HOWEVER, what stands out to me about this study and discovery that I posted in this article,
is that "Green The Vaccines" is impossible. Even if they took all of the cancer-causing ingredients out of vaccines, we are exposed to them in our food, air, and personal products. Our body always has to fight off cancer. But the Vaccinated person will be less able to properly fight off cancer as the vaccine has tricked their body into suppressing TGF-beta, whose job it is to detect tumors developing in the body so that an attack on the cancer can be mounted.

Then how do we explain the suspicious death of the holistic doctors in Florida? Also suspicious that the GcMAF factory was shut down during the same time frame. It is a theory but a very interesting one with evidence and doctor testimony..

I thought that the holistic doctors were being murdered because they were successfully treating Autism and/or Cancer. I know that at least one of the doctors discovered the Nagalese connection and used that info to help his patients. The Pharmaceutical Industry doesn't want people turning to alternative medicine. I'm not sure what your question is Jamesc. I guess that I haven't investigated the murders as deeply as you have.

Great, that sounds consistent with what I saw. I just want to mention this so people will know it is something else to consider.

I think it's only more evidence that viruses cause most of the cancers we see today.

happy to hear that, make sure everyone got that vaccines, I'm campaigning about cancer in my place, thx for your knowledge.

Proof of your wild claims?

I left some links in my article for further reading and investigation. What I wrote here is just a summary.

None of those links are acceptable primary sources. Just a bunch more nonsense. I will keep waiting for you to provide actual evidence to back up your claims.

Your only acceptable link is, however there's nothing there to suggest vaccines are related (note that I cant look past the abstract as I do not have access to current opinions in oncology).

One of the links is a University Study. Read it and decide for yourself.
If the pharmaceutical companies or CDC want to prove their research incorrect, then they should finally do the studies so that they can write on the Vaccine Package Inserts that they have shown vaccines do not cause cancer. At this point, they admit that they have never done the studies.

I just found this medical study that shows that vaccines do try to increase Natural Killer Cells. Of course, I can't read the whole thing.
"Boosting vaccine efficacy the natural (killer) way"

Some vaccines do. Though I do not see how this is an issue, the article does not present it as an issue at all. In fact if you read the article the authors are infavor of determining a way to BETTER activate NK cells to allow for increased protection against a variety of diseases that currently vaccination is not effective against. They list: TB, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and HIV as potential targets for better control over NK targeting with newer vaccines.

Currently vaccines largely function through stimulation of antibody production by memory B cells, which then target the NK cells with those antibodies. Creating "Memory" NK cells that are pre-targeted to threats would be advantageous for protection against a variety of currently un-preventable life threatening diseases.

Edit: I would like to add the article above is not a study it is a review. No actual new results are reported therein.

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